Showing posts with label UTatDallas Silverline Construction Flora Watertower Master's Degree Canadiate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UTatDallas Silverline Construction Flora Watertower Master's Degree Canadiate. Show all posts

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Sometimes the grimlins sneak back into the camera.

 It was a bit chilly when I headed out today, but given the 5-day weather forecast, the better of the days before Thanksgiving was going to be today.Soooo, grabbed the bag and headed out the door to the bus stop and then on to the train station. Once at City Line, the options were available for many different directions and/or events to update and shoot. So, there again, I choose the shuttle bus to check on the University of Texas--Dallas since it has been a wee bit since last there. 

The usually neat sidewalks were covered in construction mud and even a drilling truck. I started out on the opposite end of where I finished up beforehand and worked my way down to the water tower and then back toward the shuttle bus stop. There, I meet an amazing young man out for a walk, it seemed, and I ask him if he would like a picture or two for his social media page. Long story short, he agreed and while we were discussing how he would like to have the images taken, I forgot to switch my settings from landscape to portrait setting. Of the three or so shots, they were okay for using in social media but I prefer to have them as clean and clear as possible. Still, they came out rather well for that use and I have explained to the young man what happened---even giving him two examples of what difference there is between the two settings so he can see the difference. 

All-in-all, it was a very good day just to be out in the elements, even when the clouds started to move in. Scattered showers tomorrow and then better weather and warmer temps come our way during Thanksgiving and the weekend. 

April Steps Fell, Weather brought shut-in days. Happy May Day, Too!

Springtime in Texas is mixing up the cold air with the warm moist Gulf air inflow, but it was still, a pretty good month weather, health and...