Saturday, March 19, 2022

A New Benchmark on the camera. A 5-miles of walking the University Trail. A metamorphic glass filled with Bush (not the beer)

 It was a perfect day. Barely any wind, temps in the mid 70°F range. I'm having to relearn some of the bus routes because of the changes made January 24, 2022. Today I had to ride the new 17 route, which was the old 84 only to find that DART has eliminated a section that I had been looking for, only to find that the changes in January wiped out that section. Little things like that do slow my travel down somewhat, but it has opened up other avenues that have created some better shots but not always convenient at the moment. 

Tomorrow should be the same weather wise but Monday is going to be a stormy day with a could be amount of rain in the 1-2 inch area. We need the rain badly, but not the storms. To many storms. I have seen more storms in the past two years than the entire time since I came back to Texas. Go figure. Yet, I'm not complaining. An old man my age with a snow shovel is history! I mentioned to Dr. Pat not long ago (he's the bio anthropologist that I know at UMass) that I auctioned my snow shovel off before leaving the Great Lakes. He sent me a picture of a big snow pile in front of his house with a show shovel sticking in the top of the pile with the tag line, "I'm in here somewhere." 

Could be a good time to get out again by late in the coming week through the week end. It is not cut in stone by mother nature yet. I set a new benchmark today with 137 downloaded from the camera when I got home tonight. Not since before I had my first surgery in 2019 have I shot a number that high. Prior to 2019, I was shooting in the neighborhood of 250-75 per day. Last week, I surprised myself with 70 images in one afternoon. Looking back at the file log from 2019 to January 2022, my images were in a slump because I could not walk without falling, then it was walking with a cane for nearly 6-7 months and the past three months walking has become a lifeline to self rehab and today was a great day, too. At home, feeling pretty good, there wasn't any swelling in my feet and legs. It is a slow process to get back up on that horse again. But, my determination is strong and not letting things get me down is hard wired in this old noggin. Call it strong will if you like. 

When I got off the Red Line at Lovers Lane, I saw a couple of guys hanging around just waiting for me to take a shot at them. It was rather funny in as much as he had ear plugs in but he was watching me get my camera out of the bag and waved to me. 

His partner got a late start.

The 12$M Cable-stayed Bridge over busy Mockingbird Lane at SMU/Mockingbird Station

                                                                               Real Green Grass Growing Already. Last Monday when I came home the landscape guy was cutting my grass and his partner had already trimmed the side walks. The guy with the noisy jet pack on his back was coming down the other side blowing the trimmings into the grass. I hear that it is like a good mulch.

An obedient school for dogs---I later found out on the East Campus of SMU across from the main campus west of US75- North Central Expressway (then a section between the two exits to Presidential Center, George W. Bush.were renamed George W. Bush). So, get this: there is a Bush street on the west campus being the back side of the man beside the library; then, an Expressway renamed for Bush on the back side of the dog. A Mockingbird under the feet of both man and dog and a SMU Blvd across the top of the metamorphic glass, which is the passageway to the East Campus in front of the library where a 15-story tower stands guard with  a neon Mustang and the SMU east campus sign. By the way,  a massive crane with a full crew of men were assembling an identical sign that was ready to be lifted up as I got the heck out of Dodge. To much Bush for one day. I didn't mean that type of Bush. To much action in one block on either side of the Presidential Center. I would have preferred a Bush in a glass, alright, nice and cold with a good Rubin with a side Dill spear and a few chips on the plate.

Think this was cute. It was on the side of the building on the trail leading into Mockingbird SMU/Mockingbird Station. So was the wood alongside the trail at a hotel near the Bush Presidential Center. The BBQ is good!! Didn't say the price was, though.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Bradley Pears Bloom.

 First the daffodils, then the red buds and now the third anchor of a trilogy have blossomed---the Bradley Pears.

Checked your rims and tires lately?

 With winter all but behind us, I stopped today at C&M tires in the 9800 block of Walnut Street. The sun lighting up the chrome rims caught my eye. Texas heat has away of wearing down tires quickly. Don't get caught short. I always checked my tires about this time of the year. The guys at C&M are a great bunch of guys so next your in that part of the city, check them out They also have other locations in the Dallas area but for some reason, these guys have always treated me well.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Another Tornado Just Missed Me!! Hit Leonard, Texas

 I walked out on my porch to check on my plant that I have been carefully taking care of inside all winter. It had just begun to show new shoots about an inch above where it was when I brought it inside. With temps being in the 60°F to 80°F all week long and no freezes I had put in out on the porch for the next several day. But with the hail warnings, I was being a helicopter human over my plant.

