With the rain out of here, the sun was out for the first time since Thanksgiving Day. Even though the light north wind was a bit cutting at times, it still was a delightful day to get the cardio walk in and
The tidal pool looks placid again. |
Birds were every where in the trees. |
The beaver several days ago. See the tail----it's for sure, a beaver. |
take a few pictures.
The storm with over eight-inches of rain was hard on the beaver population. Four beavers were killed. The city parks service picked up the last one this afternoon. I really did appreciate the help that I got from Parks and Recreation to take care of the one that was in a very populated spot for visitors. Thanks to the guys at the City of Dallas Parks and Recreation Department for their help. Two were killed crossing 78 at San Rafael;one on the Dixon Creek crossing of Buckner and the fourth washed up into the parking area at Sunset Bay. I had just taken a picture of one going up the channel into the old fish hatchery just before the storms hit. I've been looking for him but haven't seen him again. I fear the worse outcome with the recent outcome from confirmed deaths.
The water flow has really slowed down. The grass caught on top of the new USGS automated water gauge is still funny. I'll call the field office and find out how they report that much water flow.