Showing posts with label fall scene. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fall scene. Show all posts

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Scenes of the Season

A pumpkin patch at a local UMC in Dallas but very close to Plano.
Between here and there but not here because it's more over there, the season of fall has begun to play its magic. The trick has been more of a treat so far, but it's still early in the season. Just as Aida begins its run at Winspear Opera House and goes to the outdoor plaza for a free offering and picnic, before it begins its indoor performance, a healthy and strong cold front blows in from the North. It is also the much anticipated opening of the Klyde Warren Deck Park, a 5-acre park built over the Woodall Rodgers Freeway that has for years cut downtown off from the Uptown area. This isn't just a park to go sit down. Although, you can do that. It is a park of planned activities including an outdoor performance stage that will fill with bands come next spring and summer. There are hundreds--yes, hundreds of trees and gardens. And no, the trees roots won't grown down into the Woodall Rodgers making it like some spooky cave by next Halloween. Engineers know about these things. It's a bag of tricks that is a closely guarded secret to the society of engineers and they ain't talking!

While the much cooler weather is  great, it does present some discomfort for the thin bloods! They scream (I suppose because it's  Halloween) that it's c-o-l-d ! One thing you learn quickly about Dallas is that not everyone has thin blood. There is a second group, the diehards, that wear shorts and t-shirts all year long. Yes, even when it does get a bit more chilly. So, you acknowledge the ones screaming that it is c-o-l-d but pay little attention to them for the most part.The final group (the third) are the ones that  are dressed like they are in Churchill Bay, Canada  in mid January with more quilted fabric and fur than the village Eskimo's  wear that live in Churchill Bay.

Here are a few images from today and note the beautiful colors popping out. The temperature has just dropped about 30 degrees with 20 MPH North winds gusting higher. I'm in shorts and t-shirt but had the sense to put a long sleeved heavy shirt on and with a sweatshirt hoodie tossed on the front seat for back-up. It is weather sent on the wings of Angels to me.

Hopefully, I can ride the Red Line to City Place and take the McKinney Avenue Trolley through Uptown and see if I can get some shots at the Klyde Warren over the weekend. Monday would be a better day but I'll watch the weather and see how things go.

This afternoon as the cold front blew through. It was mid 80sF before hand. Tomorrow---59F--maybe!
These are from White Rock and then a section of Seasonal Witchery. I might have to do a couple of post to get the images on here so let's see how it comes out space wise.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

An Urban Pumpkin Patch

You would never know that it was ten days from Halloween with the North Texas temps riding into the 90s today. Of course, we already know that that is going to change come this coming weekend as a very strong cold front arrives and knocks the temps back down in the lower 50s during the day and a good chance to see a freeze with urban temps in the low to mid 30s!

It turns out to be a perfect day to find that jack-o-lantern and get it carved for when the cold weather hits and the witches in their pointed hats sail the night sky's on their broomsticks under the light of a full moon.

So, the good people of  Arapaho UMC have made it easy for you to purchase your pumpkins from them. They have a crew of little red waggons where you can load your pumpkin up and pull it to your car. They were moving pumpkins today when I was there. Their selection was great and the displays helped to get you in the season.

Great Selection

Great Customer Service!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Train Spotters Will Like These Shots

A rare find today. A locomotive for an East Coast Line and one from a California Line. Also, an old town square that nature dressed for fall,and an old set of pumps at an old filling station.

April Steps Fell, Weather brought shut-in days. Happy May Day, Too!

Springtime in Texas is mixing up the cold air with the warm moist Gulf air inflow, but it was still, a pretty good month weather, health and...