Showing posts with label butterfly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label butterfly. Show all posts

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Nature's Flying Stain Glass

Well, every year about this time, give or take a window's week, the Monarch butterfly reaches North Texas from its days of milkweed leaf chomping, it's lush silk-spun chrysalis they encased themselves into in Canada and the Great Lakes before they take flight to winter in Mexico.

I found one spot where there were as many as 7 Monarchs on one plant. The most that I have seen in one place outside of  hundreds in the air overhead.

Plant milkweed in your garden and start watching around Columbus Day for the arrival. First you will see one or two, then a dozen. Look up and you might catch a brief view of one of the waves.
These are the great-great grand children of last years arrivals.

If Something Moves You, Photograph it!

 This could well be a father's statement to his daughter who just sent me an image that she took. Having said that, I hope she's che...