Sunday, August 7, 2022

Grandpa is about to pull Arthur Gordon off the shelf again for sound advice, but before I do, listen up as to why

 I enjoy reading Arthur Gordon and keep him on my shelf where I can revisit his amazing wisdom from time to time.

 Drama is conflict: we need to get rid of the drama and go back to the days cut from the fabric of reason and not from our present state of misguided influences of social media's bad actors, who will do anything for more hits because they get paid by ad agencies, rather than creating by cutting out all the drama. The spin off of that is the conflict of government, not understanding how the rule of law gets created in the first place. Which, by the way was working  in the Supreme Court's decision to reverse Roe vs. Wade. It now opens the gate to give the states the decision of what they want for the majority of their residents. The exact way the Constitution was set up to work in the first place. 

Having said that, another point to ponder is in this summer of 22. 2-many days of 100°F and 2 -little rain. Looking back, Mother Nature left us a clue it was coming in our last record setting summer of 2011. 1- more string of 100°F days and 1-more summer of less than 1- inch of rain. Since no one seemed to be paying attention, that was 11 years ago. And, furthermore, Her signals have gone unnoticed for the most part. Now, there seems to be some glimmer of hope on the horizon with congress that people are beginning to take to heart what the scientist have been saying all along---climate change is, indeed, happening. 

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Cannot do any hurkle-durkling or any WCS. I already burned that candle on Wednesday

 What the heck is he talking about? You don't want the long answer because that goes back 200 years where it began as a Scots term. The ...