the spring weather was just so nice, I was out of the house before 10 AM. It was delightful and there were times when I normally would be walking looking for something unique to shoot,
it was just not meant to be and I found a spot and just enjoyed being outside in a beautiful spring day.But, nothing last forever so it was kind of hard to get my motors going again. Kind of like an old lawn mower where you pull and pull on the cord trying to get the motor to start. Once up, moving became normal again and the projects assigned for the day began to take shape once more.
Most of the times, shooting happens in strings of good and bad, At the end of the day, the best of the lot makes me happy. Sometimes, however, there is that serendipitous moment when something catches you by surprise and you just know that the shot of the day happened. This afternoon was one of those times. While at the train station waiting to head home, there was enough time to make one final walk around the couple of blocks adjacent to the station. Nearly completing the walk, I saw a bluejay fly into a tree. My eyes focused on where he was and with the leaves out, my head was bobbing back and forth looking for him as he moved between the branches. Then, he flew off. Looking at my watch, time was getting close to be back on the platform when I started to make one final look before packing the camera away into my cart, when staring me in the eyes was that serendipitous surprise of the day---an albino red squirrel.
Since I had only bought a midday pass today (which ended at 2:30) my timing was perfect, making the train and then my connecting bus getting me home before having to purchase another pass.