Wednesday, December 30, 2020

My Grandmother was right. The older I get, the more intollerant I am of myself.


 And, this COVID-19 thing has pretty much tapped out that buffer zone I always maintained. So when that happens I sit down at the keyboard and let it all flow on this blog.Well, not everything. There are some good things that I still enjoy, like Butter Pecan Ice Cream and Coconut Cake! I guess that isn't that bad. Or, talking to an old friend, Milly, after her tenure as a sectional write of the Nancy Drew Mysteries. Milly. I've wanted to reach out to you so many times over the years. I know you must be looking down an just shaking your head. It was things like this that we talked about when the city desk was slow news wise. I Miss you Mil.

What has been nagging me of late is that I watch the news (local mostly) and some of the specialty shows where some guest are interviewed in studio on the air. There are those that I simply say, "not on my TV." The David Letterman replacement for one. Colbert thinks he's funny. Actually, he's pretty sad as a host. Jimmy Fallon is another one. Letterman and Carson had class. These two yahoo's don't even come close to class.Fallen, for one screams all the time. He can't be excited in a normal tone. I like Ellen but I don't like her games where she splashes her participants into the gooks some producer cooks up. Pitiful. No way is it funny. Actually, it plays on peoples emotions and I don't like that. Never have. Never will.

It might sound like I am an old stick in the mud. If you think so from these, my past couple of paragraphs, I'll forgive you once. But don't think that I don't have the right of my opinion just as much as you think that you do also. Having said that, it brings me to my main point.

People don't listen to what they say. Then they wonder why there is so much confusion all of a sudden. It all started with my 11th grade English teacher. She is the one that agreed with me on that very point and used me as an example in here class to prove to the others and drive home that  point,"people don't listen to what they say." Since that year, it is the only thing that I note about people in a conversation. For years, I just let it slide. It wasn't worth the time or the energy. If they could not understand the point that the English teacher was trying to make---and it was a very valid point as I found out from her being the go-to-student for that kind of thing. 

During the pandemic when I sheltered in place after my surgeries, I watched more TV than I normally do. But, almost instantly, I noted one phrase that people being interviewed seemed to be using like a broken record. "Welcome to the show," the host would say. The cookie cutter replay from the guest was always , "Thanks for having me." My reply was, "She/He didn't have you. Your mother did." That phrase insults every mother when their kid tells someone else that some one else had birthed her/him and didn't even realize what just came out of their mouth. Women used the phrase more than men but even the men of a full range of ages did also.

Then, suddenly, last week, I was watching an interview about COVID-19 from a board member of one of the larger health insurance companies of some sort. I almost stopped dead in my tracks. The host did his normal lead in. "Thanks for coming today," he said. The the earth beneath my feet rumbled. The guest replied, "Thank You. It's a joy to be here today." The air just seemed refreshed suddenly around me.   

Former Dallas Police Chief, David Brown.Now,  head of the Chicago                                               Police Department. This was a good man!

Chief, you said, "don't forget the shoes."  Here they are, Sir! Happy New Year, too.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

The Monk Parrot In the Header Picture

 Yes, it is a parrot. There are many stories floating abound including one I started just to see how many times it would come back to me. Surprisingly, I stopped counting at 42 times. 

They are an amazing bird. I fell in favor of their breed when I was in Brazil where parrots come in  small to extra large. Parrots in Brazil seemed to me to be like our English sparrow only much more colorful and more grace as they are larger in size. They were everywhere. It was mind-adjusting to see the parks loaded with them.  So, after seeing them spread here in the Dallas area,  it got me more interesting in the "real" story about the amazing little bird that builds 400-pound nest condos where as many as 20-mated pairs live, usually on top of cell towers or power line rigs. If you have ever seen there nest, it is a quirk in nature that such a small bird can out do even an eagle. But, they are native to South America. Not blown in by a Hurricane or migrated here for better food lots. Which was the initial concern to the Department of Agriculture. As it turned out, they have no interest in crops. Rather, surprisingly, the threat of them took the utility companies by surprise. They like the coating on cables and of course, the massive nest building efforts. One utility worker say they spent the morning cleaning out the nest in a power station only to discover after lunch that the little birds had already started rebuilding. They can cause power outages in some rare situation. Managing the nest seem to be the best solution rather than cleaning out the nest altogether.

 Another interesting fact is that they are an invasive species. Originally, they were introduced into the US as an exotic pet. Personally, the only pace we should be able to see exotic pets is in a zoo, or in pictures taken in their native country. Better yet, spend those miles and fly to the native country for a short trip. They were introduced into the states in the early 60s as a  dime-store pet. And sold as parakeets because of the exotic pet classification. Finally, in 1992 ,importation was banned. However, some individual states tolerate sale and breeding yet today. I can remember the old Woolworth five and dime,  the father of K-Mart sold them in the back corner of the stores with gerbils and fish. All the kids knew were to go in the store. Mom's tried to get them out of there with sometimes having to give in and buy the cage and the bird, or settle for a goldfish or/and the cheaper cage, a glass bowl that would hold about a gallon and a half of water was a good second choice for most. And, yet, they even sold the little boxes of fish food. The had every base covered. 

To finish up the bird story, They have an amazing range of temperatures. So does Brazil. Any way, in the states here, colonies can be found in US states: CA,CT,FL,IL,KT,MA,NJ,NY,OH,RI, TX,WA.  A total, that's 12 of the 50 states. In Dallas, I know of two colonies that are larger than 20 birds. One is, of course, White Rock Lake. The second one is at the Ron Kirk Bridge near Trinity Groves, just west of downtown. 

One thing I notice about the large colonies is that you can hear them in the distance long before you can spot one. They are friendly to some  as they have a life cycle of 20-30 years and get to where they recognize peoples patterns. I did notice last fall before my hospital tenure, that there were several baby birds looking out of the bottom of the nest opening. They can lay and hatch up to twenty eggs in 24 days. The colony count must be much larger today. I have not been able to get the lake to take a photo count WOW and another WOW.  (As seen in the header picture, You might have to enlarge a bit, but when you do you can see the birds head turned with that eye on you and even has his left claws raised as if he is waving). Yes, when I am around them, I do talk to them and they do stop to listen after they got to where they recognize my pattern with the camera or how I never run up on them where they fly off. I have some that do take to the trees but hold the territory and once in a while if the pickings are good in the reed beds, they will even stay attached to the stalks of the reeds, eat and then look up, then go back to eating. Smart little birds to say the least.

Thanks to the Texas State University System and the Texas Invasive Species Institute for help in proving accurate info. I also learned, that they track the drought resistant Buffalo Grass which is invasive and will kill out grass and native species in a heart beat if left uncontrolled. I just saw the Garland Library replant a corner in Buffalo Grass. Now, I'll keep an eye on that.



Myiopsitta Mpnachus  Monk Parrot




Family: Psittacidae

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

It's Been A Super Busy Week because

 I've had gremlins  running through my cables the past three weeks. It took a lot of work but one was caught and the mess was put back together. Then, while I was resting after that ordeal, there was another trigger that pointed to yet another one. I tell you, those little gremlins can run at light speed. But, dang it, caught another one and in only three days. I have that second mess put back together. The surprisingly little gremlin war even allowed me to get my backup order for groceries ordered in before Christmas, since the last order day is tomorrow up to mid afternoon. 

