Friday, October 9, 2020

Some Updates; Construction; The Wagon Wheel: Autumnal Tones Inspire

 While I listen to Camille Saint Saëns Symphony No. 3, popularly known as his Organ Symphony, and its use in 2 of the 4 sections. Now, is the perfect time to let you know what is going on with the changes in the webpage and this blog page as well as another found leg to the lost wagon wheel that I used to shoot most of my urban scenes and happenings.

 As you may have discovered from previous post, my car has been sent to where ever totaled cars go after my accident with the lady, also involved in the accident and who was talking on her cell phone, a decided to take off until I chased her down, only to find that her insurance was expired. It was then, that I decided after running the numbers that my buggy would not be replaced. Despite the fact that my buggy didn't stop running, I was able to drive it home. But, after the adjuster came out it was totaled and hauled away.

With the super fine rail systems in Dallas for city suburban runs as well as the new wi-fi loaded comfort of the new TEXrail system now in place, and more coming, it just made sense to let go.

Between the north end of DFW airport's Terminal B to the TP station in downtown Ft. Worth or the south end of the airport's Center Port Station, that goes from downtown Dallas' Union Station to Ft. Worth via the TP (Texas and Pacific) station which also can connect with/to the TEXrail if you want to go back through North Richland Hills to Grapevine's downtown station and then on to Terminal B at DFW. With a slight walk between DFW's Terminal B to Terminal A, once again you can meet the DART light rail system that will take you to UNT's (University of North Texas) campus in south Dallas near I-20 or going north where you can meet the "A" train that runs from the DART line along I-35 to downtown Denton and the main campus of UNT.

In short, the Silver line is due to be ready in March 2022 that will run across the north sectors from Plano/Garland to Addison, Carrollton and UT at Dallas campus, and into DFW. Not to mention the high speed bullet from Dallas to Houston in 90 minutes. Ground breaking for that is coming up in the spring. Holy rail Batman, who needs a car?

Talk about life-style changes, the accident opened tons of new doors from pharmacy to grocery to anything else almost. An just wait until you see one of those cute little robo delivery gizmos roll up your side walk or street which I have seen being tested. And finally--drones and Uber air service. I was still a bit in the ''hesitate mode'' until  my grocery delivery service Instacart just raised another $200 million of capital this week. It's a whole new age people. A whole new age.  

 Construction on the Web and on the Blog

Most of the work has been taking place behind the scenes until just recently. Then you might have noticed oversized pictures on the headers and footers of the web page, and on the blog. The reason that it became necessary was that the © copyright © was being violated. Someone even tried to submit one of my images to one of my agents where I had the image listed. I have never been anxious to make my smart phone smarter. Because, after all, it is, another computer to maintain. This was something that I am sensitive about and now, the smart phone just got very smart much to my own chagrin. It because necessary. While I was doing that, it occurred to me, that I should go ahead and change the header to follow the trends with the agencies where I list my images. And so, instead of doing by seasons, it will now be done as trending topics hit at least three of my agents sites. That means that images could change daily, if not monthly, or even full circle back to what autumnal tones inspire.

The Third Leg of the Wagon Wheel Shooting Wheel has now been completed  

and verified that I can continue to shoot in those areas via bus, rail, on foot, or any combination thereof. It's actually better than the car because when I see something interesting, I can get off the transportation mode and go shoot it. Where as in the car,  you had to find a parking spot. And all that goes with that. Which could be expensive at some parking lots in Dallas. Meters are always filled and if you were lucky to fine one and used the new digital meters they require a credit or debit card---which is not a problem but its slower than just dropping in a couple of quarters and running!  Getting off the train or bus you are right at the action and can get your shot. In many ways, it solved a lot of problems using the bus or train, and helps my health by walking even more. (I'm now up to 5 miles a day. It's nine miles around White Rock Lake which I have walked before.)

So, we do appreciate your patience with us. We are still open.

   We have been demolishing a few things here and there
And you thought that we were talking about a small demolition.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Anthropology is a Strange Animal

 My first encounter with a live Anthropologist was a university professor. He was known to cut his lawn with a push mower that had a flashlight duck taped to the handle tongue. In his defense for his family, he was in the Who's Who of Anthropologist Journals. From there, it was pretty much knowing what an Anthropologist was until I meet another one some many years later that taught at U Mass, Boston. We meet on Twitter. I must say that our Twitter conversations have been not much more than bantering back and forth, but the man and I have much more in common that the world knows when it comes to facing our own mortality. I have been thinking about that a lots lately since my nearly half year of surgeries and hospitalizations. But, also, he lost a brother at a young age and I lost a son at about the same age. He gets emotional. I get emotional, when it comes up in respectful and loving way in our conversations.

