Showing posts with label Albert Einstein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Albert Einstein. Show all posts

Friday, August 7, 2020

Curia Ailments Steven Hawkins and Albert Einstein

Curia, from old Latin:  Coviria, meaning "a gathering of men" (co-, "together" =vir, "man") Any assembly, public or private, could be called a curia. Having explained the context of the first word of the title moving forward comes the word ailments. Now, the meat of the word means pain and suffering. (Coming back to this in a bit.)

Dr. Steven Hawkins, said: "Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet."

"Try to make sense of what you see and about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succed at. It matters that you don't just give up."

It is interesting that both these great minds were both European. 

The LIGO, or Large Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory discovered (captured) the signal on September 14,2015 that confirmed Einstein's prediction of gravity waves in the fabric of space and time. 

 What is interesting in that is that Steven Hawkins never received a Nobel Prize for Science because no one has ever proven his ideals. The thing about that is that Albert Einstein's proof and validation came as resent as 2015. Hawkins, like Einstein, most likely will have many more years, like Einstein, to be elevated in having the world know that he was right about so many things. 

Coming back to the opening paragraph about the meaning of Curia, It is well noted that the largest Curia today is in fact, the Catholic Church at Vatican City. 

After his installation as Pope, Pope Francis, in an interview with the Argentine newspaper LA NACION,  (12/07/2014) said," Together with all Christians, theologians must open their eyes and ears to the signs of the times."

At the International Theological Commission, Pope Francis had also stated, "that they ( all Christians and theologians) must "humbly listen " to what God tells the church by understanding Scripture but also by taking into account how ordinary Catholics live out their faith."

Bringing the two,  'gathering of men'-'man' together, with the universe of theology you begin to see more of what Dr. Hawkins ( who said he didn't believe in God) was implying  that as a scientist he could not prove that their was a God, so he declined to say that there was a God personally. But in doing so, he set the tone that if he wasn't a scientist, which works with only scientific proof, that he would believe in God when he said not to look at your feet but to look at the stars.

"And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succed at. It matters that you don't just give up." Hawkins said. Steven, because he was a scientist was so many light years ahead that he spent his entire life trying to prove in a scientific way, rather than a personal way, that the answer was in the stars and the wonderment of what God had created. That, as a scientist, he must prove rather than state what he knew to be true. It would have been counter to his professional life as a scientist.

That was the ailments of the curia. Theology and Nobel awards.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Albert E

Albert Einstein once said that, " Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." Over the years, it comes to me little by little that the mundane and the magical come together blending a mix to bring balance in life. Of course, looking for that balance is an individual experience to some degree. What might be in balance for me may not always be the balance for anyone else. Yet, the law of physics kind of hold the thought on an equal playing field generally.
The American Coot in a rare display of their water dance of mating feather displays.

One of the more unusual use of textures to make a new home really become an eye catcher.
Beauty in a single flower.

Before I retired, I was fully aware of the power of imagination. After retirement, I began to see more examples of it every day. The more that I recognized it, the more that I came to see that Albert was correct. "Imagination is everything." I'm in my second reading of the book, Einstein. It is a rather slow read and a big book, but that is part of the experience of the read. It gives that imagination a chance to brew while in the read. In other words, it gives you practice if you don't have a strong imagination to begin with but if you have a vivid imagination already, it's like a hundred experiments all going off at the same time. Practice makes perfect my piano teacher would tell me at the conclusion of every weekly lesson. That creative imagination was born and I use it every single day as it flows over into photography.  

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Albert! They Have Proved Your Wave Theory! Congratulations!

Twitter is abuzz! I have seen more tweets with God mentioned in one day than I have ever seen on Twitter! But, the most interesting tweet eclipsed the news conference announcing the discovery of Gravitational Waves 100 years after Albert Einstein  said that they existed. It is an article on The Onion about God saying he was in a pretty bad place when he created the universe.

God admits he was in pretty bad place while creating.  An article published by The Onion. An excellent article, to be sure.

Albert! You Have Always Been My Hero!

It All Started in the wee hours of May 28th when 80 MPH winds was tossing everything against the side of my house.

 Those winds were substained for well over 40 minutes. The results were trees everywhere down or large branches broken off. One of my bus ro...