As if that wasn't enough, however, we have had three days in a row of beautiful clear blue skies and mid 70°F. I headed to the bus stop, grabbed the Red Line South and got off at the next stop. I had been wanting to check out this one spot at the end of the off ramp from LBJ 635-E at TI Blvd. It's a T-type stop and if you race to catch the light you can't stop. The cement barrier walls with the bright yellow paint and  arrowheads at each end of the black bar, will. Reading the signs you know to turn left or turn right, but don't go straight. To date, Tex Dot has replaced the barrier no less than 10 times since the ramp opened.Yep, there is already patched concrete and new bolts in place. Ready for the next car that wants to butt heads with the barrier wall again. The guardrails looked like twisted spaghetti after the first two or three times, hence the cement barriers like those in the medians separating lanes etc.,etc. 

From there, I could not decide to walk to the next station south like I have been doing, or walk home and explore the repairs from the F-3 tornado just over a year ago. Much is still not repaired in some spots. The Presbyterian Church that lost its beautiful steeple only has a stub left and that is so sad-looking, architecturally speaking. I just kept walking and looking for shots. Still, there were worthwhile shots.

My walk was just shy of 5 miles again. But it will be another week before that 70ish temps returns. A cold front is moving past tonight. We have dropped from 74 and will bottom out at about 30ish tonight. It was delightful out, but the wind was the problem. 30-40 MPH. I can tolerate a little cold. I can tolerate  a bit of wind, but put the cold and the wind together and I'm done.

The Silver Line that will run the new European electric diesels across the old Cotton Belt tracks from Shiloh Road in Garland to Ft. Worth. broke ground this week with the first  piling in the ground complete. And with Elon Musk now a Texas resident officially, the Bullet Train from Houston to Dallas should have an interesting person watching from his drilling company. It is testing its own.  Looking to lay track in his tube devise.

It is getting exciting finally as more and more trains are coming on line to the present three and soon to be four trains that are covering 5 counties in North Central Texas---the place to be.  Not that weird place that wants to stay weird south of us. They have West by Southwest once a year. We have Deep Ellum every night of the year for nearly 100 years to the tunes of Blind Lemon and others including the Greatful Dead that recorded one of his songs that makes reference to Dallas and Deep Ellum. Not to mention up start bands and the jazz scene, too.

We also got a look at the helicopter taxis that was to have been Uber's magic hat trick, but they have recently sold the company  that was to run the show to  another company that almost immediately showed off the animated design. It's a typical helicopter with little stubbed wings and a  lot of cool stuff.  I'd ride one. It's hard to know what a ride would cost at the moment,but I'm thinking that it would be something close to a ride in the City (New York City). We might be able to put a pair of silver spurs on those in the executive suites and get the price down somewhat. You never know. Know what I mean Vern? Oh, you know what I mean. Vern, knows what I mean. This is Texas after all Y'all. 

And to close out the exciting future with more exciting future news, Texas is getting a space academy to train pilots that will take commercial paying passengers into space. It's on a 14-acre site south of here--- and that weird place.

I'm so excited I'm getting out one of my first digital cameras and looking at the lenses.I'm thinking that I'll  trade those lens in and up grade my newer digital camera body. Gee, if I can continue to walk 5 and keep loosing weight and feeling even more young than I feel, then I can keep up to those old reporters I once hung out with don't you see?  

So many exciting things going on, I almost forgot to mention that Oracle is coming to Texas with their headquarters.Texas, sorry they picked that weird place, but they will soon learn that 35E will get them here in about a 4 hour drive. If the bullet train gets finished in two years, they can be here in about 45 minutes. 

This sign picture that follows is just a few yards from TI's (Texas Instrument) south campus. The north campus is behind the photographer going the other way. The train station is just a few yards going toward the north campus. That is a bit more than 3/4 mile of plant. And the station where I got off is adjacent to TI property in every direction. The buses serve both plants as shuttles.

Well, I just hope every one has (or can make) the best of this Christmas season. The first one million have been vaccinated already in the first week.   



Thursday, December 17, 2020

I Ask You. Does It Really Matter?

 I heard one of the most absurd surveys I have ever heard today. For that--- you get to see some unusual and wonderful Christmas decor. It was a reminder that we are coming up quickly on the Christmas Hour and I didn't have one image as a header on our blog. 

Now, the absurd survey was about candy canes. What way to you eat them? Hence the title because for me, and others I'm sure, how you eat your sweets is a personal choice and if it is some like the old social queen---alright, I'll say it out loud---Post, Emily.  She published more books because she found some one that is an "expert". Today there are experts on all the news shows that haul their items into a news studio and get their 5 minute spot before the cameras. It's a good thing that I have become an old man because I can get up or just sit in my desk chair and flip the remote to OFF. Which I do more of these days. 

As for Emily, she even was the founder of the Emily Post Institute. Imagine that. Beginning with 1. I bet she could make mince meat out of  how to do that  candy can routine.  I won't leave you hanging on this one. There are four ways to eat one. 1. The top, where the hook is. 2.Start at the bottom and eat upwards. 3. crush the cane and eat it like a broken cracker. 4. Break the straight shaft in half and eat one now and one later, Or my way # 5, you can go to u-tube and let them make a fortune on your answers or you can just do your thing on the U and even issue a challenge to some sucker (pardon the pun). Personally I'm gonna eat mine any way I darn please. 

Now, the much bigger question is: how are you gonna eat that bicycle wheel? 

Thursday, December 10, 2020

City Line One Two Three


The New Regional Office Complex with up to 10,000 employees for State Farm Insurance on the line between Richardson and Plano. The complex is surrounded with trails. While the DART light rail has a station there, The new DART Silver Line is underway not far up the tracks.It will use all electric diesel locomotives and will use the old Cotton Belt Line to go into DFW across the northern part of North Dallas. I sure wish this was summer. but it will come soon enough. 

I  walked the trail between the CityLine/Pres.George Bush Turnpike south to the rail station at Galatyn Park Station where I re boarded the Red Line coming back into the City. The trails are nice but unmarked. It was during the last part of the walk with my camera that I began to see trail marking locations. Richardson is on the ball. They marked the old trail, which was expected for Richardson and they didn't let that section of the train down for hikers and walkers.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

An Apology to our readers,especially.

Hi, folks! I had a derailment over a week ago with some hacker(s) who not only took down my site backroom operation (planning and image selection) which doesn't upset me that much. I can rebuild from my backups and such things, but my one agent that was attached to one of my accounts was not only upset, but now has activated a complete security sweep. I do apology for some idiots actions. I also have involved AT&T's hacker(s) people.  So with that, while it might be a little inconvenient for me, I can be assured that they will eliminate the problem in steps over time. It is sad that someone is so self-centered that they resort to things like that. It can be an ego thing or an addiction, I know. So, I don't get mad or upset once I get the problem related to the right people at large. That has been done as of this past week. Envy, jealously are like drugs or alcohol. I find it interesting that hackers use a gift and knowledge in such an unproductive way. 

