Tuesday, May 5, 2015

World Turtle Day Coming Up.

It has always amazed me how discoveries are made while doing mundane things like errands. I first noticed this on my trips to the cardiologist after my surgery. Then, I would discover things new and unexpected while picking up prescriptions at my local Walgreen's. Soon, my visits to the doctor began to become a seedbed of projects to photograph, I began to log them. Then, I began to track the images that were sold by my agent and stock houses. There was a direct relationship to the discoveries and sales for sure. Now, even when I go to the grocery store, I work my project list and save the grocery store to the last stop on my errand list. Why? I do not like soft ice cream when I take the lid off the container! And---before you ask---yes, I had a half-gallon melt before; not a pretty sight.

National Turtle Day: May 23,2015

The local 501(C) (3) is a 17-acre facility in Melissa, Texas. That's a bit north and east of McKinney.
North Texas Tortoise Sanctuary and Conservation Center.
The American Tortoise Rescue organization is in California. 

So, if  you are a fan of the number one pet in the world, don't forget to observe National Turtle Day this year. 

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Cannot do any hurkle-durkling or any WCS. I already burned that candle on Wednesday

 What the heck is he talking about? You don't want the long answer because that goes back 200 years where it began as a Scots term. The ...