Friday, September 14, 2018

Sometimes, Timing Is Just Amazing.

It's only been a few days since the post about the rule of the shutter. Well, wouldn't you know it... the first trip out after that post and it happened. And, yes, I  went home!!

A couple of weeks ago, I ran into a guy that I have spoken with several times about what we shoot. I saw him walking up the hill toward the Filtration Building. I stopped and ask him what he was shooting that day. He said that he had been trying to shoot the hummingbirds in the area garden that another Master Gardner Group planted by the guard shack by the main water works building. I had heard the tales about shooting hummingbirds and frankly, I had not ever seen any at the lake in the 17 years that I have been going there regularly. So I started watching to see if I could see any signs of the little creatures with the fast flapping wings. Because they are more like a helicopter than an airplane, they dart here, then there then here faster than you can say hold still!!!

So, long story short, a day or so afterwards, I was at the Cultural Bathhouse garden and low and behold, I saw not one, not, two, even not three. Then, the king of them all, the red throat showed up and was darting here and there and about every where. I made the circle in the car. Sitting rather low, with the window down, was I came around the curve, I just stopped and was panning the big red bush looking through the lens to see if I could spot one on the far side. Sure enough, there he was and I started clicking the shutter. When it was all done, I had shot nearly 200 images. And, upon inspection of the images I had a few shots.Some were a bit blurred from the wings movement or the leaves moving from an east wind about 13 MPH. I had not adjusted any speed or other settings. But, following the rule, I had a capture and I went home.

I've been back twice since. The first time I saw nothing. Today, I saw one dart in and dart out. The bushes had been trimmed and a lot of the low haning branches where I could see the bird was gone altogether, But, I know know where they are. I know a bit more about their time of day and where they come from . It's suppost to be back in the low 90s next week, clear and a light breeze This time, I'm going to camp out better than before and hopefully, Ill be able to get that first truly great shot.
I need a good clean shot so will be playing around with settings until I hit the right speed and all the technical stuff.
They are cute little creatures.

This is one of two of the best from that first discovery. Look to the left of center in the first island of leaf clusters about two thirds the way up .

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