Sunday, September 20, 2020

It Half-Way Felt Like Old Times, Today

 When the weather broke, it was my signal to start walking again. The first outing was just one mile. The second outing was two. Today, the final total from the walk was four mile. The side pack held my battery charger for my phone. In addition, is the inside pack that held hand sanitizer and an extra face mask. 

As I started out, there was uncertainty if the neighborhood wold be the target or would the bus or train be better. Or would a combo of both, be more exciting? The final mental answer would find me in the neighborhood. Not in the residential portion, but in the commercial part. 

Several years ago, I started a watch on where my best sales came from. The answer was within 8-miles of my house. That circle produced the highest sales. It has never been about dollars for me. It's always been about the mission, freelancing in a total urban area. Being aggressive was not in the plan either. In fact, that is for me, the worse attitude for a photographer. Just last year about this time, I ran across a photographer that was just plain rude. She overstepped people that had been waiting for there turn to go out on a specific dock and shoot and then relinquish their spot to another. This babe just stormed onto the dock and was just plain nasty. As it turned out, I ended up shooting for the other side of the lake and got some shots of nature that continue to sell well to this date. That type of aggression displayed to all of us waiting our turn, is not the same type of aggression where people stand your ground in a major situation where fees are paid for a spot. To overstep a common area is the worst kind of aggression.

I have also been reading a lot of quotes from famous people lately and this week it was George Washington Carver,1864-1943. Having come from a family where my dad's uncle founded a radio station,that station is now a part of the Clear Channel Empire. Growing up, I hung around radio stations a lot and it was another one of those things that gets into you blood. My mom was part of a group that sang on that station on Saturday nights.  So, when I read this quote from George Washington Carver; the quote: "I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.".  It spoke to me, so to speak. And, yes, I do talk to animals (especially squirrels) when out in nature  (see the image of the Chic-fil-A cup and a squirrel fabricating that cup into a piece of insulation for his nest). We had a great conversation that day.

So, being always mindful of that, it has been my method of operation to respect people in general and not be so up tight about such matters. It's payed off in the long run and will be my position to the last day that I push the final shutter button.  Having said that, I looked across the street and saw my neighbor sitting at the bus stop.I would never have thought I would see one of my neighbors at that stop. But it could have been a specific route she was taken. We had a quick catch up on both our health conditions. She had a limb amputated and seems to be doing well. She expressed such in our chat. I continued on and sure enough, keeping with sales, I found two, then three items within a mile of my house. Pure urban material! All from an Asian Shopping Center just down the street. 

Upon completing my walk. I was not tired.Stopped along the way to sip cold water from my trusty metal water bottle that fits into an insulate bag. It has served me well over the years. When I got home, it was time to watch a bit of the final round of the 120th US Open Golf Tournament from along Long Island Sound, in New York. Funny thing! It was as nice here in Dallas as it was 1200 miles to the North East.. Fifty-nine here this morning. That's F° not C°. In other words, it was N-i-c-e for both Long Island Sound and Dallas!!!! What a great day!



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