Tomorrow, in Dallas, we will be in the mid 70s (74°F tomorrow and 78°F on Thursday). I plan to be out shooting. Not only to maintain my shooting log but for the health of it all. I have lost 48  pounds since further changing my diet and walking 5- miles a day. True, it's the holiday season, but the media buyers are already on their spring calendars. I try to shoot all four seasons when I am out on the current cycle that buyers follow. Like yesterday, I walked to the mail box and used a lighter weight camera that I could fit into a hood jacket pocket. I got two excellent shots that are for next fall, but I see tonight, that one of my editors has already begun the process of publishing the images.  They will preview now, but they won't be purchased until late spring and summer. Unless the buyer is filling their monthly subscription plans. So,  don't you see, photographers have favorite buyers, favorite buyers that buy from favorite agents as well. When I see things out of place season-wise, that are not in one of my portfolio's I will shoot it and move the file to a file folder that I can go through later to better serve my buyers that follow me. I'm always looking for something new that fit in what theme my buyers have purchased from me before. I do it for those buyers. In short, I do try to take care of their photo needs to keep them in the forefront of new material of the same themes that they like to follow.

So, again, let me extend my apology to each of you that follow our little piece of the world here for not being there when you were browsing here to see if we had posted. Especially, after all the time off with the 5 surgeries from last Thanksgiving up to 10-15-this year. We love our readers and those that come back even. I happen to have a stock (after all, that is what we do---stock photos) image just for you. 

Enjoy the holidays and as we move into 2021 in just a few short weeks ahead, the process of getting the COVID-19 vaccine is underway in the UK and will start here in a less than a week. We do thank the people at American Airlines for helping deliver the vaccines the world over. And, hopefully, this time next year, we will all be back to normal (what ever that was for you) .





Sunday, November 29, 2020

Corn and Cob Have a Presidential Pardon, however

- - -  many of the rest of the flock were roasted at 325° until done. Of course, I'm talking about a few

                           Wild Turkey along the Trinity River Basin near the Medical District

turkeys---animals. It happens every year. We humans have a name for it---well, at least for Corn and Cob. They are now officially: Rescued Turkeys. I find no small bit of humor in that. There are 200,000 pets who are referred to as rescue animals but the fact of the matter is that many will not ever find "their forever home or family" or be pardoned like Corn and Cob. The pandemic has kept 13% of the one million plus animals in shelters from being rescued this year. Rescues finding new homes are down that much.

Meanwhile, Corn and Cob will live out their days at a university farm in Iowa. At least, they will get a lot of corn kernels and might even get lucky to have some wheat grain from time to time. In short, they both have a lot to be thankful for this year. More than their fellow turkeys or their canine friends who hunt their fellow cousins,the free and wild turkeys that roam the edge of forest and corn fields. Their feline friends waiting to be rescued don't have as much of a complicated past. But, they need to be rescued also. 

The point is, even we humans are just a part of the food chain. I have always believed that each cell, be it human, animal, fowl and more, is just a  smaller part of a bigger picture we cannot comprehend overall. Our minds are not ready for that now, if ever.  

This is the first year that I have not cooked a full turkey in 20-years. Still, I had a full traditional meal downsized to be grateful and to he thankful. For several years I was always missing something from times past and just could not put my finger on what it was. Then, through a mix up in a grocery delivery restored by original choice, that item, as well as those cut short because of a system failure, was delivered the following day after marking more than half my order the day before as "out of stock".  

Nearly a month ago, I had ordered in a 3-pound frozen turkey breast, green beans, potatoes to be cooked and smashed to perfection later on in the month, cranberry sauce, and a few other items. So, I had anticipated something like a malfunction happening along the way. The small fill in order was for a fresh pumpkin pie and another item that turned out to be that item I had been missing for years and couldn't account for the longing to have that missing mystery item.

On Thanksgiving morning when I started to pull together the kitchen order of the day, the mystery item revealed itself to me. Instantly, I was smiles from ear to ear and as my dear cat had heard me say from year to year before her passing several years ago and when I would talk to here over such happenings, " There it is!"  That

smell of yeast rising throughout the house once again. Mystery item identified by smell.

Since coming home from the hospital, I have cut out bread altogether but I had already decided that on Thanksgiving and Christmas this year, I would have home baked yeast rolls to go with my meal. My grandmother could do wonders with yeast and rolls when I was growing up. I had long decided that she was responsible for my love of smelling that grand smell. As it radiated throughout my house,she had once again pointed me to what being thankful for is more than just a meal. It made my meal complete however. I still cook from scratch so planning meals is not a task for me. 💝 Christmas is coming and that smell of rising yeast rolls will again fill my house.💝 Merry Christmas Corn and Cob. You have escaped another table as centerpiece. Thank goodness!

Monday, November 23, 2020

Lookout! Arthur Gordon Is Off The Shelf Again.

That's right. I took Arthur Gordon off the shelf again. It does seem that his writings have been thoughts to ponder. Both, in the past and in this period of uncertainty. We are now finding ourselves more confused that ever before. While my faith usually lights my path, sometimes, I'm looking for the more simple translations that theologians develop over time. Arthur Gordon has done that. Out side of the bible, Arthur's little book that came to me from a true friend many, many years ago. Alright, more specific, I've been marking the margins and ear cropping pages for 30 years in this copy. The original was copyrighted in 1974 and it has been picked up prior, though not from my own bookshelf. It's strange how things like that work find something and like it and then through the movement of time, you are delivered to the point of re-discovering through the kindness of a friend. But, this time, you are not going to let it escape from your grasp. Hence, The on- and- off of the book shelf, this work continues after another third of a life time. 

Recently, during a discovery mission, I came across another maker of quotes. I like her style much like I like Arthur Gordon. The thing about these two is that one would seem to think that the both of them knew each other and wrote for each other. Now, I'm pretty sure that isn't the case, but the point here is that they run in parallel in some ways that seem to fit like a jigsaw puzzle. That second author is the former long time partner of Gore Vidal, Anaïs Nin. In fact, I just made a post about the Duchess of Sussex  that also reads Anaïs like me. Although, I have probably read Miss Nin for many more years than the Duchess. 

Chapter 6, "The" Gift of Awareness" is the source of much of this theme. Chapter 2, "The Gift of Shared Wisdom" is more dominant of the two chapters. In the chapter, there are four rare encounters Arthur writes about. But, don't miss the keystone of the chapter in the opening introduction page. Arthur wrote that, "In those rare encounters a spark would jump from another person to me." He continued, "Actually, I don't think the setting made any difference. The spark jumped, or it didn't. When it did, it left me changed".

Still in Chapter 6, is one of my most favorite quote, but I was ask by a great University in Israel  to take down the quote because it violated the Intellectual Property Rights of Albert Einstein. Image that. But, never being one to knowingly do that, as my images are also intellectual property, I took the quote down out of respect than any other reason.  But, I can and will continue to site Arthur Gordon's words and book because it is something that needs to spread, especially in a world  that we live in today. If I had a reverse action to Arthur Gordon using one of my images here and there, heck, I'd go shoot a book cover for him no questions ask. If it helps sell a few books for him along the way, I'm a team player here for sure. But, it is in this chapter, number six, that Arthur entitled, "The Deadly Art of Nonliving" that is today's lesson of wisdom.

