Saturday, December 31, 2016

What A Way To End The Year!!

During the course of the year, I have tried to present some of the fun and unusual things that jump off in North Dallas. Heavens only knows that there is enough bad news channels already. So to present that oddity to make you chuckle or laugh out loud or to say that passionate---AHHHHH! has been a goal of mine.

This year, it seems that yard decorations have gone with a more dangling mode that is made of unusual things. I have passed up many more that were so "complicated" to sort it out would have been not worth the time because while you were making up your mind what it was, the element of  comedy delay that always works, would have passed. But, there were some that just had that little tickler that would make sour lemon drops smile.

Today, while making my last round of the lake for 2016. It was rather mundane of sorts. Even I was a bit surprised how people were kind of not themselves for some reason. So as I headed out for home, I wanted to head out on the highest overview of the lake and downtown. As I turned onto the street that would provide those views, I caught a glimpse out of the corner of my eye that made the turn around and come back for a second look. I cracked up!! If I was having a contest for the most original humor decorations, this would have won thumbs down. See what you think. Everybody have a good and safe New Years and come on back in 2017. I post especially for Y'all.

Suspended  from tree branches, a lantern, table lamps with shades is not your average decoration.

It can't be said that it isn't original!!!

Friday, December 30, 2016

Accomplished A Lot Today

Just A Pretty Duck

Black Ring Bill Gulls Resting

A couple of days to New Years and the past week has seen two record breaking days. One at 81 degrees and one at 83 degrees.
With the tic-toc ticking, somehow, a lot of year-end task were accomplished today; even got in a 45-minute power nap. In the process, many images got listed with a handful of agencies. Every year, I try to go back through my images because for one reason or another, I miss one here and there. My thinking at the time could have been that I didn't want to list that particular image.  Some times it's as simple as whether I can list it as stock or as an editorial only image. Those can be the easy choices---sometimes---and at other times it can be a major debate of mind reasoning. There has even been times that I have prayed over an image here and there. Plus, there are projects to plan for shoots and editorial stuff happening that one needs to stay on top if the event changes. Frankly, with the degree of hate in the world today, I think about those projects with extra special care. Mom called that, "loss prevention with maximum realization".

On our website under the last tab, some of our images portfolios can be viewed via links. But, of course, there are a couple that do not give us that advantage to include every image so that you can check them out. For that reason,  I have exempted those two sites so that images are not listed there unless they are on all the links.In other words, if you can not check it out, then I don't list images on those sites, but will list them on sites that allow us to link our portfolios.

There should be one final post before the New Years. Hopefully, I'll still have time to get it written .  

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Sometimes, Best Waits For The Last Minute

Here it is the end of another year! Where does that time go? Well, from a scientific point of view, it only moves forward so at least we know what direction to look for it each year. There is always a rush to finish projects or start looking for tax information,too. It's also a time to reflect and to make those New Years resolutions. A year in review seems to be the moniker that hangs for this kind of stuff. Although, for me, my annual review is always in July. That's when I sit down and comb through all the services that I use and figure out if I am getting my value out of them. If not, then they are cut or terminated. I've already got a heads up on one for July 2017. AT&T forced me to go to U-Verse and now since they purchased Direct TV, they have figured out that it cost them $17 more per customer to stay on U-Verse and are planning to switch customers  (I call it forced) to Direct TV. So, 2016 hasn't settled in the dust and a dust bowl is on the horizon for 2017 already.

Image Creators have that "forever stamp" in their indexes. Using a picture taken 5-years ago is just as timely as using that same image taken yesterday. There are exceptions, of course, but generally, stock images don't need to be updated as much as some think that they do. When bottom-line economics first appeared as a game-changer, I wasn't all that impressed. Now, today, all I hear is that no one listens to them anymore when they shop and certainly don't listen to them if they have an issue with something from a retailer to a bank to the phone company or even at times--- health care providers.

