Showing posts with label patty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label patty. Show all posts

Sunday, April 12, 2020

From Patty to Pot

The title today came from one of those out of the blue places where things like that originate. More about that in a jiff.

As my old friend, the shrink, Jim M. once said to me when asking him a question at church one Sunday, years ago..."When you try to think of something and you can't seem to recall it, then sometimes an hour later or ever a few days later, you can be doing the dumbest of things and the answer comes to you like a lightening bolt just struck," he said, "that's called a Eureka Point."  I've been having a lot of those of late. Nothing like not being able to find your car keys or worse yet, finding them in the refrigerator. Thank goodness.  This evening, it came to me that I had not set the code keys on my camera for picture ids. When I checked, it was no surprise to find them still set for January. I had reset them after getting out of the hospital after a brief return following my 5 and a half weeks stay over the holidays beginning with Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then New Years. The total images shot from that point to now has been less than 25. For some comparison, it is usually more like 6 to 10 thousand shots a month.

So, I've been going back and looking at past images. That's legally called checking assets. Yet, it's been a good experience for a couple of reasons. One, I have actually found some images that were missed and resubmitted them. They were approved for publishing and my stock assets have actually increased. The second reason, reminded me of an old Red Skelton comedy routine. The one that I am thinking of is that crazy hat that looks like the brim is airplane wings with that "V" sticking up at the back of the hat.
Gertrude or is it Heathcliffe that's in the middle with its wings tucked  away. I wonder where Red Skelton actually saw a seagull due that or was it really a pelican?
 Skelton imitates two seagulls named Gertrude and Heathcliffe  by putting his hands
under his arms. Several other things were discovered, like the bobcat on the island next to the Mockingbird bridge stalking a pelican then an egret. I also found along the treeline going between the stone tables and Dreyfuss Club at the lake, a mother cayote with four pups. Totally missed those details.

Now, about that title name. From Patty to Pot is about any and everything that happens to rice between,you know it, the patty to pot! It's in an old cookbook of my mothers that talks---rather---explains why you should rinse your rice. It's not really unhealthy, but by doing so, you end up with great fluffy rice. In short, it explains all the accidents from start to finish with a happy ending! I can live with that.
American Coots with the green air inflated feet. It enables them to actually walk on water as they take off.

April Steps Fell, Weather brought shut-in days. Happy May Day, Too!

Springtime in Texas is mixing up the cold air with the warm moist Gulf air inflow, but it was still, a pretty good month weather, health and...