Saturday, June 23, 2018

A Business That Means Business

Each of us drive by some place every day and notice it as a frequent landmark. We also see it as being mundane of little interest other than we know it's there as we pass.

With all the conflict in the world today and basically business ethics out the window, when you see a frequent, be it mundane at best, business that actually does what it's no longer mundane and can even be comical in addition to being refreshing.

Such was the situation early this morning as I made my way to drive under the new bridge at the entrance of T&P Hill where the old metal trestle was replaced with a new hike and bike trail bridge yesterday. 

Unexpectedly, clouds move in with a brisk breeze and the smell of a few raindrops falling. It was a delight just to be out and have the temperature at 75 and not 80 where it has been stuck most of the month as our overnight low. As I come down 78 Garland Road, I passed a tire rental business next to Keller's Hamburgers. I was noticing the neat buntings Keller's had hanging out on their railings for the Fourth of July when I see this car in the parking lot next door sitting on cinder blocks. All four tires were gone. Then, I see the name of the business and broke out in a laughter like I haven't done in years. It just struck me as funny. Admittedly, not knowing the circumstances behind the car sitting in their lot, I turned around and came back around to get a couple of shots. In the process, I had the thought that Gee, here is a business that does what it advertises!! The proof sat right there on cinder blocks. Refreshing and I had a good laugh from it all.
The Business That I Admire For Doing What There Sign Says.

The culprit that broke me into a good laugh.

The Proof Is In The Pudding!

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