Monday, May 20, 2019

In Search Of A 2-Year Old Lead

It has now been just over two years since I got a lead on an outdoor activity that is tied to a couple of sports. However, confirming it has been something of a treasure hunt. Yesterday, was a day that could be spent on following up on where we left off  the last time. The end result was about the same, although, we did see a picture that the lead is more actual than rumor. So, although we didn't get a resolution on this trip, we feel like we are getting closer. We will keep you posted.

One thing we did notice yesterday was the fact that some of the mileage covered an area where we have shot some pretty interesting coverage before. So, overlap has occurred  But, the area has changed drastically with growth and expansion. Some of the scenic pastures have now become shopping centers, with nearby developments of  hundreds of new rooftops and even a hospital on one hillside. This much I know:  It ain't gonna stop there!  There were signs of future expansion all along the way.

At one time not so far in the past, driving from an urban area into the more rural and countryside was measured by not time or miles but in number of tracks on a CD. Now, it's measured in the number of CD before a traditional rural setting can be spotted.. However, keep in mind, I don't drive the tollways or expressways on the route circuit. If I did, all I would see is semi-trailers and McDonald signs! So it's surface streets and roadways and some county roads.

 With increasing traffic and  spotting  not one or two out of state license plates but 7 or 8 on an average trip, adds new meaning to the old car vacation game of calling out state's names. The number of new plates is,without doubt, growing. So, with camera riding shotgun, here is a couple of roadside pastures we passed.
A real live Texas Long Horn with a nice span of horn.

Even animals like to be close to the road

I Love Scenes Like This.

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Cannot do any hurkle-durkling or any WCS. I already burned that candle on Wednesday

 What the heck is he talking about? You don't want the long answer because that goes back 200 years where it began as a Scots term. The ...