Over the few years that I have know of him, I read his blog. He covers his field of Anthropology in his specialized area with professionalism and gifted spirits! I happen to like that ability. So much, in fact, that when he wrote in one of his last post that I have read, it struck me much like it had taken him from the writing of  Dr. Emile Bruneau, a neuroscientist, who recently passed. I'm going to use that quote, which you can read from my Twitter friend and Anthropologist's post at:

 The Bruneau quote from the above linked post says:

"I just had a thought: I learned in physics that our physical mass never actually touches another – the outer electrons of each repel, giving us the illusion of touch. As a neuroscientist, I learned that our brains don’t really see the world, they just interpret it. So losing my body is not really a loss after all! What I am to you is really a reflection of your own mind. I am, and always was, there, in you."

Ironically, I had read something to that effect several years ago. Where, I cannot remember. But, it did my brain for some unique reason. So, when I did see it in my Twitter associate's post, it rang a bell and I became more interested in the context. 

The brain is more than just an amazing organ.The scope of what it can do is mind-boggling in or of itself. But, the fact that we can live on in the minds of others is amazing as we remember people of ancient Rome and Greece that we have never meet, but some 2000 years later, there they are. Even just learning about them in a class from high school or college or even a program on the Discovery or History Channel implants something of importance into our mind and we carry that with us and someone behind us does as well. It's a never ending cycle.

Recently, I had also read a quote by Terry Pratchett that read:

"No one is actually dead until the ripples they caused in the world die away."

Mr. Pratchett is none other than Sir Terence David John Pratchett, here is another example that we live on and as God has proclaimed, through His only begotten son, Jesus, life can be eternal if you believe in Him.  That part has never been a problem for me, but the thought of death has not really been a problem either. Yet with the loss of my son, seeing my parents and grandparents pass, has set off a few ripples in my mind. That's why I want to set into motion as many good ripples in the time that I have on this planet that I can send rippling. 

Also in my recent readings, I ran across an article in Space that said that our sun has about another 4 billion years of life before we become a black hole and all matter on this planet is used to fuel the nursery of future stars. How do you like them ripples, folks?








Monday, October 5, 2020

Explored the nature trails at the Bush Presidential Center

 On purpose, the delay to explore these grounds and trails in a park-like setting was delayed until it had time to mature from construction and plantings. Several of the living presidents were there at the dedication. I was shooting the fringes of the action. There is always more going on in the fringes than at the focal point of the event. 

From home, I took the bus to the train station. After a short wait for the train, (Sunday schedules are farther apart) taking it to the SMU/Mockingbird Station as it is now know, was a quick trip. To bring a closer association to SMU, the station was renamed. The center is directly across North Central Expressway at Mockingbird Lane. On the west side of the expressway, it's University Park. It was also my longest walk to date. The weather was delightful and that made the outing even better. 

The trails and the flowers (mostly wild flower variety) are what I like to shoot anyway. But, the change from fall to spring is yet to be experienced, so I will be coming back in the spring to see that change and what it has to offer.

The Geo.Bush Presidential Center

                                                                    The Trails look like this
                                       Some of the foliage has begun to show signs of turning

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Early Fall Confirmed

 Well, if you follow natures signs like I do, one of the first signs of an early fall is the flipping of leaves on the trees (see previous post on leaf flipping). That has already occurred this year. The next sign is the occasional leaf found on the ground in various spots as the sap begins to recede in trees. That has already occurred this year. The next phase is the turning of the leaves themselves into yellows then to golds or reds and then into that textured look of leather or tanned hide colored. Some trees are now showing that and have even begun to drop.Usually that stage is for the softer woods like ash etc.,etc.The hardwoods will follow those in time. 

While at one of the train stations last week, I noted that the leaves in one of the trees on the platform had begun to turn yellow and had even dropped a fair amount to note. Having said that, it got me to watching more closely as the train went through the areas that are not so much commercial as the trees on the platforms. Sure enough, spotting that ever noticeable color of yellow. The tops of many trees were popping up as we moved alone the trains route. As a side bar, when I came in from my outing, I noticed the change more closely with the trees on my porch. One is nearly 12 feet high and it is showing signs already,too. 

Growing up in the South, I recall my walks in the woods behind our house on the hill. Leaves almost never seemed to be on the ground until mid November. Here in Texas, being farther south still, it is more like Thanksgiving to the end of November.. So, by the signs seen thus far, we are running nearly 6-7 weeks early this year in the transition into fall. Colors move from North to South at about 20 miles per day for peak colors.

Going back through my files, for the past three years, images back up the assumption from visual signs noted already. As, 2017 was a very early fall by past year standards, that too, is noted in images. 

So, as the annual change in the jet stream drops farther south, true and stronger 'cold' fronts begin to arrive every three or four days. Temps fall back on my porch thermometer from 80s overnight to 60s and now into the low to mid 50s. It's getting to be my favorite time of the year. I can sit out on my porch and drink my morning couple of cups of coffee. There is that feel of briskness in the air again. We know fall is here. As is said in midtown Manhattan: "You'll have that from time to time,yes, you will." We just say in Texas: "Hallelujah!!"


