Tuesday, April 21, 2020

I've Learned From Nature Over The Years.

Talk to a math Ph.D, a physicist, or a modern day John Muir and all three will tell you the same thing: the universe is made of a math equation and from the smallest molecule we know, to the largest expanse of the universe fits together like a puzzle of numbers. We put the puzzle pieces together only to find out that it all is the first piece of a larger puzzle etc.,etc. It's endless!

I have been home-bound for the last two weeks except for one quick trip to the grocer. Today, I was hoping to be able to pick up a Rx at the drugstore today before the storms tomorrow, but it was back ordered so I ventured farther out and decided to make a circle of the lake that opened back up yesterday. I run into a photographer that I chat with at the lake now and then. He once ask me about my route that I'm ruled by when it comes to photography.

Part of capturing a specific shot is knowing what tree a hawk comes to each day. They are more creatures of habit than we are, just barely. In other words, you have to think like the bird. And, I know some are going to laugh, but over time you learn that plants think too. They are much more complicated that just a green leaf on a twig on a tree. I had said to my photographer guy that you have to keep up on what is going on around you and that means every thing from a yellow or orange flag and paint in grass along a street to new construction to what's happening with the city's capital improvement projects. It's like that darn puzzle thing---it just keeps fitting together and gets bigger and bigger. It's rather errie how it works in reality but it does and you got to be in step with it to get the shot.

It allows what it wants to allow, it consumes what it wants to consume and it spits out what it doesn't like. In all fairness, watching it grow is the same as watching a child grow up. Or, that birds habit in motion. If you ever noticed the Wright's Tree Service truck crew trimming branches through out the country, then you know it's like the city getting a manicure. Just like the humans that do. In fact, when I lived in the Great Lakes, Wright's Tree Service was one of the city's biggest contractors. Today, before going out, I went on the Lake Tahoe Web Cam and what's sitting in the parking lot of the Food Shop in downtown Truckee on Donner Pass Road but a Wright's truck crew taking their first break of the day, I suppose. Truckee is two hours behind us in time. Then, when I got to the lake, what did I run into again but a Wright's Tree Service work crew of several trucks.
Peonies Poppy Flower

Lost the seed that I saved from last year.

The new water tower is finished and the old is being disassembled by cutting torches. There are two men in the cage suspended from the crane and one man on the catwalk below.

When I got to the stop sign to go down under the Santa Fe Trail trail head, when I came up on the Filtration Building Guard Shack, the discovery that I made there last year was twice as big, twice a beautiful, twice as large blooms as before, that I gasp in excitement. The whole area was planted in peonies-poppy flowers standing  three feet tall.Two weeks ago I was there looking to see if any had sprouted and were coming up for last year or to see that there was some evidence that the service landscaper had been there and planted for this year to no avail. It is one of those lessons I learned a very long time ago. You have to make a route and stick to it to see the heart beat of what is in that area you have blocked out that fits your Mission Statement ( it's printed in the head banner of this blog).

This was the first blooming when they were just totally radiant! With severe storms tomorrow with hail, damaging winds and heavy rain, they, most likely will be beat down like pulp. They may come back but not like I was able to capture them today. It was a gift to be able to see that beauty in this time when every one seems to be depressed. It seems that people today are more interested in how their body looks, the cloths they wear or the car they drive than the "simple" beauty of such a flower.

When I go to bed tonight, I'll make a prayer for those poor souls and thank God for His Grace that He gives me each day to see the beauty of the earth. 

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