Sunday, September 20, 2020

It Half-Way Felt Like Old Times, Today

 When the weather broke, it was my signal to start walking again. The first outing was just one mile. The second outing was two. Today, the final total from the walk was four mile. The side pack held my battery charger for my phone. In addition, is the inside pack that held hand sanitizer and an extra face mask. 

As I started out, there was uncertainty if the neighborhood wold be the target or would the bus or train be better. Or would a combo of both, be more exciting? The final mental answer would find me in the neighborhood. Not in the residential portion, but in the commercial part. 

Several years ago, I started a watch on where my best sales came from. The answer was within 8-miles of my house. That circle produced the highest sales. It has never been about dollars for me. It's always been about the mission, freelancing in a total urban area. Being aggressive was not in the plan either. In fact, that is for me, the worse attitude for a photographer. Just last year about this time, I ran across a photographer that was just plain rude. She overstepped people that had been waiting for there turn to go out on a specific dock and shoot and then relinquish their spot to another. This babe just stormed onto the dock and was just plain nasty. As it turned out, I ended up shooting for the other side of the lake and got some shots of nature that continue to sell well to this date. That type of aggression displayed to all of us waiting our turn, is not the same type of aggression where people stand your ground in a major situation where fees are paid for a spot. To overstep a common area is the worst kind of aggression.

I have also been reading a lot of quotes from famous people lately and this week it was George Washington Carver,1864-1943. Having come from a family where my dad's uncle founded a radio station,that station is now a part of the Clear Channel Empire. Growing up, I hung around radio stations a lot and it was another one of those things that gets into you blood. My mom was part of a group that sang on that station on Saturday nights.  So, when I read this quote from George Washington Carver; the quote: "I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.".  It spoke to me, so to speak. And, yes, I do talk to animals (especially squirrels) when out in nature  (see the image of the Chic-fil-A cup and a squirrel fabricating that cup into a piece of insulation for his nest). We had a great conversation that day.

So, being always mindful of that, it has been my method of operation to respect people in general and not be so up tight about such matters. It's payed off in the long run and will be my position to the last day that I push the final shutter button.  Having said that, I looked across the street and saw my neighbor sitting at the bus stop.I would never have thought I would see one of my neighbors at that stop. But it could have been a specific route she was taken. We had a quick catch up on both our health conditions. She had a limb amputated and seems to be doing well. She expressed such in our chat. I continued on and sure enough, keeping with sales, I found two, then three items within a mile of my house. Pure urban material! All from an Asian Shopping Center just down the street. 

Upon completing my walk. I was not tired.Stopped along the way to sip cold water from my trusty metal water bottle that fits into an insulate bag. It has served me well over the years. When I got home, it was time to watch a bit of the final round of the 120th US Open Golf Tournament from along Long Island Sound, in New York. Funny thing! It was as nice here in Dallas as it was 1200 miles to the North East.. Fifty-nine here this morning. That's F° not C°. In other words, it was N-i-c-e for both Long Island Sound and Dallas!!!! What a great day!



Saturday, September 12, 2020

A Waxing and A Waining A Whole Life Cycle

 While it may seen odd to some, a waning moon at the time of my birth was 54.54 % full. Also, a waxing moon can be either waxing or waning moon, because it is a point where going from new moon to being 54 % full is also the same as going from full to a new moon when it hits 54% again on its way to being totally dark for 2 days of its cycle.

The moon takes 27.3 days to orbit the earth. The lunar phase cycle which is new moon to new moon takes 29.53059 days. The moon uses those more-or-less 2 days to catch up because the earth travels 45 million miles around the Sun. During that time, the moon makes a full cycle. And speaking of cycles, the moon lives on a 18.6 year cycle. The current 18.6 year cycle ends in 2024-2025.

A lot of us humans have experienced the rising and falling tides of the ocean at the beaches of the world. Those tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon on the earth. The net effect is that by that happening, the oceans of the world are constantly being stirred (and sometimes shaken to the chagrin of Mr. Bond, James Bond). 

