Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Baby Owls Make Debute

A month ago when I first posted images of momma owl landing on the tree hole and looking in as if there were chicks there instead of eggs, I had a hunch that the eggs had already hatched. The question remained: how many? Well, it appears that there are three--were three- as only one remains in the nest. And, with momma bringing food, having the nest to yourself, there is no urgency now to get out. However, today, I did see signs that the little owl has the curiousness to come out sooner than later.

The other two nest mates were hanging out high in the canopy. Once out, they will not go back into the trees nest. Dad was up above the little patch of forest circulating in wide patterns as momma was bringing food for the one in the nest and the other two that are out in the canopy. That is the only way you are going to locate the little ones is to watch where momma takes the food. The leafing of the canopy makes it hard to see the little fellows.

The area is dark and the sky was mostly cloudy as moisture streams in from the Gulf once again. It was humid and into the 80s today. Had the sun been out full time, I would have been in under the AC. I had reset my ISO to make amends for the da.rkness but I did get grainy images doing that. Not the best by any means. In fact, it makes me rather disturbed because I know better about how to correct the problem. The problem was more that momma would take flight and then swoosh in to feed the babies. Adjusting was just not my  speed today. Sorry about that. The blog does suffer  at times with less that perfect images. Two things: it keeps the images from being stolen and also, I can use an image on the blog where I could not use it as stock. Sorry about that, too. But, as I said a few post back: I'm not perfect.I don't want to be perfect. I will never be perfect and most all, I have come to dislike those that think the world should be totally perfect. For them, it is a pure indication that they already have a defect! Ain't poetic justice great?

Here are the images good or bad. The little owl is just plain cute either way.
Mom feeding chick below her on left of stick by mom's head.

Mom on right. Chick on Left

Mom is mom but chick is looking out of the hole and looking at the ground below.

Chicks usually fly upward on leaving the nest area.

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