Showing posts with label Election Anxiety Murphy's Law Irony of the Shoot Wheel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Election Anxiety Murphy's Law Irony of the Shoot Wheel. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Election Anxiety? It Will Be What It Will Be

 No, this is not another blogger offering expert advise. There are enough of those as is. But, I'm not one to dismiss the fact that there are those who are having high alert feelings in their bodies today over the elections last night. I learned a long time ago not to worry over things that you have no control. I did my civic duty by voting and now, my control is like water rushing under a bridge, mixing in with all the others that did their civic duties. Be thankful that we live in a country where we can vote. At least; I am. 

Now, the rest of this week will be mid to upper 70s with sunshine. The need to get out and walk a trail with my camera is growing stronger by the hour. The past couple of days has been spent getting ready for the cold snap that is coming next week. And, wouldn't you know it---I have two days back-to-back of doctor's appointments. That guy---Murphy-- who wrote the Murphy Law thing, is like a snowball rolling downhill. It seems that there are some days when you just can't outrun that on-coming snowball. I just have to make sure that if I encounter that rolling blob of snow, coming down that hill ,that there is an alcove or something that I can duck inside as it passes. It is also aptly noted that those laws were never penned by Mr. Murphy. Makes me wonder sometimes, just what side he was on---the snowball's, or mine.

This is one area of my old shoot wheel where I have not been able to access via bus or train. The irony of that! It is on both the BNSF and Union Pacific Lines. I'll have to work on this because I have found some interesting things on this out-of-the-way no man's land. Flora, Fauna, railroading things that hold some special interest, like new radar guns that count cars, read car numbers etc.etc. Hi-Tech stuff as well as some fun things like a BNSF engine on one track and a Union Pacific engine on another side-by-side that looked like the lineup of a quarter mile hot rod race. Imagine that!


Cannot do any hurkle-durkling or any WCS. I already burned that candle on Wednesday

 What the heck is he talking about? You don't want the long answer because that goes back 200 years where it began as a Scots term. The ...