Showing posts with label Telemundo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Telemundo. Show all posts

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Missed the Demonstration but Caught the Event

In solidarity with Occupy Wall Street, the General Assembly of Occupy Dallas staged a demonstration today. The Death of the American Dream was a mock funeral and complete with a casket. I would have liked to have been there.  But, I did happen upon the No War on Iran event.

The System was Never Broken. It was Built This Way

No War on Iran
I'm a product of the 60's. My first demonstration to attend was right in the middle of Court Street and Union under the center hung stoplight. Antioch College,the birthplace of protest, was about 80 miles North  and West of the stop light. That movement,while birthed at Antioch,  moved West to San Francisco and  became the Haight-Ashbury cradle of the demonstrations and protest of the Viet Nam War. The rest--as they say--is history. So, I remember intersections and their potential. When I saw the crowds on all four corners of Royal Lane and Greenville Avenue today, I had to stop and get some pictures of the No War on Iran event.

Cannot do any hurkle-durkling or any WCS. I already burned that candle on Wednesday

 What the heck is he talking about? You don't want the long answer because that goes back 200 years where it began as a Scots term. The ...