Showing posts with label Maggie 2 Margaret McDermott Bridge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maggie 2 Margaret McDermott Bridge. Show all posts

Monday, March 7, 2016

Discovering Something Else While In Search of Another

Several articles have been written on this topic. Usually it is on the way to the doctor's and finding a
The second piece is now added to the transition base and the first metal fab piece. It's on its way, folks!
serendipitous discovery. Usually, it makes me happy. Sometimes, not. There are several reasons the not is more unhappy than the other. Basically, in the past few months, there has been more negative people in the mix than at other times. There are those who usually are going to look at a picture and find every excuse in the book to tell you what you are explaining  is not what you said it was. To those, my answer is this: Why would one go to the effort to point out something exciting  just to serve an ego? That has always been a cause to frustrate me and continues to do so today. If you have that big of an ego need to begin with, then my suggestion is to contact two friends of mine over the past 40 years. One is a psychiatrist and the other one is PhD psychologist. Personally, this author would suggest seeing the psychiatrist first.

The juvenile bald eagle of at least 4-years already had the full white head and most of the tail feathers had turned, but not all. Riding the thermals between the levees was a beautiful site.

It was an enjoyable shoot, and the eagle made it even better. After all, it is part of the Great Trinity. Eagles like that old wood setting near water and a fresh food supply. Two weeks ago a spotting of two red tailed hawks were seen on the electrical towers between the levees. It's a thrill seeing such amazing birds in the heart of downtown.
Bird : It's really a Juvy Bald Eagle even though there are those who will do anything to discredit the fact.In this case,  a Texas Department of Wildlife Naturalist confirmed it was a bald eagle. So there!!

The distance between the arches is greater than most think. Originally, there were to be two more arches in the middle of these two arches.

April Steps Fell, Weather brought shut-in days. Happy May Day, Too!

Springtime in Texas is mixing up the cold air with the warm moist Gulf air inflow, but it was still, a pretty good month weather, health and...