Saturday, September 29, 2018

Elon Musk Steps Down as Tesla CEO

What is this world coming to? The thought caused me to stumble this past week. It came to mind that as Google turned twenty this past week, prior to Google and Facebook and all the spin offs that we tag social media, there was a lot more organized and though and processes and decorum in American.

Post social media, frankly, all hell broke loose and all that decorum flew out the window. What's even more troubling to me is that the mil lens think it's okay to stand up in the name of free speech and yell, "FIRE" Well, it's not. There has been case law to support the fact that you better not do that or you are going to bare the consequences of the fall out. And, that's exactly what people think: "I can chime in on every thing and stand up for what I believe and blah blah blah until one is blue in the face. Social Media is the closest thing I have seen in my life that comes to fit in the box of an "anti-Christ" And frankly, again, I'm sick of the self-centered mentality. I see it every day and it gets worse by the day. It's not improving anything. It's a set-back
The point was driven home again this week when I received in the mail a proxy statement to vote as the Board of Directors Suggest. That's not the issue. The real issue is that they want, " to approve an adopt an amendment to the Company's Certificate of Incorporation to effect a revers stock split, reduce the number of authorized shares of Common Stock and increase the par value per share of our Common Stock". A reverse stock split. It doesn't sound as bad as Elon wanting to impress his girlfriend by suggesting going private at $420 per share. He might have been smoking something, if you recall what the meaning of 420 was originally. The company lost so much value per share that like Pappa John, "the official Pizza of the Dallas Cowboys", and others--- you bust your butt to build a company and then some Jackass takes to social media and yells, "FIRE" and the only way out of the fire is to step down and turn your company over to someone else. Somehow, being on the Board of Directors and not having the CEO attached to your title just isn't the same in more ways than one. It's the reverse of what "the American Way" was from the start and was until we got Google and Facebook and the rest of the bunnies that don't have anything better to do but hop on the band wagon of someone else and slap the reins on the wagons power train, the rump of the horsepower.
Now, I understand what the Board wants to do with a reverse stock split. I don't like it. I don't like it especially after the Feds marched in on a Friday after closing and closed the bank and whacked off many little zeros to where I had not much left.That was part of my retirement. Then, after a Bankruptcy finally, the company became a Phoenix and rose up out of the ashes. I received notice that I had some shares again, albeit nothing compared to what was there originally. Now, with the reverse split, that stands a chance of being taken away in round two of what amounts to a ROYAL HIST! I could take to social media and do all sorts of things declaring my this and my that and not even feel better afterwords, but I was raised with organization, a sense of dignity and decorum to respond to such wickedness. But, I'm not going to do that. The proxy gets voted tomorrow and that will be the end of that. The big buck attorneys and security dealer houses already have the outcome in two folders. Plan A and Plan B. Either way, the solution sits ready. Funny thing--I happened to notice the address that the company is now using and low and behold---its in Coppell, Texas. At least they moved to Texas. It wasn't as hard to take with that as it was in being told that your stock was basically worthless now. So either way, I'm taking it one day at a time and maybe I might have enough to donate to the North Texas Food Bank when I kick the can.

In case you missed it, the big reveal this past week was that Google was paid by Apple to remain their default search engine. Now, why do you suppose a company like Apple would pay Google $9 Billion to stay a default.  When the next bubble pops, it might be the pop that was heard across the universe. Elon, by the way---how is your red sports car doing up there?

Another one of those things that I find on the way to the Doctors.
The Perot Family Did Good Here. It's at Coit and the George Bush Turnpike Area.

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