Showing posts with label lake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lake. Show all posts

Thursday, June 20, 2019

My Trips To The Lake Daily Have Been Validated

Yep! Spending two to three hours a day out in nature has now been validated as a healty exercise that reduces blood pressure, keeps aging in a slower pace and prevents some of the common pains   altogether that comes with age progression.

Yesterday, with the heat indexes at 108 and the air temp at 95 with humidity and dew points through the roof, I packed the cooler with lunch and a snack and headed toward the lake. I have found a perfect picnic table that reminds me why I have always liked lake houses and beach houses. While eating my lunch, there was a cool breeze blowing across the area coming in off the lake. It was delightful and I ate my lunch in a comfortable ambient temperature. Summer doesn't start until today but the last weeks of June always rings the door bell of summer early here in Texas. 

By 1:30 I had pointed the car toward home and spent the rest of the day (the most unbearable part) in the cool of air conditioning. Australians survive the heat by closing up the house during the day and opening it wide in the evening. Now that a sample of what summer feels like again, I go out early and come in early. Come on September!!

The developing storms in the afternoon developed as advertised. They went north of us and south of us. The city of Greenville, north east of the metroplex got hit hard with wind damage and heavy rain leaning toward 4-inches as the storms trained over the same area for hours. Then, during the evening around sunset, a few developing storms grazed the Metroplex in the sector where I live. However, there was not as much lightening, nor strong winds and the rain was gentle and still wet. My trees are growing at an alarming rate where I am going to have to give them away to someone who needs a tree are cut the back to where they become a bush rather than a tree. I don't want to do that to my trees.They have reduced that direct sun heating of brick that sends the thermometer to the 120 mark. That is the main reason why I have trees in pots on the porch. Now, my neighbor has the same.
My view during lunch

Piles of wood chips from all the damage to such majestic trees

Pile after pile of these wood chips look like ant hills

Friday, February 15, 2019

Mother Nature Put The Breaks On Spring.

Spring is popping out all over. Trees are blooming, daffodils are blooming, flowers are blooming and tree buds are popping, some with full green leaves open already. Yesterday was in the 80s; today was in the mid 70s. A cold front finally decided which way it was going to have forward motion after it stalled then moved south a few miles then stalled. When I came in around mid afternoon, it was warm. By dinner time it was cold with nearly a thirty degree spread in temps.That kind of spring should be expected with the off-the-wall weather we have been having this year.

It's going to slow down spring for sure but it's not enough to stop it all together. There are more spring issues to deal with. For one, towns and cities around the metroplex are in their annual  rush to shoo-off the great white egrets before the big birds nest. If communities can't get rid of the birds before they do nest, then the birds are off limits completely while they nest and cover yards, sidewalks, rooftops and streets with their smelly droppings. You see, the big birds are Federally protected once they do settle into their nest. So neighborhoods are blowing horns, whistles, watering them down when they are in the trees ( I think that one is somewhat comical because the birds are "waterfowl" folks, they fish in water, waterfalls, stand on one leg and sleep in rain storms. A water hose isn't going to get the job done.). The pelicans will soon be getting ready to leave for their nesting sites from Salt Lake all across the northern states that border with Canada. It will be interesting to see when they leave this year because the snow pack on both sides of the Rockies is massive this year.

Today, I added another new item seen at White Rock. There is always something new at the lake. That just amplifies the mystic of the lake. This Hookah was being worked on by a man who have just  had the pipe come to him from a friend that was visiting family in Iran. The glass base is absolutely awesome in craftmanship as is the woodworking on the pieces that rise above the top of the glass base. I love both glass work and hand carvings of wood, so when I saw this, I had to have an image. The man was kind to afford me the opportunity to shoot the piece.

The Pelicans Dominate the Waterfowl at the lake for a variety of reasons, the least of which is that they have the second largest wing spand at 8 feet.

The ground cover in the wetlands were totally under water two weeks ago.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Observing the Birds Today

Some days just lend themselves to being mundane, yet so revealing. It was a lazy afternoon. Its  ending found me sitting  on a bench and watching the birds that make the core of the domesticated stock. Once in a while I do that because it never fails that I see something or learn something about the birds that helps me photograph them better in future encounters. Watching the wildlife isn't always just a therapeutic rest, but it does calm the soul from the rushing of life.

Another photographer came by and sat down next to me. Together, we shared photographic past. It was just about a month ago that someone ask me a question and I tried to explain how I had photographed one object hundreds of times but just had not found the effect that I had wanted to produce. Then, it happened and it was like being struck by a lightening bolt that brought me to the exact point in time that was made for that image to be made. All three came out exactly as I had envisioned originally. Today, the photographer and I were talking about such things and I had explained to him from a question that was ask that you get into a routine of shooting a certain way and the creative mindset is still there, it just doesn't come out in the way you see it. He still shoots with that clearcut way unencumbered and I tried to encourge him never to give that up at any cost.

