Friday, June 7, 2019

Finding All Kinds of New Blooms In Wildflower Seedings

It has been amazing to discover all the new species  of  wildflowers that were sown this year at and around the lake. Yesterday, I discovered a cousin of a common weed, Thistle.Today, I found new blooms that seemed to have grown almost over night. These, were cousins of the peony poppy that were so stunning at the Water Filtration Building. Since seeing those, I have seen not only more of the pink but also have seen them in the purple that is almost like the thistle in color. However, unlike the so many other things, there is a big difference when seeing them up close.
These are much like the peony poppy.

This is more like the common thistle

This little guy hangs out here. I first found him last season on a different bush. He seems to like this one better because he has a great viewing

Monday, June 3, 2019

Flycatchers Out In Large Numbers

Wildflowers Thrive After Record Rains and that lends itself to increase in insect population. Thus, flycatchers have ample food and numbers increase.

Flycatcher sits on top of sign with a large meadow down below. These birds can hover like a hummingbird. And that is when you see the color under the wings and side of the body with that orange and yellow brightness.

This Red Shoulder Hawk sits on the very top of a high-tension pole that is even higher as it sits on a hill where you can see downtown Dallas from near the High 5. Later, he was seen riding the thermals going into the cloud base  which was being reported at 1500 feet.

Friday, May 31, 2019

I WIll Not Pay $4 For A Stalk of Celery, Thank You.

The old law of economics' supply and demand is one of those laws that seem to work well all the time. Frankly, after all these years of understanding that fact tires me when the Mills, who don't eat cereal because they have to wash the bowl, are now driving up the cost of celery--that little green vegetable that is hardly any calories without the peanut butter. It seems that they liquefy that water-filled stalk in their Kitchen Aid and drink it for breakfast.
Corn Flower

Gay Feather In Bloom

The beauty is so delightful to watch progress.

I have eaten celery as a on-the-road snack for years. It's easy to pack. The 10-inch stalk contain about 6 calories. I cut them into 5-6 inch pieces for easier handling while driving. Up until a month ago, my favorite little market sold fresh,crisp stalks for $0.79 to $0.99 on a regular basis. Now, they are getting $2.39, which is about half of the so called organic stores where one had prices at $3.89.

So,  I'm already thinking that the dressing for the turkey this year will be without celery. I might have to go to cranberries. I bet grass clippings have some nutritional value and we know it will be green when you kitchen aid that!! Try it Mills! You might like it better than celery!

Sunday, May 26, 2019

In Ten Short Years

In ten short years, the sheer popularity of [it] has ruined the ambiance of what it was and forever changed the character of the lake as I once knew it.The  two water-wise gardens  have been the saving grace. New construction;old anchors that are going up for sale in more numbers than seen beforehand. Massive old-grown tree loss has hit the park hard, too.The number of migratory birds that have been killed by cars and bikes, alike, Storms claimed a great horned owl when a nest was blown down. 

Dill is an attraction for Caterpillar larva of future butterflies.

Beautiful colores

First the flag pole at Flag Pole hill was replaced after a storm bent the pole. Now, for Memorial Day, the new flag is bright and sharp in color.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Thank You Bill Nye!!

Bill Nye, the science guy, was quoted as saying, "Everyone you will ever meet knows something that you don't."
A Tall Corn Flower Is Ready to Bloom

With that, my brain then ask the question: How many people does a person meet in a lifetime?

There are sophisticated algorithm programs that for better or for worse can answer that question. Although, many of the engineers that input that information are the first to admit that it is almost impossible to come up with an answer that would be fairly close and accurate.Yet, the algorithm produced a number of 10,000.   

So, based on the original statement, the powers of rules and factors that guide algorithms, there are 10,000 more things that I would know today had Bill Nye produced that info in my Weekly Reader way back all to many years ago. A what? some of you are saying. Google it!

This afternoon was an absolute delight at the lake. I sat on a bench at one of the highest elevations  that faced a breeze that was like an early spring day although it was high humidity and dew points. The moisture was streaming up from the Gulf that could be cut with a knife, yet, I was completely comfortable. I'm guessing that there was an outflow boundary of rain cooled air somewhere south and it was coming across the full length of the lake also. Never-the-less, when I did get back into the car, it was an instant reach for the AC knob as I headed toward home. I have always liked lakes in the summer, especially where that cool sea breeze comes a blowing inland. 

The ducks were all sleeping on the grass at Sunset Bay. The three mallards that hang out together were taking flight from under the Mockingbird bridge as I went by. All-in-all, it was a rather light and quiet afternoon before the holiday. 
The fire wheels are bright and beautiful, especially in the areas where the Queen Ann's Lace is bordering the wildflowers plantings in acres of meadows and hillsides.

Monday, May 20, 2019

In Search Of A 2-Year Old Lead

It has now been just over two years since I got a lead on an outdoor activity that is tied to a couple of sports. However, confirming it has been something of a treasure hunt. Yesterday, was a day that could be spent on following up on where we left off  the last time. The end result was about the same, although, we did see a picture that the lead is more actual than rumor. So, although we didn't get a resolution on this trip, we feel like we are getting closer. We will keep you posted.

One thing we did notice yesterday was the fact that some of the mileage covered an area where we have shot some pretty interesting coverage before. So, overlap has occurred  But, the area has changed drastically with growth and expansion. Some of the scenic pastures have now become shopping centers, with nearby developments of  hundreds of new rooftops and even a hospital on one hillside. This much I know:  It ain't gonna stop there!  There were signs of future expansion all along the way.

At one time not so far in the past, driving from an urban area into the more rural and countryside was measured by not time or miles but in number of tracks on a CD. Now, it's measured in the number of CD before a traditional rural setting can be spotted.. However, keep in mind, I don't drive the tollways or expressways on the route circuit. If I did, all I would see is semi-trailers and McDonald signs! So it's surface streets and roadways and some county roads.

 With increasing traffic and  spotting  not one or two out of state license plates but 7 or 8 on an average trip, adds new meaning to the old car vacation game of calling out state's names. The number of new plates is,without doubt, growing. So, with camera riding shotgun, here is a couple of roadside pastures we passed.
A real live Texas Long Horn with a nice span of horn.

Even animals like to be close to the road

I Love Scenes Like This.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Shot Early Morning Before The Storms Hit

The storm blew over two of my four trees in pots that were on my porch. Two were undisturbed.
The English Have Arrived and the Architecture will be such a delight  when finished.

A Bloom That Simplicity Rewarded

Angel's Trumpet Blooms.Yesterday, it was a yellow tube.

It All Started in the wee hours of May 28th when 80 MPH winds was tossing everything against the side of my house.

 Those winds were substained for well over 40 minutes. The results were trees everywhere down or large branches broken off. One of my bus ro...