Tuesday, January 19, 2021

A Low Level Jet Overhead for all week for "everything"

 Yesterday was 68°F. The next five days will be 55ish  with chances of rain each day through Saturday. It  is mid-winter already under Meteorological winter (the months of December, January and February. unlike the astronomical seasons that begin with the earths circulation  around the sun by a specific date, which can change from the 20-22th . Three weeks isn't gonna make any big difference in the seasons so I enjoy the use of the December 1 to Feb 28-29 as winter. Meteorological spring is March, April, and May. Meteorological summer is June, July, and August. Meteorological fall is September, October, and November. it is just much easier than trying to remember the exact date of the current year. I don't carry my Farmer's Almanac around in my hip pocket like the farmers once did. And one of my grandfathers was a farmer. I have picket cotton on his farm as a 12-year old. My bag weighed in at 26 pounds. I remember that day after all those years as I remember walking the 5 miles into town from my grandfather's farm because I wanted to be independent and strong willed. Those were iconic moments growing up that I cherish to this day. My determination and will power were developed because my parents and grandparents were in harmony and were not helicopter-parents like so many today. Times are different today, I realize, but that's from a parents perspective. It's certainly not from the kids point of views. The difference is, my parents had trust in me, they taught me well, and I had a support group of peers and peers parents that had rules to abide by and uphold. 

Having said that, I see today some of the things that made a difference in my life growing up and I am so thankful to have had parents, grandparents and a church based upbringing.  So much of that is missing from today's youth.  I have been following the almost daily reports in the news of what I call the Golden Triangle years of well know kids, sports figures etc., in that 24-25-26 year range. Just another one today with Harry Brant, son of super model Stephanie Seymour and Billionaire Peter Brant. It was reported that he died from an overdose. He had been a model for Italian Vogue and had started a cosmetic line with his brother. He had also worked for his father's "interview" business as a writer. In other words, he had the world by the tail. Any loss of life is painful. I lost a son at 27 who had done everything by the book and right every step of the way. That pain grows, it doesn't lessen. It's just dulled a bit as time passes, but never goes away.

Of late, I have been paying keen attention of weather systems. The typical January Arctic Chill just hasn't been around so far this year. Like I mentioned earlier, we were 68°F yesterday. Our average is 55. But, today, the daily average high's officially change as the sun moves slowly northward again.  What I am saying is that I have been watching the wind patterns this year more than normal. My house is only cold when we get a Northwest Wind. I have  been considering having a storm door installed. One, I can  keep the door open in our lovely Springs and Falls and cut down on the electricity to run my heat bills during December and January. I've got an on-going battle going on with TXU Energy anyway. This year when it has gotten a bit chilly inside, instead of kicking up the heat a degree or two, I put on an extra light weight jacket and turn the knob down a degree, not up. Works well for me! I love reading the notes on my energy dashboard where TXU says: "Congratulations! your energy use for January is 39% less that other homes like your. Meteorological spring is March, April, and May. Meteorological summer is June, July, and August. Meteorological fall is September, October, and November.s." It puts a smile on my face.Call me a tree hugging nature lover, or an energy neutral person, I don't mind. I never have minded doing work one. What I do mind is having to do work twice because of someone else that didn't do their job correctly the first time. Hey Walmart---answer your phones!! You cost me my spot in delivery yesterday!

March 1 begins Meteorological  Spring and I have seen green buds on the trees open by that date. Which is right on target. In the Great Lakes, I could always count on seeing those buds and red buds flowering by income tax day, April 15th. That's 45 days to travel 1200 miles northward. Mother nature is a great calculator. So based on her perfection, I have already been on a bud discovery mission to find areas of the woodlands that have more than normal swollen buds just waiting for that first day of 70-75°F days to pop open those buds into greenery and flowers by March 1. It is closer than we think. One must observe and note their observations to be fully in tune with nature. Just as the colors in leaves in the fall in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan move south 20 miles per day, in the springtime, it works exactly the same going the other way south to north. 

So, tomorrow, I guess that I can watch the shindig going on at the Capital. It will be one for the history books for sure. I like history. I've seen my share of it. From JFK's speech on the steps of the Capital when he said," Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You... " to Watching Oswald shot on live TV to men landing on the moon, the Civil Rights Movement, 911,the first African American President, Obama and much, much more  up to the events of tomorrow with the swearing in of the first African-Asian Vice President and woman. January 20, 1961 to January 20, 2021, an astonishing 60 years of time and hundreds of books written about it all. I would not have missed a minute!

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Cannot do any hurkle-durkling or any WCS. I already burned that candle on Wednesday

 What the heck is he talking about? You don't want the long answer because that goes back 200 years where it began as a Scots term. The ...