Over a 200 year observation period, it has been determined that the correlation is very good that the 18.6 year cycles is a far better forecaster than sunspot cycles according to Iowa State University (A Big Ten School, I might add). And so is the half-cycle of 9.3 years. These cycles can also be found in crop yields and geological formations. And if that isn't enough, the moon is ever-so-slowly receding from the earth, which also changes these periods every-so-slowly as Iowa State researchers have reported. 

The strength of Lunar tides, directly caused by the 5-degree tilt to the Sun-Earth plane is the cause of the tidal strength at any given point on earth in these 18.6 year cycles of the moon. Some  can be more intense than others.

So, I go out every so often to watch the moon come up or even set sometimes.  To think that men from Earth have walked on that surface still blows my mind. Personally, I'm happy that we have been there and further exploration at this point is either going to get someone killed, lost in space, or both. With out the power to travel near the speed of light will still take a life time to get somewhere else. Yes, I know that some will challenge that statement, but you get the point that is trying to be made here. 

Just think, when the recently discovered super massive black hole that  merged with two massive black holes, the shock wave in gravitational waves just got back to earth this year. That explosive collision happened 7 billion years ago. 

 Source: BBC News, Science & Environment. Black holes: Cosmic Signal rattles Earth after 7 billion years.

                                                         You would miss this and others

Monday, September 7, 2020

Labor Day Kicks Off The Holiday Seasons in the U S

 As the old adage goes of a train rider traveling from the east to the west coasts," The sun done rise, the sun done set. Here I is in TEXAS yet." This Labor Day will find a lot of people traveling in their cars because it is a "safe" space from the Covid 19 uncertainty, yet,it helps to kill cabin fever build up. But, the trains are still running with shorter consist. The buses are rolling and American is parking planes again! The old traveler found out just how big Texas was to cross from one side to the other in the days of the old steam locomotives. He really didn't know how good he had it. 

This years holiday shopping will be different, too! And it isn't just a lot of on-line shopping or free pickup at the curb of your favorite store. A lot of those stores will be missing this season. That "Gone out of Business" kind of missing. The interesting thing about turmoil change is that it turns every thing in its path upside down. Take the North Texas girl who made and sold costume jewelry. She turned the online business into a billion dollar  business. That's with a B as in Billion! And on top of that, she is now a celebrity instructor along with the first celebrity instructor at University. She joins Matthew McConaughey teaching at the University of Texas this fall. 

Then, there is education in general. School Districts are having a hard time putting together in person learning vs. on line learning. If that isn't enough of a problem. Dallas' Superintendent Michael Hinojosa, who I happen to think is an excellent man for the job, waged war with the athletic department about Friday Night Football. Basically, his thinking was that you can't let the football program do something that the other students are not permitted to do in the social distance scheme of things among other little quirks. But, in the end, football is happening in North Texas as of  last Friday. The confusion is every where. No two places have the same rule and even if they did, some areas are not enforcing the rules as others do. An if that isn't bad enough, the old gov, Greg Abbot, got into a tiff with Dallas County Judge, Clay Jenkins, of his jailing a salon owner who didn't follow the orders issued to not stay closed.

Imagine the unrest when it comes to letting kids trick-or treat. Or, even more absurd, the Thanksgiving Dinner in some areas where social gatherings are limited to 10. What are you going to do about Uncle John and Aunt Dorthy when you have to tell them, "sorry, no Turkey for you at out house this year! We are only allowed to have a gathering of 10 or less. You are number 11 and 12 on this years list."  I really don't want to think about the Christmas Holiday Season of, gifts, dinners, and Christmas Eve church services. Sure, the big mega churches like First Methodist and First Baptist in main stream religion and some of the not so main street churches that have several thousands of members but not quite as large as First Baptist and First Methodist, can afford to televise or stream their services. But the smaller churches can not afford to do that. It leaves so many scrambling to come up with a doable alternative. 

So, as some go about their Labor Day Holiday as if nothing was going on...I will be mindful of those that have lost lives during this medical ordeal. 