Arthur Gordon starts out by saying, " Eccentricity has virtually vanished from the American scene." He continues by saying that ," Part of the blame, without much doubt, can be laid squarely on the doorstep of overprotective parents. In hundreds of thousands of homes, I'm convinced, well-meaning fathers and mothers blunt their children's eagerness and sense of adventure with endless barrage of don'ts "  And Arthur Gordon has hit that nail on the head once again. 

As he sums up,"Our ancestors were mercifully free from these merchants of doom.Nobody warned our grandparents that they had better watch every drink because one out of fifteen social drinkers becomes an alcoholic." Gordon goes on with other comparisons that help drive that nail right on the head in truth more than we know some three generations later that find our kids being hoovered over by parents who are afraid that their little snow flake is going to get the Corona by going to school but don't fear that a train load of mental health worries is more real by keeping the kids in home study. I know. There are always those that are going to miss the point outright but it took us three generations to get to this point and its going to take us four more generations to get out of it even if we start right now. Sad. Oh, so sad. 

But, in concluding, Arthur hits the nail squarely on the head once again. " How can I rouse my people make them yearn for something more than pleasant,socially acceptable ways of escaping from life? How can I make them want to thrust forward into the unknown, into the world of testing and trusting their own spirit? Oh, how I wish I knew!, There's only one answer, really. Each of us must be willing, at least sometimes, to chop wood instead of sitting by the fire."

 No, I haven't forgotten about Anaïs Nin. (long-time partner of Gore Vidal.)

#4: Each contact with a human is so rare, so precious, one should preserve it. 

#2: Each friend represent a world in us, a world not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.

You can see the source for Arthur Gordon's book on our web page under the tab marked Writings

Gordon, Arthur.

     A  touch of wonder

1.Meditations.    1. Title

BV4832.2     242    74-23794 

ISBN 8007-5172-8 (pbk)

Copyright                       1974 by Fleming H. Revell Company, Old Tappan, New Jersey


Sunday, November 15, 2020

Thanks to the No Mask Wearers for Todays Text

 I've felt pretty safe from the Corona riding the buses and trains. However, this past week I have noticed more and more people not wearing their mask. What is even more interesting is that most of the politicians that seem to think that wearing them has allowed us to open up the economy, which is a good thing, yet, they are the very ones that wear the mask until it is time to speak, then they cast the mask aside as if nothing was happening. Joe Biden is one. Kamala Harris is another. I'm not pointing them out to be political...rather, to point out the old adage: "do as I say, not as I do." 

On the bus and the train on Thursday after my doctor's appointment, I noticed many without mask and it is a requirement to ride DART. Yet, there were no fare police checking and no DART officers checking about mask. So, with this coming week being perfect autumn weather and with Dallas County doubling the number of cases in one day to 1500, I'm not going anywhere but my porch. It's going to be a long winter, folks.

It was obvious at the Notre Dame vs.Clemson football game last week when there was 100 yards of human flesh neck to neck and shoulder to shoulder on the field celebrating the victory. Now, I've been in the "big house in Ann Arbor" and I know what 112,000 people feel like and look like. Since Notre Dame was okayed by U of M to build their stadium as an exact duplicate of Michigan Stadium, there was a clause that only allowed Notre Dame to construct to 3/4 scale of Michigan Stadium, or "the big house". So, take away 25 percent from 112,000 and you still have 100 yards of human flesh...most which did not have mask on following the rush onto the field. Ironically, I was also in the "big house" when Michigan gave Wisconsin a big whooping 63-0. Ironically, Wisconsin plays the Maze and Blue this coming week and the Badgers are favored to win. But, I'll go out on a limb here and say," they ain't gonna win no 63-0, folks"

Therefore, one of those beautiful days will be spent in the house watching the game, but I would rather be out walking with my camera, especially this time of year with this kind of weather. But, the risk has just increased so, that I would be a fool to go out any farther than I could walk. It really is frustrating that people are so self-centered that they not only risk their own health, their families health and the health of others that have as much right to be out and go as they do. But after all, that is what self-centered is, isn't it? 

I'm truly fearful that our economy is going to tank. The handwriting was forecast some 18-20 months ago when the early signs that the economy was going to tank. Now, one of two things: either someone had insider info that the virus was going to happen, or no one paid any attention to the economist that follow this stuff in the big think tanks. And, as always, someone is gonna get rich in the long run. The question now, is who? Those are the ones that I keep a close eye on, because as mom taught, "those are the ones you want to avoid in life".  And, the older I get, I see her wisdom come full circle time and time again. 

Now, to be perfectly fair about the comments above, my goal was to have 10,000 images on line by the end of 2020. At the time that goal was set, I didn't know that 5 surgeries and a pandemic later, I'd be hard pressed to meet that goal. But, I am a fighter and my work ethics have always been extremely high. So, with the determination and the drive to get things done, I set out to accomplish my goal. Yes, here it is: "I was a bit self-centered myself." At this writing, I have, with the help of some of my agents, published to date, 9,990 of that 10,000 image goal. Which reminds me, I need to update that in my profile on Twitter. So, what happens then? Well, that's still  is in the synopsis of my inkwell so-to-speak.

Finally, someone ask me the other day why I didn't list my pictures (there words, not mine) on Flickr? There is two simple reasons. One, its a way some photographers monetize their images as workflow. I do the same, but do it in a much different form than most. In fact, I might come out just a bit more than my Flickr friends. Two, ever look at the images on Flickr? There are a couple image houses whether they know it or not, like Google and Flickr that are building photo image bases that are their assets with or without your copyrights. It's called "assets" just like the one in accounting. Just like your 401 is your asset, your image becomes their asset over time. It's gotten so out of hand now, that I don't even concern myself with it anymore. What I do concern myself with is that the reason I don't list with Flickr at all (et al) is that most of the shots are nice and pretty and places that the photographer probably will never see again. I happen to like the wagon wheel approach where you watch an area change over time through your images. That is why I choose the "ole wagon wheel"  in the first place. It affords me that opportunity to see changes in an Urban setting. It is like going on vacation vs. coming back home where your roots are, your house is, your friends are, and yes, your love of photography capturing your world on a daily basis. That's where the coffee table books got started and has changed over time. I remember the Toledo Blade published a 'coffee table book' after the Kennedy Assassination, named, "The Torch Is Passed". I  knew then, that as much as I loved photography at that time, that to see my work turn into a coffee table book of images was just not my thing. However, it came to mind with perfect harmony when the photographer that shot the parking spot of Air Force One while Kennedy was on his last limo ride, was searched for and found so that the actual coordinates could be calculated from the image so that a bronze marker could be placed in the tarmac at Love Field, here in Dallas. That's the kind of history an old photographer like me likes to contribute to history. And as some say, "make ripples" so you are never dead... line.  Like Beethoven or Handle with their music. 250 - years later Beethoven is still on the human tongues of humanity. That isn't self-centered at all. That is just good stuff still riding on his ripple wave in time. 