Just as I stepped out on the porch,  a flash of lightening drew my attention to the sky. Back into the house, grabbed the camera and I returned to the porch where I shot images for over an hour of very, very angry clouds. As they moved NE of me at a fairly slow pace compared to the faster movement I usually see, I remember thinking at the time that someone is going to get a funnel cloud because of the evident rotation that I was seeing. 

A couple of years ago my front door blew open. I got up to close it and saw a funnel cloud with so much rotation, I was having trouble shutting the door. That cloud destroyed about 16 miles of homes, businesses and schools, right through my old neighborhood, cutting a continuing path of destruction that missed my house by under four-tenths of a mile. I was just walking in that same area this past Sunday and took a picture where I washed my car, taking my cat, Hotdog with me. Looking at the leveled space there I stood at a skid of bricks that remained from storm repairs on a privacy fence, I thought about how much I loved that cat! Now, a day later  it was Déjàvu again. This time while the clouds were low, areas had cleared away along the dry line showing the blue sky and the towering clouds above what I was also seeing from my porch. Leonard, Tx did have a touchdown with a lot of damage from the news storm chasers reporters. Again, it was a close call. To close for comfort.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Another 4-mile walk finds some interesting things along the way.

 Since the cold returns tomorrow and today was the high end of the roller coaster, I set out at noon to see what I could find along the way on one of my discovery missions. One of the things that I was going to be looking for was the red bud tree that was seen from the bus last week. Almost instantly, I began to notice that tree limbs had been butchered one after another. The complaints are well documented as the utility cuts the branches that are under the power lines. The red bud was a casualty.

The seed balls from several Sycamore trees were smashed under the tires that had driven over them between the street and the sidewalk. One tree trunk came up to within 5 feet of the wires and the other side of the trunk towered to some 40-45 feet. From an landscape point of view. It looked awful. So sad. I do understand the need to do the process but that is a whole separate point of view. I just can't understand why the city planted the trees there in the first place. So many of these were city plants. I guess that some one in the department that does that just never thought that the trees would ever grow that high. 

Next. The Atchison,Topeka and Santa Fe tracks, historic in their own right, now part of the Kansas City Southern Railroad, yielded to the city for trains running from the yards that put together double stacked Inter modal trains. Running not far from my house, the trains once blew their whistles. The city went to a no horn crossings that were served by crossing gates.  For years I loved listening to the sound of the trains coming to and fro, Depending on the wind, as a train approached or diminished in distance after passing, I could judge by the sound of the horn if it was approaching one of the two crossings that I live between. Recently, however, I had noted a strange difference in sounds giving the assumption that the trains were always going the same way. Today, I discovered  why that had changed. Atop the two signal poles is a remote controlled whistle operated from the trains traveling in either direction. That is  fixed horns that never move like a locomotive. Mystery solved. 

Years ago I listened to an vinyl album named,"One Stormy Night". It was an amazing recording of sounds of train horns mixed with amazing orchestration of music scores. It was an amazing album in which to listen while reading a good novel, or to study by. As a kid, when our family traveled to my great aunts for a few day, her front porch was the first place that I headed for. She lived on a street--Railroad Street---in fact. Amazingly, that AT&SF train track was the same one some 300 miles north of where I live now. It was a busy two-track line with sidings. My paternal grandfather's farm butted up to an old Missouri & Pacific line. My dad bought a lot in town that had the same train tracks into town that had passed by my grandfathers farm. Dad later sold the lot for one on a hill side where our new house was built. 

Here I am still fascinated with trains and don't mind riding them even today. Now that gas is expensive again, it is likely to rise even more. Selling my car nearly two years ago in favor of the trains and buses here has not been one problem outside of the normal weather delays in ice storms for the light rails. The big diesels run with no problems.In fact, it's been a good move to have sold it when I did.

Across the street was a station selling at $4.05 for unleaded regular. But see the $5.29 in green? That's diesel that delivers your groceries to the stores and why you are paying higher prices for food stuff and the like. It's a double whammy! I can remember the gas wars of the mid 60's when diesel went for $0.04 a gallon and regular gas was selling for $0.17 a gallon. Dad had a rule that I could take the car on Friday nights and go out with my friends. The rule was to bring the car back with equal or more gas than what you found it. My friends would kick in a buck each and I never had a problem with dad about not having left the car short on fuel. $4.00 would fill the car us in those days. The gas wars on the Ohio Michigan border were fairly regular as in Detroit, the Imperial gallon was more than the US gallon in volume so to counter that, the gas wars equaled the playing field.

The remote control horns on either side on the flashing signals solved the mystery as to why the sound never moved in location like it once did when the trains sounded the horns on the locomotive engine.
Most all the sycamore trees seen today all had branches loaded with buds ready to pop open. Next week we are forecast to have mid 70's and lows in the mid 50's for at least a week to 10-day run. That will bring them out as green for sure.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Saw the first Red Bud bloom this year right on time.