I need to go to Grapevine to see Nate and Willy shoot it out again! I need that!

Saturday, September 5, 2020

The Silicon Valley Mofia

 When I read the article by Oma Seddiq of Business insider, where Samantha Zager, President Trump's campaign deputy National Press Secretary said," When millions of voters will be making their decisions, the President will be silenced by the Silicon Valley Mafia, who will at the same time allow corporate Media to run their biased ads to swing voters in key states", my deep and projecting voice surely propelled my burst of laughter well into the next block.

Point 1: Given 'em Hell Donald!

Now, before you get yourself into a dither, I am one, from a business point of view, that likes President Trump very much. Even though Jeff Bezos' loss of 8 million didn't make him happy, it is, after all, chump change to Jeff and points out how one sentence can cost money in any job, not just the Presidency, or by him. While I don't have anything personal against the Pres, he does exactly what he said and marked how he thinks and that is: to keep 'em guessing! Corporate Media does not like that one bit. 

Point 2: Business 101 at and between the gray areas

In 1971 on Central Avenue in Evanston, Illinois, while attending a two week seminar by North Whittmore Schults. The guy who made millions from that little metal cylinder that a roll of postage stamps fit into on your desk, was the head of a mail order business. It was the cat's meow of Marketing at the time.I learned one of the key factors of any business. Don't tell the competition what you are doing. Don't let them try to find out who your supplier is. Don't let that one item be the focus point, because you need other new things to keep the competition trying to keep up with the new stuff they soon turn their focus away from that little nifty gadget that holds your stamps and was making you piles of money. It continues ad infinite even in business today. Maybe more so than ever. The copy cats are all hungry for some of the meat left on the bone if not to steal the whole bone.. 

Point 3: Learn from watching people.You soon begin to see those you can trust and those you can't.

I have never been a fan of Mark Zuckerburg from the beginning and as time has slipped away, I have been one of those that feel that Facebook is more than just dangerous, this is like the Mofia of the Al Capone days. They are stealing your personal information right under your nose and have become so greedy its scary.. Recently I started some research about internet and smart phone companies (after all it is a mini computer of its own right). The recent mergers of Sprint and T-Mobil and how the big Verizon Media is more of a monster. It was a surprise greater than first thought. Some interesting stats came out of that and are still producing results. Of web sites visited since August 16, 77% of all sits collected information in fish net lots. The leader was Google at 64%; Verizon Media 14%; Facebook 16%; Abode13%; Warner Media 10%. The rest, totaled 35%, of which Twitter (my favorite) collected only 6% out of the 35% remainder. That's 10% less than Facebook.

I had a long time friend that was much older and had been a U.S. Marshall. He took Lonnie Licavoli, (of the Purple Gang of Detroit) to the federal pen. My friend Al, of the U.S.Marshall Department and my grandfather,who had also been a U.S. Marshall had also escorted prisoners to the federal pen at Fort Levenworth, Kansas. Both Al and my grandfather were much alike in both business and in their personal manors. Listening to Al tell about Lonnie Licavoli was interesting as could be. At the time, Detroit had a pretty active mob. From those stories that Al told (and you had to ask him to get them) I see very much the same in Zuckerberg's comments and actions over the years. In fact, he stuck out so much to me, that I have followed his career through the years. He's had his share of bumps for sure. If his ethics have not already crossed that line between good and bad, or lawful and unlawful, it's only a matter of time. In my book of quotes, someone had said that the gray area is where life happens.You get the picture.

When the Corona virus struck, it didn't take long for the Silicon Valley Boys to board their private planes and head to New Zealand before the government shut down their borders. They had been buying land up for some time and building underground bunkers. I did a little checking on that and sure enough, some just made it before the borders were shut. Why New Zealand you say? Well, they have had about 1800 cases total with 24 deaths at the last numbers being reported. The Silicon Valley Mofia ran like a bunch of scared chickens to New Zealand. Where did they get their information in the first place that caused them to dooms day a chunk of land at the near bottom of the world, all-be-it a nice place at that. With their bank roll, a nice place is part of their M.O.

