Got up early yesterday morning. Headed out to Fair Park. The "confirmed" move on the museum's face book linked page on Twitter said today was the day. The Union Pacific Big Boy 4018 steam locomotive was scheduled to move to its new home in Frisco,Texas. After two hours of waiting with several dozen people, railroad workers and a few wannabe hotshots , the Union Pacific main line would not permit the move over their tracks. The dead rail siding out of Fair Park must interchange with the UP before being transferred to the Burlington Northern Tracks. After 14-months of observations, one would tend to piece together a little undercover political maneuvering being displayed between a couple of factions involved between the railroads and jurisdictions. That is my observation based on prior knowledge of the situation. It goes without saying that burning bridges is never a good thing.Having said that, the bottom line is many people with interest in railroading had that precious Sunday off wasted;some being very hurt, not once but several times, during the course of this move to Frisco. Another thing struck me as being odd. An old Wichita Falls REA rusted truck was missing from Fair Park's fenced in area for the former museum. Not a word was said about that. HUM? File that one under, "Keep an eye on that",Casey Jones.
While switching was about to begin to jockey things around, the railroad was going to exercise their muscle under the color of "safety". It was time to get out of that mess and find a source for my special project this summer: "Seniors and Retirees and their Pets at the lake". It didn't take me long, either. I stopped at McDonald's and got lunch to go, drove over to Dryfuss Club and sat on the hilltop watching the TOP O' TEXAS ride at Fair Park cycle up and cycle down while I ate my lunch. Afterwards, it was time to get some great animal shots. Over by the marina area, it was quick to book up the afternoon with three great dogs. Two were poodles belonging to a couple and a Lab mix that loved his tennis balls and the water.
People have fun with their animals at the lake and spend a lot of time and money to keep those pets safe and happy. Enjoy a few choice shots.
The F-7A |
Captain Greg his wife and their two poodles go Hobie Kayaking |
Ace, a mixed Lab loves the water and the two tennis balls in his mouth! |
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