and if they don't, I'm looking for a new fox hole where I can live life uncharted. The reason why I say that is because June and the first two weeks of July are the hardest time of the year for me. Last year, I made a pledge to myself that I would end the twenty-year mourning for my son, although it has been twenty-two years since his untimely death. With the hospital stays, the surgeries, and everything else, namely the water, the power outages and rolling black outs that lasted for several hours beyond what we were told, I didn't have time to think about how I would approach remembering my son and honor him without the effects of the grief that was the genesis of my heart situation and the stroke that I had just a few months after my sons death.
Since then, I take things one day at a time. Activities are designed as exercise to finish putting health matters back to a somewhat normal routine. However, as Mr. Murphy's Law would have it, I have been rehabilitation nerve damage from the 6-surgeries and having said that, I have been scanned enough that I could become a hologram with little effort. From all the scans, each and every one came back from the biopsy reports as negative. My faith has remained strong through it all. And I give The Lord the Praise.
But, it seems like every time I put out a fire that pops up, another one popes up. My spiritual thoughts on that is that I can't worry about things that I have no control over because worry is interest paid twice. That is why I don't worry over those matters. And when things seem to double up, I put them in order of their priorities and work them down to the last one. It seems to me that here of late, they seem to come back with something new. Never-the-less, I'll get through this. I have noticed already that the heat and humidity does no bother me at all now. Last year at this time and the times before over the past few years, I had to hang it up and come inside. So, I am still learning as an old man about to have his Diamond Birthday.