The pigeons were nervous. They would land and then take off again.

This goose was rounding up a few of the pigeons and made it very well known that the hawk should leave.

The hawk flew in front of us landing in one tree, then coming back closer to us and finally up in my old sycamore that I love so much. From there he took off and headed back to the area where he usually hangs out.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Wait! I'm Not Done With 2016 Yet!

Yes, we have all heard the old adage that, "time waits for no man"; brilliant statement since time always moves forward, but I get the jest of its  meaning. The problem with that also is that I don't always work at most efficient speeds and creating imagery tends to cause me to slow down even more.

The local weathermen had been advertising for nearly a week that the coldest weather of the past two years was about to invade north Texas on Saturday.The past week had already been a roller coaster of temperatures with one day in the 60s and one day in the 30s and so on and so on during the course of the week. But, Saturday was to be the cherry on the banana split, sprinkles on the ice cream, the marsh mellow floating in the hot cocoa. It was going to be in the upper 70s.

The thing about that was also the yippee dippie weatherman advertised a 52 degree drop in temperatures with an immediate shift in winds to the north as the cold front passed. No, it was not going to be one of those frontal passages and the next morning you feel a little chill. This one was going to strike and strike quickly. Within less than a couple of hours of the passage of the front. It did give cause to pause. Might want to think about this before you head out, I though. Take the jacket. Add the scarf. Run the errands before being creative with the camera. It was kind of fun to start to go into blizzard mode again (if you ever lived up north during a severe winter, you know that mode well).

It was amazing to see people in tank tops and shorts and sweating in mid December. Amazing because some of these would no doubt be surprised to be shivering before their chosen activity was over that day. People just do not listen or pay much attention to weather that is negative. They only listen and pay attention to weather that is favorable to their cause. In other words: people only half listen today (have you noticed all the white ear buds growing out of every ones ears?)  Just look at one of them in direct eye contact and just move your lips. The face look you get as they pop one ear bud out of their ear is how cartoon animators got that "look" in some of the best cartoons of the 50s. Sure, ear buds were not even an ideal then, but there were ways to produce that same look of being highly annoyed. There it is---that word that I was looking for. Annoyed. Yes. That is it for sure.

When I am not looking for birds, or trees with that special look of fall, I am usually looking to see what the City Park workers are doing. They do a super job at keeping the lake in amazing shape on a daily basis. Sometimes, they have extended projects that can or cannot turn into something special. But, to ignore them or blow by them like there is a 5-alarm blaze somewhere else is a great disservice to them as individuals, their jobs that go unappreciated with every bottle cap or plastic bottle that I see floating and bobbing in the water, or the crews that keep the grass cut as the seasons progress and the prairie grasses turn golden or wildflowers come up and they mow around the wildflowers. That is not to mention the loss of all the tree limbs from age, disease, rot, storms, wind, or what may come next.

When the city takes down one of those magnificent trees, the stumps get painted red. There is a crew that comes along and drills out those massive stumps into sawdust mulch. Saturday, I had stopped and gotten out of the car to look at a recent drilling. It wasn't that long ago that I had shot that tree because it was one of those top 25 trees with character that grow at the lake. Now, I'm looking at the place where it had stood watch over the north shore of the lake for years older than I am at this writing. What that tree witnessed over the years would be an amazing time capsule of humans on earth, most likely.

Any who, I stopped to talk to a man that walks the lake daily with his dog and holds a like interest in those amazing trees that grow around the lake. In fact, there are more people that hold an interest in the trees there than those that cut themselves off from everything around them but some birds. Don't get me wrong here. I like birds. I'm just not obsessed with them so much as to get somewhat hostile when a family comes along with a bag a bread to feed those birds under the sign that says, "don't feed the birds" and then explains why you should not feed the birds. In a way, to me that is... karma at its finest! I have to chuckle and turn away. Imagine a grown man or woman with a three-thousand dollar camera and glass foiled by a young family, kids and a couple of loaves of bread and sees that family as an invading army. Share the lake, people. Life is to short!

The lake walker and I walked together to one of the new trail benches overlooking the lake and sat down and talked for nearly an hour. I could not help but notice that the sky was filling in with clouds and I also had in mind the ETA of the cold front. Long story short, Us 'ole
The astonishing color

The cold front nears and a 50-degree drop (after the fact) hit within two hours of this shot. 
 72 degrees at 12:53. At 23:53 it was 22-degrees.
The paved trail is to the left. The short cut path has long been here.
tree hugger  parted and went in opposite directions. There was still some time to get some great creations focused onto the mirror before the Polar Vortex struck.  But, time waits for no man.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Cremation of the Big Oaks at White Rock

It is sad to report that another of the big old oaks at White Rock came down in a storm this past week.  This one was about 31-inches in circumference. There were three others that sustained severe damage to large limbs in the same area in an around Preservation Grove. Ironically, last fall, there had been a planting of many new trees by Friends of the Lake in the Grove area.

