Friday, January 13, 2017

Discoveries Are Delicious For Me and German Prisoners at Winfrey Point.

It might not seem like much to some, but when you  make a discovery that has been staring you in the face for years, it is  mountain peak success. Being an old man like I am, it gets harder to get down on the ground and even harder to get up if you accomplish the original goal of getting down in the first place. So why would you want to get down if it is hard to get up again, you ask? Well, in photography it is all about changing the angle of view. If you shoot from a tripod all the time, your pictures have above level, level or that below level look which is not the same as being down seeing things from say, the eyes of a dog for better understanding of my point.

White Rock is not on level ground. It's on the edge of the  chalk cliffs but still has a rock base underlying. The roadways rise and sink depending on what side of the lake you are on. Officially, the highest point is  Winfrey Point, the barracks the government used to house German prisoners of war that had served in Rommel's little army c.1943 in Africa. The layout of the lake puts most of the higher elevations on the East side of the lake, although there are some hills on the West side along the Estate section especially.

 Last year when the city rearranged some sections of the trail along the Big Thicket side, they ran the trail from the foot bridge up through the tall prairie grass section and into the Big Thicket. That elevation is much higher than the road and does present a more scenic view of the lake while walking the trail or bike riding alone the trail. At the same time, the city installed new drainage tiles under the new trail and constructed a concrete spillway down to the tile that goes under the roadway and into the lake.

Yesterday, I got an e-mail from one of my editors seeking images of persons walking down a trail through a grove-like stand of trees. Instantly I knew where to go to get those shots. As it turned out, it was 78-degrees and people were in shorts and short sleeved shirts--or no shirts at all. Quite a contrast to bare trees and brown vegetation for the most part and tons of leaves still falling from the trees.

I had been standing up on the trail above where the culverts go under the trail leaning on the railing on the uphill side of the trail. All the shots looked the same. "What can I do to change it?",I thought. So I started to look around to find some place where I could sit down on the trail, then I remembered that while the culverts and stone work was being done last spring, I had shot (as in photograph) the the two guys that were putting in the stone work and that I was down in the trenches---so to speak--- while I got the shots of them working their crafts. The only difference was that there was this nice concrete runway to stand on now that put me about 5 feet below the trail on the up side and about 4 feet below the roadway on the downhill side. Perfect! It's funny how you think sometimes. It had been slapping me in the face for years, and even after it was made better, it still took a year to figure out that those kind of shots would be great. So I spent the rest of the afternoon experimenting with the new-found angle and it turned out very well.

Sometimes, I get so excited when I discover something that I forget to check my settings like I should and I end up with some foiled images, but you learn from those mistakes and carry on for another day. As it turned out, while reviewing images today, I discovered one that while it is somewhat blurry and the stock approvers don't like blur at all, the image did something that I had been trying to figure out for years. So, while the approvers will reject the image and give a stock cookie-cutter answer why they don't want the image, and some go a bit further to try to put you down under the cover of technical problems,  it is the type of image that could win an award. It's a strange business--this business of image creator vs. photography for stock business.

So, you are going to see one image in three different settings from one point on this planet of ours. All because I went down into a drainage ditch and liked it there!! Stay tuned as I will post more shots from that ditch later. Ditch. I said Ditch!! And who is in the gutter now?
No hurry, just an enjoyable ride from here to there.

Any other time I would have ask the guy to stop and play a tune on that stringed instrument he has riding on his back.

No shirt, no leaves, brown grass. It must be drought time in Texas.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Humor Can Be Found Anywhere

Founder's Plaza at DFW

Airbus A-319 flown by Virgin American on final to 13R at Love Field in a strong cross wind.

One of the last MD-11s UPS still flies. That's a lot of package deliveries there, bubba!
Wind today at DFW was steady at 29 MPH Gusting to 40 MPH. A wind advisory went into effect at 10 A.M. CST. At about 6 A.M. this morning, with a setting full moon, the flow of Gulf moisture was streaming by the moon. It was awesome.

We set another  record today, too. 80-degrees at the 2:54 P.M. update at the National Weather Service at DFW, our official reporting station. Even the feathered birds were having a difficult time navigating. Yet, one overly friendly grackle got me to laugh.

The angle of the sun this time of year in mid morning to a bit after noon the glare on the planes is not the best. Plus, I hate changing settings this time of year, too. Even with memory Fn settings. By the time I got to Love Field, the winds had not let up much (Gust to 35 MPH) but the light was much more favorable.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Drag Races Between Two SD-70 Locomotives

Actually, if I had this image when I posted the 12/22/2016 post, "Perseption Is Everything, But..." this would have been a perfect image. It is impossible to show the reason why here in this image, but behind the Union Pacific engine are two more BNSG engines. The way I understand it is that the railroad that owns the tracks pulls a rerouted engine and cars for a train that is using those tracks for some reason. In short, they need an escort while on Union Pacific tracks. But, a case at first sight sure could be made that these two trains were racing.