The big new thing that is really going to be the icing on the cake is all the talk about AI (artificial intelligence). Just  yesterday the police want  Amazon to turn over information from their Echo device in a murder investigation in Arkansas. It appears that even when not in use, the AI is still listening and recording that information. In my own home, why would I ever want something like that?

When I voted this past election, I ask my precinct foreman if my voting machine left a paper trail. He didn't know. But after I voted he came up to me and said, " no it doesn't." I had been observing each time that I voted for a few years that the election volunteer after checking the information inserted a smart drive into the machine before turning it over to me. I had already assumed that he was down loading the last persons vote and that after I left the machine, my vote remained in the machine until the next person voted, repeating what he had done before I used the machine. So when the Donald said that there was a great potential for voter fraud, I was not surprised. Now, this morning, the voter machines that I have been using have been declared not fit for election use because of the fraud issue. Why am I not surprised about that, either?

Yesterday, I started going back through my images from the first of 2016 and reviewing those that I have submitted, those that have been sold, and those that have been used by magazines, newspapers and as still shots on television. That is one class. The second class are those that have a WOW factor. They fulfill my mission statement : "A project to enhance the mind, stir the emotions and  quench a thirsty soul." All the others I begin to delete. According to my camera numbering system, 2016 will be a bit off. As with the images from yesterday, 2016 saw the shutter click shut just shy of 50,000 clicks. That's about one tenth of one percent that end up earmarked as keepers. A good shot can still be good but for submission purposes, someone's arm or elbo in the shot pretty much marks that image for the delete button. It's the old adage: you create the beast, the beast wants fed. In this case, my beast is eating about 50,000 shots a year. As long as I am still having fun doing it, then the beast doesn't get hunger pains. When I have to put the camera down, for me, it's going to be a sad day.

So, in this last week of the year 2016, the unusual appeared. In searching back, my most amazing image came from a pigeon earlier in the year. Both were of animals. I'm thankful for that. Their brains may be smaller than ours, but they have more intelligence than we give them credit and their hearts beat just like our, too.
Layla--a pure white German Shepard from Germany.

Muscle is still Muscle
Dragon Boat on White Rock Lake. One team trains here.The annual race is at Las Colinas in May each year.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Warmest Christmas in Dallas...Ever!

Yesterday, my youngest brother and I had lunch at Twisted Root. If you never have been there, it's a fun place to get a burger for sure. Our order-taker made mention that they actually had buffalo meat in house yesterday. I replied that I really preferred by buffalo in National Parks. For that, our order card was the "Charlie Brown" card. It's kind of like the old Jerry Seinfeld soup Nazi episode in real life. And yes, I mentioned the word potato at Spring Creek BBQ a time or two, also. You never want to do that. Luckily, for me, that kind of  humor is just as much fun as the themed restaurants can be and I like that atmosphere. 

Speaking of atmosphere, the low temperature in Dallas Christmas Eve broke the old low temperature reading by 14 degrees. That low temperature was 69 degrees. But, the surprise came today when the old high temperature for Christmas Day was 78 and at 2:53 P.M at DFW International (the official reporting station and hourly reporting) the temperature hit 80 degrees. That is the highest temperature ever, in Dallas, for a Christmas Day.

It was obvious too!. People were out in numbers riding new bikes, playing with new remote controlled cars. BBQ grills in the parks were all smoking as families spread picnics out on picnic tables. There was a strong and gusty south wind blowing, too! Cormorants were flapping their wings and flying sideways rather than moving forward. Pelicans were making double approaches landing and suburban main streets Christmas decorations were swinging in the wind.

Places in the Sierra Nevada mountains were covered in snow and looked a lot like a Norman Rockwell painting. Watching the snow plows move the mountain- elevation snows while I cooked the turkey this morning was that romantic-type Christmas for sure. Seeing  the White Rock Airforce coming in for a landing in strong gusty winds was also amazing. In fact, just as smooth as a A-380 landing in cross-winds at DFW Nature is so amazing.
White Rock Air Force

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Perseption Is Everything, But ......