October 4-6-2019
October 6-8-2018
November 18,2017


Friday, October 2, 2020

The Old Wagon Wheel Shoot Route Has Been Solved

A bus. A train. A bus. A train. A bus. Home! Two of the spokes of the old wagon wheel that I used to shoot, well at least 1/6 of the shoot wheel, have now been visually verified that they can be done as before. In fact, I was on both sides and one end of White Rock Lake today. This will help solve some of my shooting schedule. And, I also got to see some of the old haunts from before my accident.

It does seem that the old adage that I have heard most of my life that, "when the Lord closes one door, He opens another." I'm just glad to be able to get out, see life in motion and do more walking. The weight is dropping, my appetite is in check, and I'm eating more healthy than ever before, I was eating health before, but not as healthy as I am now. I'm balking at companies that add additional sugar to their products, but that is another story for another day.

Also, I have been sorting folders and using them more efficiently with my pictures. Both, for my customers and for my own work flow.Waiting for the next health tornado is in the shadows, but it is shrinking farther and farther into the background.With exactly 90-days left in 2020, how the election goes will not cause me to loose any sleep. And speaking about sleep, I'm getting 11 to 12 hours of sleep most every night. That's for sure, the result of the change in diet again. Those hospital stays from last November until the end of May with two short periods at home in between stays did get me to thinking.When ask, and the nurses ask daily what my goals were, it was for me, the same thing. I wanted to get back out into nature and behind my camera as soon as I was able to do so. It was a long time in coming and still has a little hurdle to jump, but with that behind me later this month, I am pretty sure I can say, World, I'm home!

Today was an exploration trip mostly, yet, it produced some interesting results.  It was a good day.

                                           The one pedal ids the run for Alzheimer's disease.

Looking at my file folders of images, I can now see clearly the gaping holes in shooting that were created by my illness. Just in the past two weeks, I am back to shooting at least something every day. My last surgery that was scheduled for last March has now been rescheduled for this month. Hopefully, I'll be able to sit down and work out a shooting schedule. The one thing in my favor is also the National Weather Services declaration of a La Niña setting in, that means a warmer and drier winter than normal. So, the nature prospects are looking good to be outside, and not having to worry about some cold winter. It will get cold even if the set up is as planned, but just not as bad as living in the Great Lakes 39 years The worse being a winter of 17 below O°F. So, we shall see what we shall see as time shifts into winter mode. But I am thinking that what ever it is, mentally and somewhat physical strength being what it is, Yes, indeed, even with a bus and a train regardless of how many transfers, being home feels pretty darn good.  

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Walked Another Long Alley and Across A Wide College Campus

Listening to Verdi's Messa Da Requiem with Riccardo Muti at the podium of the Chicago Symphony and the Symphony Chorus. This is one of my most favorites. Having a serving of Trail Mix and drinking a big glass of Iced Tea. What an end to a wonderful day. I know some will wonder about that combo of Trail Mix and a Requiem, but it works for me.

A State of Texas Shaped Weather Vain on top of a coupla. First one I've seen in the shape of a state.

The glass like lake was because of a wind shift in preparation for the cold front coming in tonight. 

Monday, September 28, 2020

Walked an Alley For Two Blocks

 then, I caught the bus to the LBJ Station and took the train to Downtown Garland. It was a delightful day to be out. My strength levels are holding. I feel really well. It was nice to be out with my camera-in-hand and it proved to be fruitful. Today, I shot more images than I have shot in the past 6 months. When I shot 29,000 images annually, it was easy to be happy. But, knowing that every shot counted more than ever, today produced a 51% of images worthy to meet the agencies approval standards. So, it was a good day in more ways than just photography. It was reward time and I had the best piece of carrot cake with coffee at downtown Garland 's Main Street Cafe. After seeing the days results, the ice cream and 3 prime strawberries filled up my reward bowl and now, its watching the Stanley Cup playoffs. The Dallas Stars are playing the Tampa Bay Lightening. I've been a big hockey game fan since high school. 

Tomorrow is forecast to be as good as today with lower dew points---that's cool dry air--- and the comfort level will be ideal to go to the Dallas Arboretum for the fall pumpkin displays.So, I got to do some planning and get everything set so the shoot goes as well if not better than today. Time will tell. Meanwhile, back at the barn, pacing my self will still be key. 

For me, seeing a sign today was reward enough in that several years ago, the Park Managers throughout the Metroplex all agreed that the parks should return to the native prairie grasses of days gone by. Dallas tried it first and it was a huge success. Now, in Garland, there were signs surrounding the Library in the landscape. Landscape architects were seen as added help to get the program going and it was also a way to raise interest for the project. Well, it's working and not only is the landscape changing for the better. The Buffalo Grass was used in Garland and its going to be so awesome to see it in a couple of years. That's another thing that I like about photography. It enables you to see things like that when others walk on by without a reference to it at all. 

Some have already noticed that I pulled the header picture.To much copyright infringements taking place at that size.

Cannot do any hurkle-durkling or any WCS. I already burned that candle on Wednesday

 What the heck is he talking about? You don't want the long answer because that goes back 200 years where it began as a Scots term. The ...