We set another record today. While checking out the lake, and talking with  another lake goer, we pretty much decided that any scene at the lake today could be anywhere. Anywhere in the world. As Ali said, "we call it White Rock Lake". And I do believe that he captured the moment completely with that statement. He later said, we could use that as a tag line. We sure could, Ali. We now have it for the record and should we want to use it again....we are the only ones that can claim it from here on out.

"Look at that. It could be any place in the world. We call it White Rock Lake". copyright Ali and dallaspaparazzo, Tuesday, 10th January 2017.All rights reserved for us both!
"Look at that. It could be anyplace in the world. We call it White Rock Lake."

Train Drag Racing?

A beautiful little wren.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Sure Glad I Didn't Live Back Then

Ran across a group of guys today that were in battle. The next thing I know, I'm in the middle of it---sort of. It was a bit unnerving to actually see guys with swords and hatches and shields along side me.
These guys were a re-enactment of Vikings from an archaeological standpoint. In other words, they re-enact from actual findings and research as to how the Vikings used their weapons and what those weapons actually did in real battles. Interesting group. They were at Flag Pole Hill behind the Big Shelter House in the open area on the downhill slope.
The sounds were awesome

The facial expressions kind of worried me a bit.

Helmet with Chain mail.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Some Cuteness In The New Year

My car sometimes just takes control and heads me randomly in one direction. It did that on Monday. When I decided that it was really time to stop, my car was at the parking lot to the Ron Kirk Bridge, formerly known as the old Continental Bridge before the Margaret Hunt Hill was built. On good weather days, the crowds are usually pretty good if you are going to shoot weather shots for the Live Feeds or have some editorial shots as a group. Such was how the day went. I had 11 images running on the live feed the past 48 hours and I really enjoy spotlighting Dallas when I can.
Family of Cowboy Fans save #84. A hold out as a Pittsburgh Fan

Two bull dogs taking their owners for a walk.

The Skyline Trail along the Trinity and crosses under the Ron Kirk Bridge Park . It runs both sides of the river from Sylvan Avenue to I-30 and the Margaret McDermott Bridge that will have a pedestrian bike access suspended under the bridge as the southern cross over. The old Sylvan Avenue bridge is the northern crossover point. It is a little over 4 miles long for both sides of the river.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

What A Way To End The Year!!

During the course of the year, I have tried to present some of the fun and unusual things that jump off in North Dallas. Heavens only knows that there is enough bad news channels already. So to present that oddity to make you chuckle or laugh out loud or to say that passionate---AHHHHH! has been a goal of mine.

This year, it seems that yard decorations have gone with a more dangling mode that is made of unusual things. I have passed up many more that were so "complicated" to sort it out would have been not worth the time because while you were making up your mind what it was, the element of  comedy delay that always works, would have passed. But, there were some that just had that little tickler that would make sour lemon drops smile.

Today, while making my last round of the lake for 2016. It was rather mundane of sorts. Even I was a bit surprised how people were kind of not themselves for some reason. So as I headed out for home, I wanted to head out on the highest overview of the lake and downtown. As I turned onto the street that would provide those views, I caught a glimpse out of the corner of my eye that made the turn around and come back for a second look. I cracked up!! If I was having a contest for the most original humor decorations, this would have won thumbs down. See what you think. Everybody have a good and safe New Years and come on back in 2017. I post especially for Y'all.

Suspended  from tree branches, a lantern, table lamps with shades is not your average decoration.

It can't be said that it isn't original!!!

Friday, December 30, 2016

Accomplished A Lot Today

Just A Pretty Duck

Black Ring Bill Gulls Resting

A couple of days to New Years and the past week has seen two record breaking days. One at 81 degrees and one at 83 degrees.
With the tic-toc ticking, somehow, a lot of year-end task were accomplished today; even got in a 45-minute power nap. In the process, many images got listed with a handful of agencies. Every year, I try to go back through my images because for one reason or another, I miss one here and there. My thinking at the time could have been that I didn't want to list that particular image.  Some times it's as simple as whether I can list it as stock or as an editorial only image. Those can be the easy choices---sometimes---and at other times it can be a major debate of mind reasoning. There has even been times that I have prayed over an image here and there. Plus, there are projects to plan for shoots and editorial stuff happening that one needs to stay on top if the event changes. Frankly, with the degree of hate in the world today, I think about those projects with extra special care. Mom called that, "loss prevention with maximum realization".

On our website under the last tab, some of our images portfolios can be viewed via links. But, of course, there are a couple that do not give us that advantage to include every image so that you can check them out. For that reason,  I have exempted those two sites so that images are not listed there unless they are on all the links.In other words, if you can not check it out, then I don't list images on those sites, but will list them on sites that allow us to link our portfolios.

There should be one final post before the New Years. Hopefully, I'll still have time to get it written .  

Just a Kid when the Northern Lights were seen by me. This week, I missed the first night and last night it was cloudy.

Thank goodness I can say that I have at least seen the most fab light show in nature.  Today will be 100 % rain. It's another indoor day...