Friday, February 26, 2021

Spring House Cleaning Has Begun

 Let me say this before you get all upset. There Is No Normal Anymore. It's time to begin a new normal. Even the world of pictures is changing. When I started 20 years plus 20 years ago, stock photography was dominated by the old line press. United Press International, Associated Press and the Reuters. Today, it's anyone's guess as Australia gave Facebook's Zuckerburg a whooping! Big Time. Social Media has upset a world that ran just fine until they got involved wanting to point the finger at an and every thing. They seemed to have forgotten that when you point your finger at someone three are pointing back at you. I grew up in a fine Corporate World run by topnotch people and people and company names you could trust. You put loyalty in those companies. In my life time, three big ones have had my loyalty and not a one of them today---nearly 60 years later--- uphold that loyalty that they were founded upon. My loyalty hasn't changed. But their loyalty to customers sure has.  Walgreens, Kroger, AT&T (Ma Bell). I have shopped there for 60 years or more. The Big Department Stores are in shambles. J.L. Hudson,gone. Macy's, J.C. Penney's are dropping like flies in the bankruptcy courts one by one and struggling to just stay above water. Don't you see, it isn't just change with the times, it's a whole different  look of what once was just normal. I've never been afraid to embrace change. You have to change. You change. You mature, you get older. Live moves on. But this upheaval of change is like a colony of termites eating away at forty year old wood. The foundation might last but the house isn't. Yes, I'm talking about the fundamental foundation of democracy but not in the scope of what we have just seen at our capital and other landmarks. That isn't change. Yes, I'm talking about Loyalty and what it has always been as a magnetic force between company and customer, but not in the scope of what we see today in the dog eat dog war between the two.   

House cleaning can also be looking back at where you started and see how far you have drifted off that mid line. I've been cleaning house the past twenty years and it's a slow process to bring things back in line. But, it can be done. First, you have to want to change. Second, you have to develop a system that lets you change. Everyone is different. Everyone is their own individual character. Everyone is human, inside and out.I never want to change that. I do want to change the cruel and violent attitudes I see brewing every day. So like with us, in our change, congress and state legislature must change and remember that we sent them to the state house and the capital to work for us--not themselves. They get paid to work, not exercise in the Senate gym or take leave of their state when the power grid almost implodes. That  kind of change is totally necessary. It is a must for civilization and societies to survive.

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Just a Kid when the Northern Lights were seen by me. This week, I missed the first night and last night it was cloudy.

Thank goodness I can say that I have at least seen the most fab light show in nature.  Today will be 100 % rain. It's another indoor day...