Showing posts with label red-winged black bird. Show all posts
Showing posts with label red-winged black bird. Show all posts

Monday, June 10, 2013

Unofficially Love Field Hit 100 Today

A Red-Winged Black Bird on the fly
Just working the reed shoots
It has been one of those odd things that makes little or no sense, but the Weather Service has one official reporting station for both Dallas and Ft. Worth. It's rather frustrating to have it pour down rain near Love Field  and not rain a drop  at DFW. Frustrating to learn the official rain for the day is zero because Love doesn't count and DFW got nothing,not a single drop.

So, today, it was 100 at Love and only 97 at DFW. The official high for Dallas today,therefore,was 97 and not 100 degrees. So,it was 100 in Dallas but not officially the first 100-degree day of the season. What is even more frustrating is that on the Weather Service web site, they list hour by hour the temps and rain and all that stuff for Love on one page and for DFW and other airports in the area, on another page,but officially, for the two major cities in the Metroplex, its DFW or nothing that counts.It's been that way for years and the weather men must have some kind of fun with keeping statistics that are official but count as unofficial but can be official if what they are officially recording  happens at DFW International. Kind of makes the head spin doesn't it?

That's why I perked up when I saw a Game Warden sitting at a picnic table writting a ticket for one of the fishermen not having a license.That was unusual, but times are tuff for revenue! Or,seeing a second  Dallas Morning News photographer. It seems they use the lake like I do. When nothing else is happening, there is always something unusual at the lake. Boats,be they rowing or sail;bicycles,unicycles;roller-bladers,skate boarders;paddle boarders;cute and unusual dogs,bobcats,coyotes,bald eagles,snakes,monk parots,pelicans,egrets,blue herons,woodpeckers. There is always something out of the ordinary somewhere around the lake.

Even that brings slim pickings some days but one finds some spectacular things like this red-winged blackbird on the fly and two ducks that know that a camera is focused on them. Maybe these two ducks know it was 100 degrees today, even if the 100 degrees at Love Field didn't count as the first 100-degree day of the year,officially.


Cannot do any hurkle-durkling or any WCS. I already burned that candle on Wednesday

 What the heck is he talking about? You don't want the long answer because that goes back 200 years where it began as a Scots term. The ...