Showing posts with label fish in beak.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fish in beak.. Show all posts

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Could Not Believe What I Was Seeing

It was not scheduled to be nice today. When the noon news came on as I was eating my lunch, it because very clear that the temps were good and the possibility of some clearing from the cloud cover was  looking even better. By 1 o'clock, the car was  headed for the lake. My strength has been getting better. My diet has changed yet again and not only is the weight coming off, my heart health is my main purpose. The amount of walking has increased as my strength builds and that is nothing more than the old law of physics that when a body is in motion, it remains in motion. Or, something like that.

My approach to the lake has changed because of the bird watch. The clouds filled in again and a strong southwest wind was constant. A seagull caught my eye. He was hovering in mid air about three feet above the water. He would dive to the surface and come up with a fish. Then, he would drop the fish. Then, he would dive again and come back up with a fish. After doing this a couple of times, I locked in on my settings as the wind on the waves were giving the auto focus nightmares. My motor on the lens could be heard over the wind. Then, while the camera was up to my eye and focused on the seagull, all of a sudden this big blob of white and black filled the viewfinder and it was one of those deals where I actually jumped back a bit in surprise and shock. A pelican come splashing in where the seagull had been. From there, you can see a good image and a image that was still being focused on by the auto focus. It was really somewhat bizarre. As it turned out, it was only the second time that I have actually got a shot of this happening. Good, or bad, I now have two images of this "perfect timing" event.
The arrival and point of sudden shock!

The fish is in the beak!

Down the hatch and others followed.

If Something Moves You, Photograph it!

 This could well be a father's statement to his daughter who just sent me an image that she took. Having said that, I hope she's che...