Saturday, May 23, 2015

A Time To Remember

Veteran's Section in a local Cemetery
This time of year--especially, this time of year-- I think about my dad telling of his experiences during the war when I was growing up. My grandmother called Memorial Day, Decoration Day. It was the one time each year when families went to the cemetery, cut grass, pulled weeds, planted flowers and put decorations on the markers. Over the years, each Memorial Day I usually attend a memorial service at one of the large cemeteries. Sometimes I stay for the full service. Sometimes, I wander the cemetery reading marker epitaphs. Most of the markers carry the Private or PFC inscription.

Both my dad and his brother served in World War II. Dad was part of the liberation of Paris. I can still see the old crinkled cut images of him in Paris with his buddy. After leaving the cemetery my uncle always got on the old upright piano in my grandmother's living room and played, "Under The Double Eagle". He played it in the USO facilities where ever he could find one. People liked to hear it played in those days.

Dad has his place of honor at the National Cemetery in Little Rock. As I see all the volunteers placing the American flags one foot in front of the headstones, I know that dad would be proud.
The Greater Dallas Veteran's Council do an excellent job in remembering and paying tribute to American Heroes as does all the volunteers in all the National Cemeteries. It really hits you when you see 4x4x4 parts baskets and/or containers filled with those American flags.
More than 6,800 American flags representing lives lost in Operations Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom and New Dawn.

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Cannot do any hurkle-durkling or any WCS. I already burned that candle on Wednesday

 What the heck is he talking about? You don't want the long answer because that goes back 200 years where it began as a Scots term. The ...