Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Geophone Sensors---rather alarming in a growing list of identity markers

 It was not my intention to begin this post with a title that made a pun. However,  as it turned out, it is probably more alarming that I first thought.  Since, Geo sensors can be as small as a small spool of thread, their latest deployments are being used as home alarms. That's not a bad thing. The bad thing is that they can detect a person walking across a floor. That is not even a bad thing. The bad thing about them is that they are so sensitive that they have been found in research that every person has a distinct walk and is identifiable to a specific person, much like a fingerprint. In short, another way for government to track a person and invade privacy. Yes, that even includes all the so-called "goodie two shoes" that, while holding their cocktail in their hand talking about every one else, because they are that perfect individual are unaware of anything outside of their little world.

One must remember that :

 "The measure of anyone's freedom is what he can do without."

~~~L.M. Montgumary

An speaking of shoes


    Yes, they can sense the difference  of  individual workers on a job site like this one.

 For sure, it is something to think about in the growing era of infringements. First there was fingerprints,voice patterns, then DNA, camera, license plate readers, facial recognition profiling and now footstep sensory. I still remember my first two wake-up calls. The first:  the first time I left this country, my homeland. When I returned it was a shock to notice just how spoiled Americans really are while waiting in line at customs at Miami International Airport. The second wake up call was talking to a TexDoT. supervisor on the LBJ-635 upgrades between the High 5 and IH-35E. When I ask him how much technology was going into the project, he explained that there was..." more than people really want to know about". He went on to say that: "...what people see is construction going on.What they don't see is the really hi-tech stuff that was a good time to install because they would all associate it with an upgrade making their drive better. People in Dallas are asleep  at the wheel." Since that second wake up call, I really started to pay attention. The supervisor was absolutely, correct.

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Cannot do any hurkle-durkling or any WCS. I already burned that candle on Wednesday

 What the heck is he talking about? You don't want the long answer because that goes back 200 years where it began as a Scots term. The ...