Showing posts with label El Salvador flag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label El Salvador flag. Show all posts

Friday, April 14, 2017

El Salvador at White Rock Lake

Three great people at White Rock were taking pictures today. They didn't speak much English, but I have always enjoyed talking with people who are learning our language because in addition to having the proper speech of any language, there is also a universal hand language that is like making a discovery. To see their faces light up when they understand what you are saying as well as the fun and respect that goes with understanding them has always been a treasure for me. The barrier of language isn't as wide as we think if you only listen, try learning some basics of most languages and patch quilting the phrases together.

These kids were super, fun and excited to have someone that could show them something about how to get a better picture than just a selfie! Thanks, guys! You were super!And the hand signs that I also checked out are "peach and love \,laPaz amours!".
I am inquisitive. I wanted the story about the white and the black socks.

The wind was gusting 20MPH and the pier was shaking.

He closed his eyes!!

Now, we got them all bright eyed and nearly all smiles. Oh! yeah, he just woke up!

Cannot do any hurkle-durkling or any WCS. I already burned that candle on Wednesday

 What the heck is he talking about? You don't want the long answer because that goes back 200 years where it began as a Scots term. The ...