My grandfather in 1888 at the age of 4 years. The image is from the original that I have actually

held when my grandmother surprised every one that she had cherished most of her life before passing it on to my uncle. My mom had this copy made from that original some time after 1952 when my grandfather passed. My grandmother knew that my mom would not be getting the original 1888 image, so she gave her permission to my mom to have a copy made from  a profession lab. This picture hangs on my living room wall today. While my grandfather was a business man and ran a grocery story in a corner of several cotton field where John Grisham's  "painted house" was centered, my grandfather was also a United States Marshall that quail hunted with major league baseball figures from pitchers like Preacher Row of the New York Dodgers to the boys of  Detroit and  St. Louis and Chicago teams. I still remember being in our kitchen when the phone rang and my mom answered to learn that my grandfather had passed away within the past hour. I remember my grandfather being in his bed covered over and  seeing my grandfather in his casket for the first time before anyone else, the funeral that packed the Methodist church,both inside and out and being at the grave site where he was interred. My mom is next to him at that cemetery and I will be laid to rest next to her. Three generations of us together. My grandmother, several years after his death, married her boyfriend from school and is buried a 100 miles away. The whole cemetery where my grandmother was laid to rest is pretty much her whole family so she is not alone.  My dad is buried in the National Cemetery in between. So, the three generations were meant to be together. I cannot help but think that the Trinity of Graves  came about with some divine Intervention. There are three types of divine intervention based on this view: Big showy miracles, ordinary displays of God's mercy, and one act of love so powerful it gave us the reason for our faith.I like to think that the divine intervention that I'm thinking of is the latter --one act of love so powerful it gave us the reason for our faith.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Commuting Like Clockwork

 The last two days have been doctor's appointments from South to North. The planning to make the trip to the doctor's also was to allow added time to do some exploring and shooting. Long story shorter, it all worked like clockwork. Yesterday, however, was the reward for the planning after the chip failure of the day before cut short my shooting. 

Somehow, I scheduled my appointment with the cardio electrician later than I had planned and did not allow for the shortening of the days sunlight. Also, the appointment ran almost three times the normal length and by the time I had  finished, the sun was setting and I still had a bus ride, a train ride and another bus ride. As luck sometimes work on your side, it did mine yesterday and I caught my bus, my train and my second bus as if they were waiting for me. I was far enough North that the train ride figured in as an option actually worked to my advantage and cut a half hour off my trip. As it ended, I walked into the house from the bus in the dark and my house was even more dark. I had failed to leave a light on. For years I set a timer, did not replace the old timer when it wore out because I was never out past dark.

Now, the best part. Not only have I managed to successfully cover a doctor's appointment that has been a worry, of sorts, since giving up my car but, it turned out to be better and worry free having fulfilled the actual first trip. Most of all, it opened up new doors for shooting in the spring time through next fall. I'm excited for that fact alone. Talking to my doctor he was stunned that I could navigate the Metroplex without a car and confirmed to me that what I had accomplished was "very interesting, interesting indeed". 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Walked 5, Tacoed Lunch at a Hospital Cafe and Ran out of Digital Room

 That's how my day went this Veterans Day. It was absolutely beautiful outside. Walking White Rock Creek Trail was interesting and I was really getting back into the swing of things when the shutter on the camera would not click. Looking to see what was wrong, instantly, the message would have normally sent me scrambling but there was no need, I could see clearly, that I had failed to put the extra chip case into my backpack. I could not even be mad at me.

Before going to bed last night, I made sure that all the batteries were fully charged and packed the things I need on the trail. Water, being a must year round. How could I forget to check the space left on the chip in the camera? Much less fail to see where the extra chip would be. You see, I have had to change out two or three over-the-shoulder bags because of the weight limits. The doctor had instructed me that I was not to carry any weight heavier than two half-gallons of milk. So I re configured my camera bag; then a little larger one as time went on. I know, how much does an SD chip weigh some of you are thinking. That's not the point. The point lives in the confusion it brings to the mix. Weight had nothing to do with the weight limit here with that chip and case. But,confusion will snag you every time. That's one reason I will take order over confusion all day long. But failed to do so, today!

So, leaving the house earlier than normal, I had a bowl of raisin brand with granola before heading out. By 11:30 I would have two hours before my doctor's appointment. So I walked back to the front of the Hospital and headed to the cafe area where two restaurants share a common seating area with plenty of room to social distance. When it was time to order, lunch became  a  trilogy  of chicken tacos with the first pop that I have had since given them up in March. I am a sports fan of people watching and so, the tacos were eaten slowly enough that I could enjoy not only the tacos, but the time it took to eat them rather than that hurry mode that most of us get into over time. In fact, I was watching several that came into the seating area with their lunch bags find a table, sit down and opening those Tupperware containers. In the past year, I cannot remember having such an enjoyable lunch.

After leaving the cafe area, I moved out into the Atrium. There are several large fountains that have polished wood benches around them.The three fountains all were covered with coins in the bottom. Well wishes and hopes for family members were obvious and the art displays I have not paid much attention to of late so I did enjoy that too. I could see my doctor's suite up on the third floor from the Atrium. I don't like being late to appointments.Never have. Never Will. So by the time I grabbed one of the elevators that was empty, I headed to the appointment about 15 minutes early. Got an excellent report and the worry about cancer went away, although that is two near misses in the past year. 

On leaving, I found the bus stop closer to where I came out than the one I used to go in from my walk. It was on to the train station to catch my ride home. Walking into the house, I had been on an outing that passed my previous outing elapse time by yet another hour. This was my longest outing to date and only three and a half weeks from my last surgery. I was a happy camper. Everything had clicked like clock work with the exception of that blasted chip that I forgot to pack last night. You see, if I had checked the storage space last night,even, I could have deleted the files since they were already uploaded to my cloud. But, since I had shot for nearly two hours or more before the camera alerted me, I could not delete anything until I had unloaded the files of today to the cloud. It's that catch-22 syndrome, or better yet, "A dollar short and a day late". It's still a syndrome because by definition, a syndrome is a group of signs and symptoms that occur together and characterize a particular abnormality or condition. The particular abnormality is my brain cat napping or my condition is that of muscle training that doesn't respond like it once did because I  lost it because of ill-use. So, the final analysis of the day is that I am near normal as a human being that lets a simple thing like a little SD chip call out to me: Hey, Putz! And there is no way I can deny that after such a perfect day. 

Monday, November 9, 2020

Stunned at the Openspace of the Arts District is Gone

 It has been nearly a year since I explored the Dallas Arts District gumshoe style. While I do like to see the growth that Dallas is undergoing and what it brings into the fold of being a Dallasite, the Flora Street corridor has all but encased the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center with high rises. Coupled with the additions to the Diocese of Dallas' Cathedral of Guadalupe at Ross and Pearl, even that pedestrian walkway is now all but gone. Let's not even begin to talk about what has happened on the south side of  Klyde Warren Park at Pearl and Woodall Rodgers specifically. Medium high rise luxury residents are now anchored in downtown on the south side of Woodall Rodgers.

There was a wedding going on at Cathedral Guadalupe so I avoided the east side of Pearl, instead wandering from Klyde Warren farther south to Pacific. It will be a couple of weeks of walking down there before I get a complete handle on just what has grown, what has been replaced or moved as a result of the construction this past year. It must be pointed out that being on foot and gumshoeing it has opened up many new doors and avenues for some great shots. 