In final thoughts, basically, mom's teaching us boys that when in a situation where someone is trying to manipulate you, threaten you or even attempt the old pic pocket game (in this case it is all digital) you do an about fact an look the other direction for those that are really behind the meat of what is going on (i.e. what Al Capone was to Lonnie Licavoli and those of the Purple gang). It's like the fashion world. What was fashionable 50-60 years ago is the hot fad today.Things have a way of recycling themselves.

                                                                Canoeing the Trinity


Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Aspen Trees In The Sierra Nevada

Some how, trains and planes have found away into my soul. The joy that I get out of watching them work is not from some mechanical ability that I have, but from the dynamics of how they operate. My mom had told me that when I was a baby, I had been on a train and had let the sounds of the thumps in the rail joints put me to sleep. While mom was able to confirm before she passed that my earliest memories that I had described to here were when I was 18 months old. So the train ride was not remembered having been made before my 18 months of life. But I can tell you, in my roomette aboard the Zephyr, that ride of shifting from side to side also put me to sleep as most of the tracks today are seamless and therefore, no clicking and bumpidy bump bump sounds.

Several decades ago, I had taken the San Francisco Zephyr, now known as just the California Zephyr. Boarding first, the Lake Shore Limited along the lower Great Lakes, it carried me to Chicago where I transferred to the Zephyr after a four hour lay over. One of the things that makes riding the train that romantic concept was that trains don't rush. While they work hard to maintain their schedules, the mechanics of railroading just some times allow for delays. But, ever since then, I have wanted to complete that trip from Denver, to Salt Lake, to Reno, to Truckee, California and on the last couple hundred miles to Emeryville, California. Had I completed the trip on my initial ride with Amtrak, I would have been routed up to Cheyenne, Wyoming out of Denver. I've been to Cheyenne by car so the change would be a welcome one for me in as much as the upper Colorado River provides some of the greatest scenery through Nevada's Carson range of the Sierra and of course, the western Sierra from California's Central Valley into the front range of the Rocky Mountains.

In search of web cams along the Zephyr's route, I found one in Truckee, California. The camera catches both the # 5 and the #6 as they stop at the downtown rail station which the camera pans. Looking at the station and both ends of the tracks from East bounds to West bounds as well as the main part of town at Donner Pass Road and Bridge Street. There is also a lot of freight trains, but the Zephyr has priority (Amtrak). The lines in Truckee are run by the Union Pacific Railroad. Any how, when the camera hits the mid section view, the Aspens are along the ridge on the far side. But, there are a couple right under the camera where the tops show. The colors are getting better day by day at 7,000 feet elevation.  Which is another item of the Zephyr and the freight trains. Railroading presents those problems and if you like to see long trains with many many engines it is because the mountain inclines are steep in the area. One of the two tunnels is inoperable at the moment so the east bound and west bound must share the one open tunnel. Still, it is the pulling and pushing of long freights trains up and down the mountains that require such make ups of 4 lead engines, 2 in the middle and 1 on the end. In the winter, you get to see some pretty spectacular snows. The Truckee station is also the regions Track Management and they have a couple of snow trains that go out and clear the tracks in the passes where the heavy snows have slid down onto the tracks. One heck of a snow blower and plow I might add. All of which can be viewed from the web cam.

The Truckee Airport is for general aviation and some pretty big jets land there.It is in the heart of ski country as well as Lake Tahoe. During the summer and ski season, the tarmac is full of private jets. I even saw a single engine jet land there a few weeks ago. It was the first one that I have seen with a single engine. Cute little thing. You can really tell the men from the boys by the price of their toys. 

So, as we are officially in Meteorological fall already (Sept 1 to Dec 1) not to be confused with Astrological fall which hits around the 20-22 of September that some still follow. While going to the DPS to get my drivers license renewed, I rode the bus. That was my first outing since my last discharge from the hospital. over 4 months ago. Being able to ride and just look out the window at all the changes that have been made since my days of working my shoot wagon wheel. I took buses that took me down some of my old wagon wheel route. There were a lot of trees with flipped leaves. Past post have talked about the meaning of flipped leaves. In short, a sure sign that fall is not getting ready to start, it already has. 

