Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Walked 5, Tacoed Lunch at a Hospital Cafe and Ran out of Digital Room

 That's how my day went this Veterans Day. It was absolutely beautiful outside. Walking White Rock Creek Trail was interesting and I was really getting back into the swing of things when the shutter on the camera would not click. Looking to see what was wrong, instantly, the message would have normally sent me scrambling but there was no need, I could see clearly, that I had failed to put the extra chip case into my backpack. I could not even be mad at me.

Before going to bed last night, I made sure that all the batteries were fully charged and packed the things I need on the trail. Water, being a must year round. How could I forget to check the space left on the chip in the camera? Much less fail to see where the extra chip would be. You see, I have had to change out two or three over-the-shoulder bags because of the weight limits. The doctor had instructed me that I was not to carry any weight heavier than two half-gallons of milk. So I re configured my camera bag; then a little larger one as time went on. I know, how much does an SD chip weigh some of you are thinking. That's not the point. The point lives in the confusion it brings to the mix. Weight had nothing to do with the weight limit here with that chip and case. But,confusion will snag you every time. That's one reason I will take order over confusion all day long. But failed to do so, today!

So, leaving the house earlier than normal, I had a bowl of raisin brand with granola before heading out. By 11:30 I would have two hours before my doctor's appointment. So I walked back to the front of the Hospital and headed to the cafe area where two restaurants share a common seating area with plenty of room to social distance. When it was time to order, lunch became  a  trilogy  of chicken tacos with the first pop that I have had since given them up in March. I am a sports fan of people watching and so, the tacos were eaten slowly enough that I could enjoy not only the tacos, but the time it took to eat them rather than that hurry mode that most of us get into over time. In fact, I was watching several that came into the seating area with their lunch bags find a table, sit down and opening those Tupperware containers. In the past year, I cannot remember having such an enjoyable lunch.

After leaving the cafe area, I moved out into the Atrium. There are several large fountains that have polished wood benches around them.The three fountains all were covered with coins in the bottom. Well wishes and hopes for family members were obvious and the art displays I have not paid much attention to of late so I did enjoy that too. I could see my doctor's suite up on the third floor from the Atrium. I don't like being late to appointments.Never have. Never Will. So by the time I grabbed one of the elevators that was empty, I headed to the appointment about 15 minutes early. Got an excellent report and the worry about cancer went away, although that is two near misses in the past year. 

On leaving, I found the bus stop closer to where I came out than the one I used to go in from my walk. It was on to the train station to catch my ride home. Walking into the house, I had been on an outing that passed my previous outing elapse time by yet another hour. This was my longest outing to date and only three and a half weeks from my last surgery. I was a happy camper. Everything had clicked like clock work with the exception of that blasted chip that I forgot to pack last night. You see, if I had checked the storage space last night,even, I could have deleted the files since they were already uploaded to my cloud. But, since I had shot for nearly two hours or more before the camera alerted me, I could not delete anything until I had unloaded the files of today to the cloud. It's that catch-22 syndrome, or better yet, "A dollar short and a day late". It's still a syndrome because by definition, a syndrome is a group of signs and symptoms that occur together and characterize a particular abnormality or condition. The particular abnormality is my brain cat napping or my condition is that of muscle training that doesn't respond like it once did because I  lost it because of ill-use. So, the final analysis of the day is that I am near normal as a human being that lets a simple thing like a little SD chip call out to me: Hey, Putz! And there is no way I can deny that after such a perfect day. 

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