Showing posts with label train station. Show all posts
Showing posts with label train station. Show all posts

Friday, October 2, 2020

The Old Wagon Wheel Shoot Route Has Been Solved

A bus. A train. A bus. A train. A bus. Home! Two of the spokes of the old wagon wheel that I used to shoot, well at least 1/6 of the shoot wheel, have now been visually verified that they can be done as before. In fact, I was on both sides and one end of White Rock Lake today. This will help solve some of my shooting schedule. And, I also got to see some of the old haunts from before my accident.

It does seem that the old adage that I have heard most of my life that, "when the Lord closes one door, He opens another." I'm just glad to be able to get out, see life in motion and do more walking. The weight is dropping, my appetite is in check, and I'm eating more healthy than ever before, I was eating health before, but not as healthy as I am now. I'm balking at companies that add additional sugar to their products, but that is another story for another day.

Also, I have been sorting folders and using them more efficiently with my pictures. Both, for my customers and for my own work flow.Waiting for the next health tornado is in the shadows, but it is shrinking farther and farther into the background.With exactly 90-days left in 2020, how the election goes will not cause me to loose any sleep. And speaking about sleep, I'm getting 11 to 12 hours of sleep most every night. That's for sure, the result of the change in diet again. Those hospital stays from last November until the end of May with two short periods at home in between stays did get me to thinking.When ask, and the nurses ask daily what my goals were, it was for me, the same thing. I wanted to get back out into nature and behind my camera as soon as I was able to do so. It was a long time in coming and still has a little hurdle to jump, but with that behind me later this month, I am pretty sure I can say, World, I'm home!

Today was an exploration trip mostly, yet, it produced some interesting results.  It was a good day.

                                           The one pedal ids the run for Alzheimer's disease.

Looking at my file folders of images, I can now see clearly the gaping holes in shooting that were created by my illness. Just in the past two weeks, I am back to shooting at least something every day. My last surgery that was scheduled for last March has now been rescheduled for this month. Hopefully, I'll be able to sit down and work out a shooting schedule. The one thing in my favor is also the National Weather Services declaration of a La NiƱa setting in, that means a warmer and drier winter than normal. So, the nature prospects are looking good to be outside, and not having to worry about some cold winter. It will get cold even if the set up is as planned, but just not as bad as living in the Great Lakes 39 years The worse being a winter of 17 below O°F. So, we shall see what we shall see as time shifts into winter mode. But I am thinking that what ever it is, mentally and somewhat physical strength being what it is, Yes, indeed, even with a bus and a train regardless of how many transfers, being home feels pretty darn good.  

Friday, November 29, 2013

Garland's Moving The Furniture Around

At the new location when placed on foundation
It's still a very historic building regardless where it now sits.
A recent trip to Garland to an antique dealer found the unexpected. The old railroad station and train Pullman car that had been a historic landmark and the two turn-of-the-century gingerbread houses were gone from their original location.  The land had been cleared and leveled. Obviously, the buildings had been moved and I set out to find the new locations. It didn't take long to find the rail station and Pullman car. They had been moved a few blocks north and west next to the Dart station where the old DGNO (the local short line) had its engineers and crews office on Walnut Street.

The Dart station was the northern end of blue line but now is extended into downtown Rowlett. So the exposure of the old rail station will be a good asset in their new location. Finding the old houses was a bit of a letdown because I never did find where the houses had been moved. That will have to wait until a later time. Perhaps, a good warm winter day or early spring shoot.

It appears that Garland is doing the same as downtown Plano did after the red line came to Collin Country. That downtown Plano project was such a success that a second wave of growth is underway. Downtown Garland is moving these  properties at the right time and it will only add to the overall growth of the Metroplex. I'm always glad to see well planned furniture moves cities make to improve the overall scheme of things. At the same time, I am a historian-at-heart and do not like to see historic buildings demolished or relocated for the most part. On rare situations, it becomes history within itself if done right. Garland seems to be on the right track (pardon the pun).

When you stop to think about it, Dart from downtown Dallas now goes to downtown Garland and Rowlett, downtown Plano, downtown Carrollton on the green line, and with the addition of the "A" train, downtown Denton in Denton County. With the orange lines, and connections to the TRE, downtown Irving  and downtown Ft. Worth, or staying on the orange line and DFW terminal A is just a year away. While Las Colinas is available now.

The amount of distance that can be covered with Dart from downtown Dallas is astonishing when you think about it. Sometimes, moving the furniture around makes for an expanded living area. And like a furniture move in the house, sometimes, you trip on the relocated furniture, but eventually get used to the rearrangement. Anyone visiting Dallas and can't find anything to do, isn't looking very hard.


It All Started in the wee hours of May 28th when 80 MPH winds was tossing everything against the side of my house.

 Those winds were substained for well over 40 minutes. The results were trees everywhere down or large branches broken off. One of my bus ro...