This past winter, I had started to photograph the old and mighty trees that have so much character and grow around the nine miles that circumnavigate White Rock's shores via  roads and accompanying trails. There are about thirty of particular interest that have received many lightening strikes over the years; lost limbs during storms or were felled by some type of disease or infestation. It has long been my opinion that the big old oaks that have so much character are part of the overall character of the lake itself.  Many lake-goers simply see them as trees and nothing more. I hear all the time," it is where I go to bike" or "I run there".  I'd like to say, "no you only pass through, you don't notice anything else about the jewel of the Dallas Park System" but I don't. I keep quiet. For me that's difficult!!

The past couple of years, there has been some new home construction at the lake. One modern with solar power, one classic revival , one country-style, one mixture of modern and old. There is one that jumped out at me on a rather steep hillside  blends into the trees so well that had not the glass picked up a reflection, I wound not have know it was there. On the east side of the lake last year, several homes were gutted and remodeled  in this type of architecture. I counted four new homes under construction that are at the completed foundation level of building.  So, while the planting of the new trees at Preservation Grove will grow and age with these new homes, it is difficult to see the mighty trees that grow at White Rock go away one-by-one; being cremated in someone's fire place.
Note the thickness of the bark covering.

Two more big oaks are seen in the background along with the new plantings from last fall.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Gone Barefoot'n

Some things just lend themselves to a camera's lens.

 The nice thing about White Rock Lake is that there are many docks that give visitors a close-up look at wildlife, especially this time of year when little ducks are being hatched. The birds are also nesting and going out and coming in to feed their hatchlings.

The reeds grow in certain areas and not in others. Where there are reeds, not only are their some water moccasins but also red-wing blackbirds, various species of ducks besides mallards and turtles. In short, there are multiple examples of wildlife compressed into  small areas. Not only do the boardwalks give a clean view of the lake  off-shore, the boardwalks also provide a walk-way to observe nature close-up.

Here are a few shots with a little twist.

Shoes and socks at the edge of the lake. No owners in sight!

One of the boardwalks along a reed patch

A male Red-wing Black Bird in his courtship dance.

30/05/2014 updated

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Celebrating the First Day of Summer

Enjoying the hunt
Somethings and summer just go together like milk and oreos. Other things are just aligned with the forces of nature that draw sportsmen like metal to a magnet. Either way, when you mix both summer and fishing, you get something like this.

I called out to the gentlemen and ask if I could take a couple of pictures. He replied that I could.Then, I ask the second most important question: Are they biting? and he replied this time with: "NO" That doesn't take away from the sport at all. Everyone knows that fishing takes a lot of patience.

Friday, January 11, 2013

A Pelican Practices His "Ho Down Number"

Crazy weather find animals responding just like humans. Today, the temps were in the low 70* F range but the roller coaster will bring 'em down for the weekend where we are rolled up in a comforter. Reading  a good book or watching a good movie or finding a good game on TV seems to be about what the weatherman is forecasting all ready.

 But, this pelican was so comical. I could almost hear the fiddle and the banjo strumming in the background.
Check out the second from right as he holds on to his partner with a wing and has the left leg and web foot raised as though
he was in a barn yard ho down. Can't you hear the fiddle and banjo strumming in the back ground? 
The line between darkness and light is moving East to West. Here, you can actually see the line as darkness falls on Dallas.

Looking to the left of the sunset you can see some of the skyline in downtown Dallas. So, this would be looking more Southwest from Northeast.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Paddle Boarding on a Fall Afternoon

A paddle boarder works his forward stride.

Now, the glide from the stride!
A paddle boarder gets in a good workout on the lake between the dam and the water pump station at White Rock. The pump station building--a historic landmark--is getting a face lift thanks to the city of Dallas and the water district. The trail across the top of the dam and the front of the water pump station are currently closed,although the risk-takers continue to make tracks.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Two Generations of Kayakers

On this late winter afternoon,the low gray clouds that hung over the lake this morning and cast that gloomy winter's look, lifted. The sun was warm. There was a North wind that had a bit to it at times but outdoors was the place to be.

Now, this is what I had in mind.

Where's Forward?
 There were two kayakers that I had seen on the lake earlier when I came across a guy putting in a paddle board and a father and son team getting ready to launch their trip on the lake. This team  represented two generations of the sport and for that reason, that is somewhat unusual, brings them to the blog today.
Aargh! Portage!

It All Started in the wee hours of May 28th when 80 MPH winds was tossing everything against the side of my house.

 Those winds were substained for well over 40 minutes. The results were trees everywhere down or large branches broken off. One of my bus ro...