Monday, April 3, 2017

Just A Story In Pictures

 I was ready to post the story of my walk around White Rock Lake yesterday which took a total of 7 hours and 9-minutes. That was with me calling it quits 1.18 miles from my car. There were two reasons why that happened. I don't regret falling short that little distance. At least I am here to post the pictures today. The post that I worked on all morning while cooking a pot roast and cabbage was lost because I forgot to save the file. I'm not perfect. I don't want to be perfect. I can deal with not being perfect and I'm sick of those that think that the world should be perfect. So there! As Matt Damon said in his original screen play for Good Will Hunting, "How do you like those apples!"

The experience was very worth while. It took longer than I had planned. I only moved at a 1.333 Miles Per Hour pace, far to slow for starting out an hour into the afternoon. The park closes at 11 P.M. While I would have had enough time to complete the trek, it was unsafe to do so in the dark with the final section in an isolated woodlands section were there has been trouble in the past. Also, getting help in that section would not be easy. So, the good Lord provided an out and I took it from a couple that was at the right place at the right time and offered to help.

This is the parking lot below Winfrey Point. The tree was wiped out during the storm last week.I am 2 hours and 45 minutes into the walk at this point. What you see on the skyline will take another 2 hours and 15 minutes. That is right at  the midway point and a tad more.

This is my first up close look from the lake side of the new food patio pavilions at the Dallas Arboretum. It's closer to the lake from the old patio attached to the entry gate. And, it's the last segment before reaching Route78 Garland Road, the other end of the lake.

This is one of the most unusual Reliquary Shrines that I have ever run across, partly because of where it is located. Along the south end of the lake is a trail that connects the east side with the west side of the lake. It is along busy Route78 Garland Road. From the trail, it drops off down to the water. This is behind a rail below the trail in a built up area created by who ever curated the shine. The crystal cross is attached to a solar panel that shines a light up from the bottom of the cross. There are two other solar lights along side. The roses are like a wax rose and the Easter eggs and pumpkins are on sticks that are pushed into the dirt that is surrounded by 2x4s or 4x4s. Just getting to the shine is what is so amazing and you really would have to be looking for it or looking along the side of the trail to even see it. Amazing.

Along that same trail walk, the city build an amazing lookout at the dam and below the dam along the spillway and tidal pool. This is the view looking down the spillway as it steps down in various degrees before reaching the tidal pool below, which turns the rushing water into a calm tidal basin before dropping off again in a series of  big concrete steps down into White Rock Creek as it winds its way a few miles further south to the Trinity River, then on several hundred miles to the Gulf of Mexico. The watershed here is as amazing as any of the great rivers of the west, Midwestern or eastern watersheds. I love being near water. 

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Cannot do any hurkle-durkling or any WCS. I already burned that candle on Wednesday

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