Well, my car just kind of lead the way today and I ended up at DFW Airport. One thing that I noticed immediately was the rerouting of Air Field Drive just past the North Remote Lot while columns are being poured where Air Field Once was level. For a bit, I couldn't figure out what on earth would be cause to raise Air Field Drive into the air? Then it hit me. To bring the other train line into Terminal B, it must come from Grapevine. To come from Grapevine, it wouldn't be as efficient to have a crossing to maintain. Now, would be the time to raise Air Field Drive Over the route of the tracks.
When I rode the light rail into Terminal A, from the train, the "Y" switch had been put in already and it is headed exactly where the Air Field construction is on going. Could it be? Will it be? Time will tell the truth. Years of watching such happening and taking note of little things like the "y" switch and such things has taught this old man to bet on his own hunches than anything else.
It was a lazy afternoon at Founder's Plaza. There were a number of people there, but it was a more subdued crowd that just sat quietly and enjoyed the shift in wind and the dryer air even though the temperature was up where it has been recently. And that brings another topic into the equation. Many many years ago, an old man (like I am now) taught me how to tell when there was an upcoming change that nature does. If you learn system by watching nature, over time, you begin to see those changes. He taught me that when trees "flip their leaves" it means that the sap has started it cycle to slow down production and will begin to shut down for the long winter's nap. Well, the trees have flipped their leaves in the Dallas area.
The plans were to get some shots of that very thing---leaves flipped---but I got help up by a train what had its last car blocking a crossing. I watched people grow impatient one after another after another. They jockeyed their cars forward and in reverse and forward some more. Others, just drove up over the curb. I watched one guy miss tearing his muffler off his car by fractions of an inch. I had to laugh. Every one is in such a hurry today. They race here and they race there and when I get up to the light, I'm sitting next to them. That makes me laugh even more. Someone once ask if I didn't feel bad that they see me laughing. I shocked them by answering: Look, I waited a long time to say get off my grass. Stay out of my yard. It's earned with age. It's like clout. You never know how much clout one has until you exercise it.
All are experts today. But, in the area of common sense, all their expertness can't make their synapse click where it should be clicking. One might say that the chemical imbalance from their health potions mixed up in their juicers and blenders might have missed a carrot or two. In short, taking life one day at a time suits me just fine. As those cars left the lanes leading up to the rail car parked on the road, I would pull up into those spaces. You see, I shoot a lots of my trains on that siding and I am familiar with the train traffic out of Irving into Carrollton and on to Frisco. There is a major stone crushing operation there also and gondolas and hopper cars and tank cars are the norm. Usually, there is both BNSF engines and Union Pacific engines sitting side by side . They change shifts there so I knew that the wait was going to be close to a half hour. So, it wasn't a big deal. I had no place to be other than home when I got there.
There are nine images running on the live news feed already from this afternoon. The clock is already running on the 48 hour cycle on on/off. I was able to get some really good images of a couple of colorful planes and one of the North Entrance large American flag. That flag is just inside the Tarrant County line. The tower is one of DFW's three towers. The east tower, the center tower and the west tower. Runways 13L, a cross wind runway is the eastern runway, followed by 17L,17C and 17R in Dallas County and 18L and 18R and 13 R, another cross wind runway make up the seven active runways. the 18s and 13R are in Tarrant county. The International Parkway which is the North and South Entry to the airport finds the terminals A,B,C,D,and E snuggled up to the International Parkway--a toll road-- that runs through the airport from major expressway feeders to the south and north.
You get wildlife, birds, airplanes, trains, clear views of downtown Dallas skyline as well as Las Colinas skyline and even the Galleria on LBJ-635 and the Dallas North Toll road when there isn't any haze from traffic or jet A fuel burn. Oh, and the Great Wolf Lodge and the Gaylord Texan Resort skyline as well as the clock in downtown Grapevine on Main Street. There is just a lot to see that one would never think of from visiting an airport---especially the Founder's Plaza when is the outdoor observation to the big boys that land on 18L and 18R most of the time, although sometimes, they are shot across the A bridge to take off or land on the 17s on the other side of the airport.
So, I'm excited about the second train coming to DFW Terminal B. (This won't be light rail (DART using electricity to power the train). Dallas' light rail system is the largest light rail system in the country.) It will be the old fashion locomotion with commuter train cars like the TRE (Trinity Rail Express) .
Also, I did notice today that the old Cotton Belt Line from Plano to Grapevine is getting some rail improvements. There is some rumblings that that rail line connecting the northern corridor cross town isn't at all dead. And the high speed rail line from Houston to Dallas isn't a if, but when and how soon? The right of way is being obtained ever so quietly and there again--- time teaches that those things like that are done just like the rumblings are rumbling.
I hope I can still put my hat on my head as I go out the door to see and to ride those fantastic inventions of days gone by. We should have been riding them years ago, but unto ever man there is a season. Maybe all this attention to nature and observations has caught my season, finally!
Đ¢here is a story here about this type of car this time of year. Another day, however. |
Tranquil in person as well as looking at the image. |
The yellow reminds me of Tom Braniff and the way he painted jets. |
August 21: Edit for clarity. Sorry, folks. I published sooner than planned without any edits complete. I write with main thoughts and usually omit the filler support until time of edit before publishing. Yesterday, I was just tired when the clock struck midnight. I hit the publish button rather than the save button and when my feet hit the floor this morning, the first thought of the day was that I had not edited the post.