One thing that I have discovered in short order is that a car can be somewhat of a crutch in photography. I guess that I always knew that, but now in the post car era, I can see it plain as day. Put another way, I see it on the edit desk and can zoom in even more than I would if I was just looking through the view finder regardless of the number of mm and settings. That's another thing that has raised its visual head. "Hey, look at me,"

it screams and I have all but put the long lens away and maybe for good. I'm the first one to recognize shifts and changes around me, but I am my own most stubborn friend to my self. Sometimes, you just need to back off all the Social Media Experts that have this country on some kind of electronic drug floating through the air and just sit quietly observing  in a different kind of way. The results are stunning and having been jarred to a new sense of self, I am, without doubt, better for the experience.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

One and Two Things I Miss From The Great Lakes

 It made no difference which way I went, the Ambassador Bridge or the Windsor Tunnel, the fact of the matter was that to get from Detroit over to Windsor, the Detroit River had to be crossed. If I had a choice when it came to traffic, I would rather wait in the custom lines on the Ambassador Bridge rather than the lines at the Windsor Tunnel. If I was going to wait, I wanted the option of having a view and the bridge provided that to me.  Once clearing customs, I knew my way to the beautiful rose gardens the city of Windsor, Ontario maintained for years. Decades ago, I was coming back from South Carolina on the company plane and we came in over Windsor. I spotted the rose gardens instantly. We were headed over the top of the RenCen in downtown Detroit on our final into Detroit City (now Coleman Young) Airport. Low and behold, there was my crossing of the Detroit River with another option. One from about 1500 feet with one heck of a view. Sure beat the Ambassador and the Tunnel that day. And, from the Ambassador you could switch over to CKLW in Windsor, and get the top 40 songs playing.

A lot of people do not like Detroit. I have always loved the Motor City. Times have changed without question but the good 'ole days of Jimmy Lontz and J.P McCarthy coming into my car from the Golden Tower of the Fischer Building, from the studio's of WJR760, (The Great Voice of the Great Lakes) was something I still miss today. WJR was a 50,000 clear channel station that could be picked up in most of the mid-west and east coast at night. I've picked it up here in Dallas when there was a lot of bounce (skip) in the atmosphere. Both Jimmy and J.P. are now gone but I can't imagine Lakewood Ranch, Florida as a retirement home for Jimmy...he was a once-in-a-lifetime personality.  J.P. was much the same but Jimmy had more humor than J.P. thumbs down. Yet both were at the top for radio personalities and I am better for having know them both.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Spent the Day In The Kitchen

 Prior to my sudden health issues, I had been eating healthy all along. Since, the hospital stays and last surgery I have been eating even more healthy than beforehand.  In short, I like my cooking! While I was out yesterday and the weather has been good, when I got up this morning, stratus cloud cover was a surprise and it didn't burn off until almost noon. So, while it wasn't cold out, it had not warmed up to where I enjoy being out in the environs. So, I got to thinking and that is always trouble... I started out to boil potatoes for homemade potato salad. Somehow, carrots got in the pot, then green beans and onion; before I knew it, I had opened a can of tomato paste and I even got a bag of beef cubes out of the freezer. Things just came together. When the smell of homemade beef stew filled the air, I could not wait to taste the mix. Added a table spoon of light brown sugar, then four or five strips of green peppers chopped and dang-- it was on!  

When I ran a total calorie count, I came up with that magical number of 319. A Marie Callender Dinner is 550 calories now and I'll get two meals out of this, so that isn't bad. So, since I eat early anyway, sitting down to have a bowl of this latest venture at 2 o'clock was just what the Doctor ordered. The beef stew was perfect. Usually, I eat 5 small meals a day rather than three big ones. A snack follows my evening medication schedule. When I do eat at 2 rather than 3 or 3:30  usually  I have  something light. Tonight about 6 it was two sausage patties and three buttermilk pancakes. I'm still under my calorie count for the day of 2000. Close, but still under.

With the success of the beef stew, it now has been officially entered as a meal for cold or warm days. Last year, it was making home made chili. I put a lot of that in the freezer and ate chili as a quick meal when you want that warm meal in the tummy for the entire winter.

The past couple of years, I have stopped cooking a whole turkey. Those frozen turkey breast are much easier to cook and don't take as long as a full size turkey. In the past, I would alternate between a spiral ham and a turkey over the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays. Now, I might buy a ham slice and get two meals out of it--sometimes even three. Turkey breast will net about the same number of meals depending on what I put with it. Or, if I make turkey salad for hot sandwiches or chilled pasta.

I've lost 40 pounds watching what I eat. I have cut out most sugars, no pop, (drink tea instead) no bread, although I might get a small pack of hamburger buns for chicken tenders, and at that, there are more calories in one bun than there is in the 4 oz serving of chicken tenders. 

Several years ago, I learned that even regular wheat bread at Kroger's would change calories from one shipment to another. Then I started noticing cereal, like Raisin Brand, where calories changed from each box that I bought. It's a wicked game the grocery people play. You have to watch the labels every time you make a purchase. While there are things that I like to eat regularly, new technology tries to make it easy for you to purchase an item... the only problem with that is that the food people know what you buy and they try to sneak something in that looks like you normally buy but with much higher calories or more sugar or more fat content. Sneaky little guys. Some of my knowledge here came from living next door to a guy who owned a food brokerage business. In other words, I got smart quick from listening to what he would tell me. Sure enough, even today, they still pull the same trap door plays. They call that marketing. I call it being a schmuck!

Very seldom do I do this. 

I've got to much Scottish Blood in my veins to take that hook!


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Two Post In One Day. It's Actually A Good Thing.

 Today, with perfect and delightful autumn weather, I set out at my bus stop. Riding it to the Spring Valley Train Station's Red Line, I then boarded the 402 to downtown Carrollton,Texas. I could have boarded it's partner and gone to the Irving Convention Center. That trip will be saved for another day, as the construction there is still ongoing around the north side of Los Colinas and their new entertainment district. 

Meanwhile at the Carrollton Rail Station, crossing Belt Line is best to stay on the platform and take the walkway several stories up and then either take the stairs or the elevator down to street level. The walk to downtown Carrollton's Historic Square is short, but packed with so much. I could spend the better part of a week there. But the interesting thing is that I found an old wagon that displayed a lot of pumpkins and squash and hay and sunflower centers with seed. Many of you have read my many post where I talk about my old shoot wheel that I used when I had my car. You know the old addage: a picture is worth a 1000 words. So, the ideal stuck and hence, the second posting of the day as I had made a post this morning shortly after my breakfast and while I was having my coffee. 

While at the corner of Broadway and Main, I went into an ice cream shop to inquire about the gentleman that I had photographed sitting on the bench outside his shop smoking his pipe. It seems that the ownership of the shop has changed,but I found two big and soft chocolate chip cookies. And, I sat on the bench outside the shop and had my cookies watching people and cars pass the intersection. I was just about ready to leave when I spotted a planting at the edge of a parking lot.It was very near where I had photographed an amazing growth of prickly pear cactus in bloom in the past. But, crossing the street, I wandered over to the Calla Lilly bed. Just as I was ready to shoot one of the blooms, I noticed this very large grasshopper move on the stem. Getting a shot before he could fly off, he didn't seem like he was in that big of a hurry. A young man making deliveries to several buildings was walking down the sidewalk. When I saw him, I motioned of him to come over. He seemed to agree with me that  this old tobacco spitter (what we called them as kids because they chewed the leaves and would generate a liquid that looked like tobacco juice. They could spit it at you if they felt threatened). The picture is the one in our blog header tonight.