Where planes are concerned, American has started parking planes again on the SE quad of the 18's line up and wait area. No sign, this thing is anywhere near over with the layoffs and a second parking of planes. Old Doug has his hands full, as does his new counter part at United's, Scott Kirby, on the job as CEO just over 100 days! Ouch! That reminds me. I should go rest a bit.

Update---In just the wee hour or two since posting, American has removed the 11 planes that they had parked in the SE quad of 18's line-up-and-wait area.  All the construction vehicles that are working on the 18's upgrades are now parked there. They could have been moved to other areas of the airport but I don't think so. I'll have to check the flight logs at Victorville and see if they have put any into storage that matches the static number of yesterday.

I will try to keep you updated to those that want updates. It is news in the Airline Industry and that means jobs for a lot of people and a potential adjustment for share holders at-large.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

All Races, Colors, Creeds, Families, Sons, Daughters and Individuals.

 Thanks to NOAA for putting this image in the public domain and for the many millions in their archives, Space has brought us close together and it is hoped that images such as these will draw us closer to our neighbors on this beautiful planet. 

Taking care of this planet is paramount and that takes all of us to do that. If each of us takes just one spot in our hearts and minds, to work together in all things, then look what we can really accomplish. And the space that we have used to divide us, will be overgrown in goodness and brotherhood, kindness and love. Let's get to work!

Saturday, August 29, 2020

I Will Not Buy Store Bought Cold Slaw or Potato Salad Ever Again.

 While 2020 has been somewhat cruel to all of us this year, it has been a learning curve in the kitchen. Trying to be less dependent on red meat a couple of years ago, my meat dishes shifted completely to fish, chicken or pork. Once in a while when the craving for cow was pushing the demand needle toward that mark of "Lost the Battle", a  rib eye or New York Strip found its way into the fry pan. That way, I was more willing to go back to the chicken, fish, pork rotation after having that "red meat" guilt feeling. 

Vegetables have never been a problem. But sometimes, I like to make chicken salad or some such thing that is light and easy to fix. I like open face vegetable sandwiches fresh out of the broiler. They are easy to make and are a yummie food during the summer and early fall. Usually, with those, I will add cold slaw or red potato salad. I buy those at the good 'ole K-Rogers which has kind of fallen out of favor for me since they took away their senior discount program. Personally, I have found that their prices have actually increased, contrary to what they advertise about their savings. 

So, there have been some items that I have not tried my hand at in the kitchen---like cold slaw and red potato salad. I guess it was just easier to wheel by the deli cold rack and pick up either cold slaw or potato salad than try to make it myself. With so much time being inside these days, I ventured into the unknown and started to experiment to find some where close to the taste that I would expect from either or both of those two dishes. 

The first experiment was with the cold slaw.  It only took a couple of tries before I found that taste that I have liked with cold slaw, especially when I have fried chicken breast. The two just go together with iced tea, sliced tomatoes and sometimes, backed beans. 

For some reason, I just didn't think that potato salad would be just as easy as the cold slaw. Turned out (I'm on my fourth batch this week) to be more easy than I had thought.  But, the old taste buds  were jumpin for joy. That tangy taste was just right. It even comes in under the calories of the store bought variety by some 40 calories. For me, that is important. After my hospital stays, I dropped some 40 pounds and have been able to keep that weight off. 

There will be several things come out of 2020 that were good and positive. But the end game is that my cooking skills have taken another jump forward. Keeping a balanced meal and still keep the daily calories at just under 2000 calories has not been a problem. But, with the two new acquired skills under my belt.  I'll not be buying those items store bought  anymore.

It All Started in the wee hours of May 28th when 80 MPH winds was tossing everything against the side of my house.

 Those winds were substained for well over 40 minutes. The results were trees everywhere down or large branches broken off. One of my bus ro...