Showing posts with label Convention Center Gets a Go Dart Goes Underground Bullet Train Station Surfaces with Realignment to new Convention Ctr.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Convention Center Gets a Go Dart Goes Underground Bullet Train Station Surfaces with Realignment to new Convention Ctr.. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Good Bye Kay Bailey Hutchison--Hello $2B Convension Center Fast Choo! Choo!

 Well, at the top of the list is that one of the news stations finally made mention  to one of the side bars for council's vote today for the new convention center. The fact that it will be front and center to the new Bullet Train's proposed station is not out there publicly. We ask that question more than once on this blog about the Bullet Train station that no one was willing to fess up to that fact,until today.

With all things good, there is a downer side and that is the mention of the wealth owners of the valuable land (what land in Texas isn't valuable). Those owners are jumping up and down for development of that land, which makes it time to face up to the fact that the driving force has been in that area for a very long. The development for a good twenty years or more was evident when I ask a developer which way would be the path for Dallas' future development? His reply was on the tip of his tongue and rolled off his tongue instantly with "The Trinity".  At that time I was working to secure a grant from one of the corporate world's Fortune 50 for an entertainment district's planning for it's own growth and redevelopment. The grant was obtained. Now, some twenty years later, I can look back on that task from a CEO looking to be ahead of the curve before anyone knew it was on the planning tables with modest pride. True, it was something that I could add to my resumè, but ended up with health issues that forced my retirement earlier than I had planned. It was during that time that I had a sound knowledge of the Metroplex and what was in the works. I took my lifelong hobby and turned it into a full time job on my terms. Hence, the wagon wheel view to covering the Metroplex with photography that had nothing to do with people but every thing to do with business development growth. Some of my images have sold hundreds of times over and over again. In fact, I had a sale today that was one of those 100 club image sales.

So, DART is going to stay underground with a second downtown subway. The question is what will happen to the long tunnel network in Downtown Dallas? Will they be incorporated in DART's plans or not. What? you didn't know about those relics of  another era? The pieces of the puzzle are dropping like lead weights today with only one councilwoman voting against the council vote today.

Now, CEO's and Boards of Distinctions around the world. Dallas needs an 80-95 story tower downtown. We really do. Like in 'The Field of Dreams"  build it and they will come. After all, that's what council is betting on with the new convention center.  



April Steps Fell, Weather brought shut-in days. Happy May Day, Too!

Springtime in Texas is mixing up the cold air with the warm moist Gulf air inflow, but it was still, a pretty good month weather, health and...