Showing posts with label acres planted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label acres planted. Show all posts

Friday, May 24, 2019

Thank You Bill Nye!!

Bill Nye, the science guy, was quoted as saying, "Everyone you will ever meet knows something that you don't."
A Tall Corn Flower Is Ready to Bloom

With that, my brain then ask the question: How many people does a person meet in a lifetime?

There are sophisticated algorithm programs that for better or for worse can answer that question. Although, many of the engineers that input that information are the first to admit that it is almost impossible to come up with an answer that would be fairly close and accurate.Yet, the algorithm produced a number of 10,000.   

So, based on the original statement, the powers of rules and factors that guide algorithms, there are 10,000 more things that I would know today had Bill Nye produced that info in my Weekly Reader way back all to many years ago. A what? some of you are saying. Google it!

This afternoon was an absolute delight at the lake. I sat on a bench at one of the highest elevations  that faced a breeze that was like an early spring day although it was high humidity and dew points. The moisture was streaming up from the Gulf that could be cut with a knife, yet, I was completely comfortable. I'm guessing that there was an outflow boundary of rain cooled air somewhere south and it was coming across the full length of the lake also. Never-the-less, when I did get back into the car, it was an instant reach for the AC knob as I headed toward home. I have always liked lakes in the summer, especially where that cool sea breeze comes a blowing inland. 

The ducks were all sleeping on the grass at Sunset Bay. The three mallards that hang out together were taking flight from under the Mockingbird bridge as I went by. All-in-all, it was a rather light and quiet afternoon before the holiday. 
The fire wheels are bright and beautiful, especially in the areas where the Queen Ann's Lace is bordering the wildflowers plantings in acres of meadows and hillsides.

Cannot do any hurkle-durkling or any WCS. I already burned that candle on Wednesday

 What the heck is he talking about? You don't want the long answer because that goes back 200 years where it began as a Scots term. The ...