Thursday, May 12, 2022

Record Fuel Prices for North Texas---

 and other light tidbits.  While the weather has also been in the news with near record breaking heat, it was time to get out and walk. It seems to fit me best when I do at least three good walks in the 4-6 mile range. Plus, relearning all the changes that DART has made in bus routes has brought on so new discovery missions that has generated a lot of editing of images and listing with agents. 

There are some good side effects---like yesterday when I ended up at Jimmy's Burgers next to the DPS Mega Center in Garland after my stop across the street at Garland Camera. I could spent the better part of a day there, just checking out all the new technology in cameras. Jimmy's makes a big burger almost like the old Holland House up in the Great Lakes. That burger was as large as a dinner plate! No joke! Jimmy's isn't that big (about half of that) but the taste of Hickory BBQ is sooooo good. 

I went past the new skateboard park that Garland is building. It's doubled the size since I was last there and they are still building the thing! Prepare for traffic jams when it opens! Even the kids, their dads and even some grandpa's are chomping at the bit to get in there and try it out.  Etnies Skate Park in Lake Forest, California is this parks equal. or this one in Garland is based on Etnies park. Cannot wait to check it out in action. 

Before that, I had started out on the Red line going back up to City Line to check out the construction of the new Silver Line. Last week I was checking out Addison's Silver Line station and it appears that Addison is running a bit ahead of City Line although City Line 


has more bridge work to carry the train across US75 Central Expressway after it leaves the station on its way to DFW. The other note was all the apartment construction along the rail lines, be it the new Silver Line or Dart light rail in Richardson, Plano, Garland and Dallas. The projects are just amazing and mind blowing so-to-speak.

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Cannot do any hurkle-durkling or any WCS. I already burned that candle on Wednesday

 What the heck is he talking about? You don't want the long answer because that goes back 200 years where it began as a Scots term. The ...