Showing posts with label office. Show all posts
Showing posts with label office. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

As the Tuna says," the circus doesn't stay in town for ever."

Well, yesterday, we can say we saw that come to pass. It was an International Circus with a very big "Big Top". They have played Dallas in Mall parking lots to open fields, to any place that could handle the equipment and the cars and the crowds. This, venue, however, will not host them again, most likely as the entire mall is headed to the scrap dealers!

We will give you a moment to thing that one through. Well, you know what they say----- a picture is worth a thousand words. So, in following that template according to the blog rules, we can only post three images per post. So that,by sheer numbers is a three thousand word post eliminated---NOT. Words, whether they are wordy words or not, is what connects us all as human beings. And, I like to write about my day in the field of photography. Never mind if  all the rules are not observed. It is the thought that counts and I don't worry about what those with degrees in English might say. Years ago, usually on weekends, Milly Benson and I would hash those thoughts out in debate 101. Milly, of course, was one  of the books  ghostwriters of the Nancy Drew Series,  as others were part of that number of authors also. They were published under the collective pseudonym Carolyn Keene.Milly worked for the Block family, owner of the The Toledo Blade and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. I had liked Milly and thought the world of her. There are times, when I miss the banter with her, too. She was good!

So, as this story goes on---I will not. I'll spare you that agony. As they say in the steel biz--- I'll give you a quarter this load, you give me the quarter back on the next one. That's twenty-five cents per hundred weight. A flat bed truck can haul 42, 000 pounds legally and with an aluminum trailer, you might be able to sneak a total load weight of 48,000 pounds. Get your pencils ready. Begin!

Tower Mast Rise 75 feet plus or minus a foot here or there.
Once upon a time, even the traffic signs were upscale like the mall.
Piles and piles of Iconic Upscale Retailers past stores are ready to ship out to the scappie.

Cannot do any hurkle-durkling or any WCS. I already burned that candle on Wednesday

 What the heck is he talking about? You don't want the long answer because that goes back 200 years where it began as a Scots term. The ...