Sometimes, images are just waiting to happen. For more than a decade, I have not gone anywhere without my camera riding  next to me on the passenger seat. It's an old trick that I learned from a friend of mine who was an AP photographer for many years. In fact, he was the same guy that would shimmy thirty feet out on an I-beam that was seven-hundred feet up on a job site just to get a shot of  several iron workers eating their lunch on that same I-beam.  Steve was patient (and a bit crazy) for sure.

At this time of year, I make my rounds to include a few cemetery visits of people that I have known and worked with in the past. While doing that yesterday, a rare moment began to unfold right before my eyes. Instinctively, I reached for the camera. While the opportunity presented itself, it did not present itself in ideal conditions but none-the-less, I got the shot through my dirty windshield and being on the wrong side of the truck. All that aside, afterwords, my thinking was---how many people have ever seen the particular setup?  That's what makes it one of those rare shots.
Cemetery Delivery

My question: on-line purchase?

Monday, December 19, 2016

Wait! I'm Not Done With 2016 Yet!

Yes, we have all heard the old adage that, "time waits for no man"; brilliant statement since time always moves forward, but I get the jest of its  meaning. The problem with that also is that I don't always work at most efficient speeds and creating imagery tends to cause me to slow down even more.

The local weathermen had been advertising for nearly a week that the coldest weather of the past two years was about to invade north Texas on Saturday.The past week had already been a roller coaster of temperatures with one day in the 60s and one day in the 30s and so on and so on during the course of the week. But, Saturday was to be the cherry on the banana split, sprinkles on the ice cream, the marsh mellow floating in the hot cocoa. It was going to be in the upper 70s.

The thing about that was also the yippee dippie weatherman advertised a 52 degree drop in temperatures with an immediate shift in winds to the north as the cold front passed. No, it was not going to be one of those frontal passages and the next morning you feel a little chill. This one was going to strike and strike quickly. Within less than a couple of hours of the passage of the front. It did give cause to pause. Might want to think about this before you head out, I though. Take the jacket. Add the scarf. Run the errands before being creative with the camera. It was kind of fun to start to go into blizzard mode again (if you ever lived up north during a severe winter, you know that mode well).

It was amazing to see people in tank tops and shorts and sweating in mid December. Amazing because some of these would no doubt be surprised to be shivering before their chosen activity was over that day. People just do not listen or pay much attention to weather that is negative. They only listen and pay attention to weather that is favorable to their cause. In other words: people only half listen today (have you noticed all the white ear buds growing out of every ones ears?)  Just look at one of them in direct eye contact and just move your lips. The face look you get as they pop one ear bud out of their ear is how cartoon animators got that "look" in some of the best cartoons of the 50s. Sure, ear buds were not even an ideal then, but there were ways to produce that same look of being highly annoyed. There it is---that word that I was looking for. Annoyed. Yes. That is it for sure.

When I am not looking for birds, or trees with that special look of fall, I am usually looking to see what the City Park workers are doing. They do a super job at keeping the lake in amazing shape on a daily basis. Sometimes, they have extended projects that can or cannot turn into something special. But, to ignore them or blow by them like there is a 5-alarm blaze somewhere else is a great disservice to them as individuals, their jobs that go unappreciated with every bottle cap or plastic bottle that I see floating and bobbing in the water, or the crews that keep the grass cut as the seasons progress and the prairie grasses turn golden or wildflowers come up and they mow around the wildflowers. That is not to mention the loss of all the tree limbs from age, disease, rot, storms, wind, or what may come next.

When the city takes down one of those magnificent trees, the stumps get painted red. There is a crew that comes along and drills out those massive stumps into sawdust mulch. Saturday, I had stopped and gotten out of the car to look at a recent drilling. It wasn't that long ago that I had shot that tree because it was one of those top 25 trees with character that grow at the lake. Now, I'm looking at the place where it had stood watch over the north shore of the lake for years older than I am at this writing. What that tree witnessed over the years would be an amazing time capsule of humans on earth, most likely.

