Another awesome spring day. Somewhere down the line, we will pay for this. In fact, as I write this, severe thunderstorms hit the DFW area tonight and an unconfirmed tornado got very close to home. But, as spring storms go in Texas, big hail pelted several areas tonight with baseball size hail and tennis ball size and golf ball size hailstones. It sounds a lot like a sporting event and it's never fun to loose at that game.
But, as yesterday went, it just was a delight to be outside. Several people that I see regularly were telling me that that have started to follow my blog. That set the tone for a continuation of what I do as a hobby but also inspired me to find new and interesting things both at the lake and throughout my little wagon wheel circuit of the DFW area.
The one thing about White Rock that draws me there so much is the eclectic happenings from people to things, to wildlife, to the total absurd like hearing the steamboat whistle in the difference and knowing that it is a steamboat whistle and also knowing, there is no way a steamboat is on this lake and yet, there it was. One heading right at me. In fact, the Dallas Morning News did an article on the guy.
It was the 7th season for the White Rock Paddle Company appeared on the scene. I stopped by briefly to tell the guys, Happy Seventh! I still remember the day that Amy in here pink ball cap let me take her picture and I posted on my new blog about that. The business has really gone through the ceiling of success since those early days of rentals.
So, I will post one from three different events that I saw through my viewfinder during the course of the day.
Meet Peanut. I had just complimented her about her dress. |
A "SUP" takes in a view of a sail boater with the sun hitting the water at that super angle this time of year. |
This is the second accident at this intersection in two days. The second car wasn't as bad as this one's front end from the looks of what I saw.