Showing posts with label Drug Store Chains. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drug Store Chains. Show all posts

Friday, January 21, 2022

Things That I Have Seen and Heard This Past Week and a lesson of Persistence

While the title is accurate, some of the things have been on Media. Not, stepping on anyone's toes, those things were just my interpretation of what I observed or heard in person and observed. 

"Don't be a trendy Wendy"

"Smiley face fan in your hand"

"We got enough rain to wet the dust"

"Saw a lady on TV with a rolled up Yoga mat big enough to carpet a hallway"

And of course, the late John Madden was also a prankster. He would sit in the press box and toss peanuts out the window to the seats below and all the time watching on his monitor, the reaction of the fans that the peanuts fell upon. 

One of his famous quotes was: "The road to easy street goes through the sewer." RIP John!!

On the business side of things: 

DART (Dallas Area Rapid Transit) begins a realignment of bus and train schedules, routes on Monday, January 24. The old route numbers will no longer the served. The new route numbers will need to be relearned as habit. It's going to be a mess. DART is doing their part the first week by offering totally free rides all week. 

I have been paying attention to the hoodies that have been over hung on old bus stop signs with the notice of discontinued service under the old numbers and with the new numbers posted. The problem for me was that unless the bus stopped at one of those signs, you could not see the new numbers always. 

Going on the DART site was some help and some of the old routes had new schedules printed, but not all had the new schedules out on the buses. Sometimes, I had to take new schedule just to look at the map. Hopefully, I will be able to learn what routes I have been riding long before more good weather comes our way. Day before yesterday, I rode my regular bus toward Downtown Garland, getting off several miles before and walking the mile down to the main thoroughfare south of where I was. I needed to walk more anyway to aid my rehabilitation in my one leg. As it turned out, I got a couple of unusual shots and the amazing thing is that I had oftentimes wondered what bus went down the particular street before getting off for the walk mentioned above, and low and behold, I ended up on that bus by mistake. It took me to Parker Road from Far East Dallas to far East Plano and the Parker Road Rail station. That would have been fine had not had the rail service been suspended due to an accident at the tracks. I rode the 350 from Parker Road back to the Addison transit center then back to my rail station via the bus and then after the stop hit the last 8 minutes or so on home. What a day!! LOL .

This spring should be interesting. Since 1983 pretty much more or less, the trees here have buds on them by the first of March. Oh! I'm hoping this year continues the trend more than ever. 1983 was the first time I had a re recurrence of a nerve problem in my leg. Initially, I had fallen down an elevator shaft right out of college. Had not had a problem until after my 5th surgery 18 month's ago. Slowly I am making progress and have even walked short distances without my cane. Still, at my age, I get around as well as most 50 years younger. I'm lucky and blessed in that department.

The past three years I have experienced a delivery problem with FedEx. No one could figure it out as to what had gone wrong. FedEx started an investigation. I have spoke with tons of Customer Service people and executives. Experience many hours of frustration with the IVR ( really its artificial intelligence that can't get its act together.) Since I do not drive (although I could) since my car was totaled a year ago June, I have ordered my prescriptions from my drugstore to be delivered. It got so bad, the drug chain even started having my Rx's filled at their fulfillment center in Chandler, Arizona and shipped to me from there. The problems actually got worse still. The store manager ended up delivering my prescriptions to me personally. 

I got an email that my Rx's were due for refill. I did as instructed by their website and placed my order. I know the routine. So after a couple of hours I go back online to see if the refills had been moved as they usually do. Instead, the order wasn't even showing up. I waited for another day and checked it again. Nothing but I had received an email thanking me for placing the order. Good, I am thinking. Then, I went back on line the third time only to find a message that it takes two hours before the transaction shows up some times and to check back later.. Now, I am into the fourth time checking. The message was still there after a thank you email for filling with them. Now, I know something is wrong so I called the store. After going through the artificial operator and "just so you know" message I was finally transferred to the pharmacy. After 40 seconds of the worse music ever, the phone was answered and then hung up. That was repeated three times. Finally, I got the pharmacy and  she hung up saying she could not help me (she was the original cause of the problem in the first place). I called the store manager, going through the mess once again including the "just so you know" and bad music and the like of such things. I got the new store manager. I had met her once before and she remembered me likewise.She finally got me a tracking number for the order. I checked my bank and the payment had been processed. To be fair, I have eliminated two bouts of conversations much like the ones above  to save time. 

Moving on now to entering the tracking number with FedEx to see the status. It was already showing that the shipping label had already been transmitted to FedEx at the 4 o'clock hour that day. Meanwhile, a day later, nothing. The package had not been picked up by FedEx. Then, when I fill out the online form on FedEx's site to receive SMS text on status, An old email address that I have not used for sometime kept appearing. I had changed that email out several years ago.That meant, that the messages were going elsewhere. Then that problem escalated. 

The final straw was to call a number FedEx had provided last year if the situation became more critical. It had, I did. and got a real live human being who was very nice.Very helpful. She solved the age old problem of more than three years, now, in less than 4 minutes. As of this writing, the package is out for delivery using one of FedEx's 4 different branches----FedEx Ground. Ironically, I knew that FedEx had these 4 cats as I have watched the past 3 years as the Union Pacific Railroad Trains travel through Truckee,California with miles of containers after containers double and single stacked and sometimes close out the super long trains with pigs (shipping semi trailers on a flat bed rail car tandem) where I see the FedEx Greens, Orange, Ground semi's on pigs day after day after day. 

 I have long believed that persistence pays off. Never give up the fight. You will find on this blog's right hand column several noted people who wrote about that very thing from Douglas onward. I learned that at 14 with a very large paper route that took in the entire town. My Dad would help me on Sundays or if the weather was bad, but other than that,
I was on my own. For a 14 year old kid, the money I made at that age was well into the three figures monthly. If someone wanted their paper put between the storm door and the front door you didn't have a problem collecting at the end of the month. If you failed to listen to your customers instructions, it was persistence in motion to collect. That paper bill was due like any other bill. It taught me a lot at an early age and had a reinforcement of that principal earlier with my grandfather who made me pay him the 5-cents for a Hershey Bar at his store. 



  Air traffic for Drones!!

     If Texas Does Succeed From the Union. I vote for this as the new       

New scene on a new traffic signal control box between the sidewalk and curb that cuts down on the glare from the sun on a signal box that looks like a new dime.

Cannot do any hurkle-durkling or any WCS. I already burned that candle on Wednesday

 What the heck is he talking about? You don't want the long answer because that goes back 200 years where it began as a Scots term. The ...