 As seen in our featured home page image, this image was made on March 8,2020. It was the last time that my annual sighting report was made in early March. My first recording was in 1983 while visiting my mom and I noted that the trees were already leafed out here. In the Great Lakes, I always spotted the first green by April 15th (tax day). Green--tax-- you get it.

This past week, on March 5th,2022 the red bud tree, very near my house was seen from the bus. Weather has prevented me from getting out again to go back and photograph the tree that I have used in my annual sighting reports. It looks like I will be able to do that this coming week when a window will open up in the weather for one or two days.

Out last freeze typically occurs on March 12th. Surprisingly, this Thursday night into early Saturday the 12th, the temps are forecast to hit 29°F. The following days are well back to normal and seasonal temps for this time of year as the sun has now traveled farther Nor th since the low point of December 21st. That means that not only is the sun higher in the sky now, but it is also stronger and warms the earth more as we move to the traditional March equinox of Spring. Although, I use the Meteorological date of March 1 since it is much easier than always having to check if spring begins on the 20th, or 21st or sometimes on the 22nd. 

Having said that, the daffodils are already out. Now, the red buds are out. Next comes the Bradley Pears with their fantastic pristine while and pink. But somewhere in between comes the leafing of the green on the trees. I have to get to the Dallas Arboretum to see the half million tulips in what is know as Dallas Blooms! Maybe, now with it being easier to get to Ft. Worth via DFW Terminal A to B connection, I might even make it to the Ft. Worth Botanical Gardens for their fantastic Japanese Gardens. They have some beautiful rose gardens in addition to the Japanese garden. 

We set our clocks ahead this Saturday, March 12th. So being in the Central Time Zone, Pretty much every thing East of the Mississippi is Eastern Time Zone +1 hour. Going west from us there is both Mountain Time Zone +1 hour and the Pacific Time Zone +2 hour


 For Alaska and Hawaii-- check your Almanac or search engine. Please (:>))


                                                                                                  April 8, 2021

                         March 18,2020

                                                                        April 08 2021


Saturday, March 5, 2022

A Texas Patch Seen On A Ukrainian Soldier's Uniform and other little tidbits.

 I have known where Ukraine is located since I was in 5th grade. Having taken piano since then up through college, I've noticed a lot of reporters that are pronouncing the capital city's name much different than when I was in 5th grade. One of my recital pieces was titled.'The Great Gate of Kiev, Even the spelling is different today. Never-the-less- times change and it makes no difference to me as long as the Ukranine people are given the same respect that I learned about their country early on. 

One of my editors that has now ended her business, here in the states, is from Ukranine. Since the war began, I have wondered about her. I know she went back and forth over the hand full of years that she represented my pictures. When I got the notice that she was ending her business, I sent her an email and told her, "don't forget to take the cat!". So, it is only natural that I do wonder if she is here or there. 

There is a Texas connection that isn't just about our agent/client relationship. There was a news story about a Ukranine  soldier who got a patch after completing a training with the Houston Police. The patch is very much common to Texans. The patch on his uniform was the rectangle with the embroidery "Don't Mess With Texas".

The political atmosphere is not even the same following the pandemic. In fact, I have noticed a new breed of politicians. One that came to mind was a fellow being ask in an interview about his campaign. He replied, " I have no words. In fact, I have no comments."

Another interesting observation observed via a live camera feed was of a truck that was branded AEROSPEED. It was sitting at a crossing gate as a 1 and three-quarter double stacked containers train passed through the crossing. Then on the second track right behind the first train was a second train of a half mile or so in length. There  is a case to be made that the AEROSPEED at this point was just a big zero of no speed at that crossing. 

If you like watching the night sky, March is your lucky month. The full moon in March is called a worm moon. On March 31, Venus, Saturn and Mars align together.

One final little point is that Facebook's Parent, Meta, own Facebook, Instagram, What's App, Oculus and Messenger. It is one reason why I don't do Facebook at all. Long ago after checking out which one to use, I picked Twitter and have been very much satisfied for a decade. Facebook has pictures that I never authorized and the picture grab by social media is big money assets for them. They are just waiting for copyrights to expire. Be aware when your pictures turn up in places you never put them.

 I have over 10,000 images (assets) and use  an agent that does nothing but search for people using images that didn't get a liscense.

Not the end of the line, but the start of the Silver line that will tie into it.
Addison Park's Landmark
                                   I love to watch these birds. They can be  acrobats

                                            Addison Airport Holding For Clearance
                                            Fond  Memories of a plane like this.

It All Started in the wee hours of May 28th when 80 MPH winds was tossing everything against the side of my house.

 Those winds were substained for well over 40 minutes. The results were trees everywhere down or large branches broken off. One of my bus ro...