Monday, September 13, 2021

TS Nicholas and Pun #22 for the day.

 Well,TS Nick has already given Dallas a quick little shower from the leading edges of clouds being produced by the old boy, Nick. It's most likely gonna miss us but we have had the clouds coming up from the Gulf since yesterday. This time of year, any little bit of rain saves water by watering the plants. Doesn't do much to raise the level of the lakes, but the conservation levels are pretty much at 0 right now. That's a good thing. Not to much to have to release needed water and not to little for the ecology of the lakes. 

Haven't had bands of clouds from Tropical Storms for a couple or three years. I like seeing them return  because I like to photograph the clouds and check them against the Cloud Atlas. It's kind of a fun thing to do. 

Now for the pun # 22. It goes like this: 

"You feel stuck with your debt if  you can't budge it."


"Henry,gas up the jet. It's out behind the barn."
Some one was!
Two Arab women on the big rubber band ride at Zero Gravity.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Warning for # 21 pun, It's just a pun folks!

 In today's world, one must be careful what you say, cause some fool is going to take it the wrong way. Then, there will be those that just do not have an open mind. So, hence, the warning message. 

Today's pun # 20 goes like this:

" A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in Linoleum Blownapart."

Might want to expand to 100% to read, if interested

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Watching My Third College Football Game. Time Out for Pun # 20

In my living room sits an authentic stadium folding chair that weighs very heavy with iron flats and solid wood plank seats from the 1998-2001 Stadium Renovation and Preservation project that completed the open end of the horseshoe. In that purchase  a second purchase was made of a section of the goal post from the end zone of Ohio Stadium. On my head was my well worn Michigan Block M baseball hat. Imagine that! My first game in Michigan Stadium, Michigan beat Wisconsin 60-0.

Now, for the pun for today. #20 goes like this:

"A man who fell into an upholstery machine is fully recovered."


Remembering 9-11 

Friday, September 10, 2021

Magic in a New Bracelet Follows Today' Pun

Today's pun  is # 19 in the series of dry humor. And here it is :

"When a clock is hungry , it goes back four seconds."


In the scheme of things, there has been times when  my wisdom  wasn't sure if the fates had worked a wonder here or here. But, lately, my thinking has changed a bit with all that is going on in the world. 

Several weeks ago, there came to me an introduction to check out a product that was doing great things in Kenya for women. Naturally, my thoughts were that  if this was true, supporting such a project would be something that was not all that far out of reach. It seems that a tribe in Kenya, Africa was making jewelry, shoes and the like,selling them and taking the profits to helping other women earn money to do a host of good things in their community. The man that introduced me (and many others) is from Austin, Texas.

Over a period of a few day, time was found to check out the selection of items.  It didn't take me long to come across one of the bracelets. It was small, not overbearing and best of all---it was on sale. So, an order went in for the bracelet item. Within six days, it arrived. Putting it on, it was light enough to not be a distraction. The first week it wore very well. Then, time constraints took most of my idol time away from the bracelet and directed it to more pressing matters. 

At the beginning of the second week of wear, there was a noticeable change in my thinking. Over the years, following my sons death, a level of hate had built up. Hate might have been a strong word to use there. It was more of an internal anger---a stage of grief--- theoretically. It was a bit of surprise internally that after 23 years since my son's death, there was that thinking inside. Especially after the protracted period of formal mourning had lasted for 20-years. Terms had been reached to end that mourning period and begin to move on although never forgetting him for his life and accomplishments by the age of 27. My thinking was that it had ended. But, this little bracelet that simply said, "LET GO" had quickly brought me to the conclusion that there wasn't that anger in my voice when  talking with people that seemed to have ruffled by feathers the wrong way. 

In the past two days, there has been other examples that have been a wake up call for me. Don't you see, for 10 years after college I had consoled people professionally, who needed help to change their lives where they were doing the same thing that had grown unnoticed inside me. Every one has their own time table to resolve their grief, For me, my time took 23 years and a little bracelet to show the way.


Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Shopped at Hong Kong Market Today. Also,#16 pun.

 It has been several years since shopping there. My taste buds for  Chinese food has a long history. I do cook Chinese dishes. This past weekend, I broke my rice ladle. Hong Kong didn't have the old type in stock, but luck was on my side. A new stainless steel ladle (not anything like a soup ladle BTW) became part of my dinner tonight .It was egg noodles which I used my new ladle to dish them. It was way better than the plastic one that broke.

Funny thing is that I have a friend from Hong Kong with the name TO. The lady that checked me out was also a TO. I'm sure that she was no relations to my To. Here in the states To, and I live 1200 miles apart, but  as Sophia on the old "Golden Girls" show oftentimes said, "you never know". And you don't. So the next time going there to shop, I will find out if she has relatives in the Great Lakes.

Now, today's pun # 16 already goes like this:" If you don't pay your exorcist, you get repossessed."

"No commercial airlines has more heart than Southwest.So, these signs were just to gain attention,for me."

The shoot was a real live news feed and it was picked up by the Europeans Press for photos.

Just a Kid when the Northern Lights were seen by me. This week, I missed the first night and last night it was cloudy.

Thank goodness I can say that I have at least seen the most fab light show in nature.  Today will be 100 % rain. It's another indoor day...