Showing posts with label Autumn Color Nature Gives Second Look. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Autumn Color Nature Gives Second Look. Show all posts

Friday, November 13, 2020

Commuting Like Clockwork

 The last two days have been doctor's appointments from South to North. The planning to make the trip to the doctor's also was to allow added time to do some exploring and shooting. Long story shorter, it all worked like clockwork. Yesterday, however, was the reward for the planning after the chip failure of the day before cut short my shooting. 

Somehow, I scheduled my appointment with the cardio electrician later than I had planned and did not allow for the shortening of the days sunlight. Also, the appointment ran almost three times the normal length and by the time I had  finished, the sun was setting and I still had a bus ride, a train ride and another bus ride. As luck sometimes work on your side, it did mine yesterday and I caught my bus, my train and my second bus as if they were waiting for me. I was far enough North that the train ride figured in as an option actually worked to my advantage and cut a half hour off my trip. As it ended, I walked into the house from the bus in the dark and my house was even more dark. I had failed to leave a light on. For years I set a timer, did not replace the old timer when it wore out because I was never out past dark.

Now, the best part. Not only have I managed to successfully cover a doctor's appointment that has been a worry, of sorts, since giving up my car but, it turned out to be better and worry free having fulfilled the actual first trip. Most of all, it opened up new doors for shooting in the spring time through next fall. I'm excited for that fact alone. Talking to my doctor he was stunned that I could navigate the Metroplex without a car and confirmed to me that what I had accomplished was "very interesting, interesting indeed". 

Cannot do any hurkle-durkling or any WCS. I already burned that candle on Wednesday

 What the heck is he talking about? You don't want the long answer because that goes back 200 years where it began as a Scots term. The ...