 Okay. The hub of the wheel is homebase. The spokes extend outward for 18 miles toward the rim (which is the boundary circle of the Metroplex). The distance between the spokes is 8 miles at the rim. If you shoot along one spoke, say spoke A, the next day you shoot along spoke B and etc.,etc., and you cover the full number of spoke you have, in effect, covered the entire Metroplex on a regular basis. This allows for construction projects to rise from the ground to the finished building and, basically, you also have a time table that the project took in building. 

When I decided to give up my car, I was a bit uncertain how I would cover the area that I had been covering for both Live News Feeds and for my portfolio etc.,etc.I would not know how this was going to work until I could get out on the bus and rail routes following my surgeries. In September I was walking up to 5-miles a day and began to explore bus and rail routes that would take me near to my formal shoot wheel. Then, the call from the surgeon that the last of the surgeries was going to be scheduled for October 15. Knowing the heal time required, I had estimated that I would be able to be back out and testing how much strength I had lossed with this final surgery. Much to my surprise, I was back to 3.75 miles last week end and this weekend, I was nearing the 5-mile mark again. Today, was the longest trip from start to finish and I was blessed to have no problems when I came in today after a 4-hour outing. So, visualize the wagon wheel (my shoot wheel guide) and it will help you appreciate the area that has been covered the past 15 years. Of course, there are things about the shoot wheel that are considered, "trade secrets" as part of copyrights and how we arrange content on line as well as the general outline of the shoot wheel theory. The Intellectual Property Police are watching! So don't get frisky on this old man. LOL.



Election Anxiety? It Will Be What It Will Be

 No, this is not another blogger offering expert advise. There are enough of those as is. But, I'm not one to dismiss the fact that there are those who are having high alert feelings in their bodies today over the elections last night. I learned a long time ago not to worry over things that you have no control. I did my civic duty by voting and now, my control is like water rushing under a bridge, mixing in with all the others that did their civic duties. Be thankful that we live in a country where we can vote. At least; I am. 

Now, the rest of this week will be mid to upper 70s with sunshine. The need to get out and walk a trail with my camera is growing stronger by the hour. The past couple of days has been spent getting ready for the cold snap that is coming next week. And, wouldn't you know it---I have two days back-to-back of doctor's appointments. That guy---Murphy-- who wrote the Murphy Law thing, is like a snowball rolling downhill. It seems that there are some days when you just can't outrun that on-coming snowball. I just have to make sure that if I encounter that rolling blob of snow, coming down that hill ,that there is an alcove or something that I can duck inside as it passes. It is also aptly noted that those laws were never penned by Mr. Murphy. Makes me wonder sometimes, just what side he was on---the snowball's, or mine.

This is one area of my old shoot wheel where I have not been able to access via bus or train. The irony of that! It is on both the BNSF and Union Pacific Lines. I'll have to work on this because I have found some interesting things on this out-of-the-way no man's land. Flora, Fauna, railroading things that hold some special interest, like new radar guns that count cars, read car numbers etc.etc. Hi-Tech stuff as well as some fun things like a BNSF engine on one track and a Union Pacific engine on another side-by-side that looked like the lineup of a quarter mile hot rod race. Imagine that!


Sunday, November 1, 2020

The Discoveries Continue

 Now that the final surgery is behind me, I had wondered just how long it would take before I could regain what I had accomplished just before my surgery. As  I have reported,  my daily walks had increased and been maintained at 5-miles per day. Then, I got the call from the surgeon that I had been scheduled for the last of my surgeries that never got finished since last November because of the pandemic. As our great Governor had halted surgeries, it was costly to me in many ways besides financial. The absolute worse Governor Texas has ever had cost me something that can never be replaced. Psychologically, the damage has been a lot to bear and I am working to put even that, behind me, now. Missing part and all.

Yesterday, I put on my pre-packed backpack and headed to the bus stop. Then, on to the rail station. As it turned out, I had planned to go North, but ended up going South. I had just missed a train. Getting off short one stop before where I had planned, there is a walk alongside the tracks (safely, of course) that goes into the new Trail System that tied into the Katy Trail. It is that part of the new multi-million dollar cable stayed bridge that crosses Mockingbird Lane and the SMU/Mockingbird Station complex. About two miles from where I got off at Mockingbird. The discoveries that I made along the way were very much like I have been making over the past years from my shoot wheel. Just before my surgeries, I had discovered that from the bus and the trains, I could pretty much match that old wheel that I had made from my car. Knowing now that I duplicate it, if not increase it, the joy that I get from photography was satisfied enough that I could pretty much count on it being sustainable. 

Sure, I ran into a couple of little detours that are part of a large construction project, but that was okay. I can live with those little short falls. When finally able to board the train, once again, I headed North. I was bound and determined to go to the Parker Road Station, the end of the Red and Orange Lines. Along the way, I also noted some places that I will return to---mainly, Downtown Plano. The others will be at the renamed Pres. Geo Bush which has been renamed City Line because of the State Farm Office Complex that is thriving with business, retail, restaurants and trail systems. I'm thinking already that the spring of 2021 should be good-to-go. Hopefully. One never knows today. 

On the way back South, I got off at my regular train stop to catch my bus home. I knew something was wrong from the very start. The buses were not hitting like they should and there seemed to be some kind of confusion going on. Even the platform clocks that announce the different lines arrivals had stopped, dead. Long story shorter, the bus that I normally catch was over an hour and a half late. On the way home, when I finally did catch the bus, we passed it sitting on the side of the road. It had, for some unknown reason, been emptied out and even the driver was gone. These types of things will happen on the bus and rail systems also. Just like a well maintained car can stop running for some unforscene reason. After all, it was Halloween.




Thursday, October 29, 2020

I Cannot Remember When....

 the last time the weather turned so bad, so soon. But I can tell you that I 'forecast' an early fall. Mind you, I never mentioned the ice storms, the 5 days of cold rains, winds and chill factors in the twenties. It seems that we were caught in the middle of two power house systems  406 miles apart. Winter storm warnings with snow accumulations in the Panhandle and Hurricane warnings along the Gulf. All I can say now is, "good riddance". Hurricane Zeta was, unfortunately, a killer with three people loosing their lives. We still have the entire month of November of Hurricane season to navigate through. 

While I can usually play dodge ball with the weather, I can not express it enough that the old human body needs time to heal. Ten days ago, I just wasn't making the progress that I needed, then along came these two weather systems and I made like an old bear and headed to the den burying myself under comforters and sleeping 10-11 hours a day. Now that the weather is finally moving out and the average daily highs in the 70's are slowly beginning to return. So, the next few days following the ghost and goblin event, finally, I will be able to get out with my camera and begin my 5-mile walks again. Frankly, I can't wait!! 

