Showing posts with label Addison Oktoberfest Weekend Pun 27. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Addison Oktoberfest Weekend Pun 27. Show all posts

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Its a nice day and about to get more nice! Pun# 27 is unrelated to that last statement.

 If you haven't figured it out yet, I am doing some changes inside my computer. Some of the things that I say may sound simple. Well, some times they are. Then, there are the times when they sound simple and they are more like meant to draw a response. Got to remember, there are a dozen countries that read this blog daily and it is increasing. So, like I learned a long time ago about retail, never fall in love with your products. That same philosophy also fits to readership. Watching what goes on has always paid big dividends in the form of being a go-to- place to read the other side of the world. Appreciation to my readers in all countries is the goal. Big one, at that. But, you never know until you try. 

Here's the pun for today, folks: Pun # 27. It goes like this:

"A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat."



In down time, I have been working on my weak link: night photography.

Southern Methodist (SMU) University and the parking lot of the Methodist Church in University Park. I love signs like this!
This guy, was so comical. He flagged me down to take this picture. The new dorms on Bush Street across from the Bush Presidential Center are seen over the University Park fence along NCX, more known as Central Expressway US 75 South bound just before Mockingbird Exit. It is across from its new name,  SMU/Mockingbird Station so as to better reflect it's association with SMU. It certainly helps being an ex-president and neighbor within  a 10 mile circle. 


Enjoy the last weekend of astrological summer. Fall arrives Wednesday, officially. Might try to get out to Addison for Oktoberfest at Addison Circle tomorrow. No Guarantees.

April Steps Fell, Weather brought shut-in days. Happy May Day, Too!

Springtime in Texas is mixing up the cold air with the warm moist Gulf air inflow, but it was still, a pretty good month weather, health and...