In other news, if you are new to Texas, tomorrow is the last day for early voting. If you don't vote tomorrow you will have to wait for the long lines of Election Day, Tuesday, November 3rd. And frankly, I can't wait for that to be over with either. This has been the most dirty election that I have seen in years. I'm not talking about the major figures of Frick and Frack. I'm talking about the congressional battles that have been just absolutely awful. I plan to use the good weather and the walks to de-tox my brain and get rid of all the negatives that have been seeping into my brain from all the PAC money ads. Normally, things like that don't bother me. I'm not saying that they are bothering me now. What I am saying is that there has been a lot of junk stashed by osmosis and it's toxic and I have to get rid of it. A walk, a camera, fresh air, sunshine, and the autumn scenes will go a long way to put me back together, both mentally and physically. 

 Early Voting Ends Friday, October 30th in Texas.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Game 5 of the World Series Clear Cut Fish Hatchery by ONCOR

 It's a good thing that the new $1.2B stadium in Arlington has a retractable roof. The temps have hovered at 39-41°F all day with gusty North winds and rain; freezing rain. Winter Storm Warnings were issued last night until 1 PM CST today, and that's just what is at the edge of the Metroplex. Go 406 Miles to the SE and you run into Hurricane Warnings. Hurricane Zeta is expected to make landfall somewhere around the mouth of the Mississippi.The direct hits that the Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama residents have put up with this season is something else. 

Just when I was doing so well and walking up to 5-miles per day, got put on hold on the 15th with the last of my surgeries finally complete. It has been a slower recovery with an unexpected problem, but the doctors got it all worked out and just the past two days I have been moving more normal since the surgery. The only thing that is holding me back now is the cold wet weather and two upcoming follow-up visits to the doctors. 

The decree level of getting back out there with the camera has been elevated in the past two weeks. It appears that ONCOR, the delivery arm of TXU energy clear cut a 3 acre swath through the heart of the old Fish Hatchery, which is a sanctuary for wildlife, from snakes to coyote to bobcats to raccoons etc.etc., not to mention the waterfowl that find a safe haven in those old fish hatchery ponds. I've even seen beavers in there. Those hatcheries had their own eco-systems. Some of the ponds were filled with mulch according to one of my friends that has been out there since the cutting.

Of course, ONCOR was quick to say that they have the right to clear the right-of-way. That point is true. The dirty part was that they failed to notify the city that they were going to do it until they got caught. They have a history of butchering trees along alleys and even front lawns. It just makes me sick to see the images that D magazine posted. The area was a great get -away from urban noise where you could think--actually hear yourself think--- just a few miles from downtown. I know for a fact that wildlife and plants will be back. The problem is if nothing gets more established guidelines in place, the problem a decade ago has been revisited and will be revisited again. After a while, the wildlife even moves on looking for better places to live undisturbed lives. 

So, while I am looking forward to getting back out there, I'm not looking forward to what I will see that didn't have to be.

                                                                    Fish Hatchery Canal


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The Absolute Best Home-Made Bologna Sandwich Ever Made in Dallas

 It must be explained that I have been going to the Parkit Market for 20 years for one thing. I would not dare go anywhere else and expect the same. In the 52-years that it has been open, it has won awards up this side of Lover Greenville area, down the other and around the Big D, especially according to D Magazine. The other thing is that the place is run by the entire Todora Family but the glue to all was  Mrs. Todora. Ann. She passed away this August at 98. She didn't accept second best. It was always top notch right down to the most keg beer business that they served to the student population of SMU over the years. Students went there for everything; food, pop, pretzels, chips and the like. And when you missed mom's cooking, you could always talk to Ann and some how, it got your though the year. 

One of the sons that I dealt with most of all was John. He brought Ann to places where I shopped like Sam's Club and that was where I saw Mrs. Todora mostly. She was particular and when it wasn't up to snuff, regardless of what it was, she let you know. Frankly, she was just like my grandmother, which is why that I think that I respected her the most. 

So, today while I am looking at the archive of pictures, I ran across an image that I had taken there several years ago. It started out in the lower portion of the third section of the Lower Greenville Avenue area. But it was clear very early on that it was going to end at the Parkit Market at Greenville and E University Avenue. 

The guy that I knew I had seen mostly in the Parkit Market but I knew that he lived in the lower Greenville so as I passed through the area that particular day, I ran across Alan.This is where I have to set the  stage once more. Just picture your college days in one of the biggest party area only several days from the big day, St. Patrick's Day. So when I saw Alan on his skate board with a Pony Beer Keg on his shoulder, I knew I had a future story that I could use later and that the images were going to be iconic for every and every in a day. So not to upset this safety and blind side on the board, I held back a bit and knowing where this trip was going to end, I could run up and down the side streets.  He spotted me and got into his silly mode. The guy had an outstanding personality anyway. But, I also knew that this was one of the last days to get your keg into the books for ordering a refill and the Parkit Market was the final destination. It was an annual ritual.for the older students. After the big parade down Greenville, the floats and units would break up and the party would get under way. 

Sure enough. I got a chance to wish  Alan a Happy Saint Patrick's Day, got my bologna sandwich and headed out. It would be about 4 more days and I'd be back on Lower Greenville again to shoot the Parade. I had an old man tell me once: "Kid, you got to think like the bird," referring to knowing what the bird was going to do before the bird did  it. It applies well to people too, Yes, sir, that is one of the most helpful hints I ever go when starting out. Think Like The Bird!

Sunday, October 18, 2020

It Ain't No Fun When The Rabbit Has The Gun

 I've heard that phrase since I was a kid and never really payed any attention to it. That is---until these hospital stays have put me in the scope of that rabbit. 

                                                  An eatable table centerpiece of peppers.

Finally, after seven months the original surgery that I went into the hospital for the Monday before Thanksgiving last has been done and I am home starting all over again, now with 4 surgeries total complete.My strength had rebounded and finally, I was able to get out and go with renewed energy and strength. That's been shot in the foot for a while now. I am more sore from a 5'' incision than I was from a full 10" incision down my mid-line. Those 3'' and 1'' are nothing. And, for the second time in a row, cancer was avoided before it was getting a foot hold. I am so thankful for that. I know that there are those who have had it much worse and are still having a bad time with it than I have ever had. I do not mean to undercut the severity. Quiet the opposite, actually. 

When I get up out of my desk chair, I look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame all bent over. It takes several steps before I can stand up straight. Last night I finally found a comfortable position in which to sleep and I slept a good 9 hours.

So, this coming week will be a bit of a roller coaster on the weather side and the following week a very strong autumn cold front (We used to call them the Alberta Express in the Great Lakes) will come charging through and we will have sunshine and 70s the whole week as it looks now. I'll stay in and take it easy until I am sure that I am strong enough to be back out again. My goal (and that isn't something that I express much about) will be to be getting to the point that I will be able to start walking a bit of a distance again. I think that it will take me longer to get there, now, than it did beforehand, but that's okay. I'll regain speed with time. And just wait until I find that darn rabbit!!!!

It All Started in the wee hours of May 28th when 80 MPH winds was tossing everything against the side of my house.

 Those winds were substained for well over 40 minutes. The results were trees everywhere down or large branches broken off. One of my bus ro...