Any who, I stopped to talk to a man that walks the lake daily with his dog and holds a like interest in those amazing trees that grow around the lake. In fact, there are more people that hold an interest in the trees there than those that cut themselves off from everything around them but some birds. Don't get me wrong here. I like birds. I'm just not obsessed with them so much as to get somewhat hostile when a family comes along with a bag a bread to feed those birds under the sign that says, "don't feed the birds" and then explains why you should not feed the birds. In a way, to me that is... karma at its finest! I have to chuckle and turn away. Imagine a grown man or woman with a three-thousand dollar camera and glass foiled by a young family, kids and a couple of loaves of bread and sees that family as an invading army. Share the lake, people. Life is to short!

The lake walker and I walked together to one of the new trail benches overlooking the lake and sat down and talked for nearly an hour. I could not help but notice that the sky was filling in with clouds and I also had in mind the ETA of the cold front. Long story short, Us 'ole
The astonishing color

The cold front nears and a 50-degree drop (after the fact) hit within two hours of this shot. 
 72 degrees at 12:53. At 23:53 it was 22-degrees.
The paved trail is to the left. The short cut path has long been here.
tree hugger  parted and went in opposite directions. There was still some time to get some great creations focused onto the mirror before the Polar Vortex struck.  But, time waits for no man.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

The Physics of Seasons

Basically, I enjoy all four seasons and cannot imagine life without them. In other words, I could not live somewhere where the seasons never changed. Admittedly, Texas falls could not be pushed any closer to winter than they are. Our trees are just now dropping the leaves and the colors are mid peak and a little beyond. Winter begins in approximately 9 days--not looking to see the actual day this year for winters official start.

However, fall has always been my most favorite time of the year, followed by spring, then winter. Summer drops to the end of the list because of the heat, because it just does not  behave here like the summers in the Great Lakes, the mountains, or New England. When I say behave, it is fundamentally because of climatology. Every area of the country has there little idiosyncrasy(s)
Halloween Replay

Just an absolute fire-pot of color

A more traditional look for the second week of December, yet it was in the 70s today.
that if you live in that place, you expect, or accept without grumbling. For example, in the Great Lakes, about 60 miles south of the lakes, there is more cloud cover surrounding the areas. It's the moisture from such a large body of water that causes the cloud cover--stratus--if I remember correctly. As the sun gets higher in the sky, the clouds burn off. You see this more readily if you fly a lot. Here in Texas, the Gulf is as big an influence as the Great Lakes. In reverse. On a larger scale. Controlled by prevailing winds from the south, Then, about Dallas, latitude wise, the mixing bowl takes all those factors and mixes them up and then we get  the big hail storms, tornadoes and winter mix of sleet, ice pellets and those fun things.

Today, I was thinking. Spring goes into summer and that is about all you get. But Fall, gives you color, cooler temps, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and then you get winter with Christmas and  New Years, Valentines  kind of all mixed up in one big snow cone. It's like having you cake and eating it, too. It's everything except Spring and Summer. But sometimes, we get a lot of that too! 
Today I was reminded of that fact with some things that presented themselves unexpectedly. See what  you think. And as always, a quick reminder that if you click on one of the images, the total package will enlarge with a thumbnail at the bottom. When the first opens, then click on the little thumbnails and they too, will enlarge.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Finally, A Return To Editorial Stock

It's been a long two months. Why? Because Nikon and Olympus both upgraded their software and it contained the part that I use to submit editorial images to the Live New Feeds. Without it, the editors don't have the time to pick through images. Their submission rules are a little different than just plain stock. For that, you need that software.

A couple of weeks ago, I was able to get through to the Nikon Service Rep. Then, after receiving the upgrade, I had to familiarize myself with the software and then how to export the images from Olympus to the Nikon software. It was a nightmare, but while I was housebound it was a perfect time to be able to figure it all out. After a couple of test runs, it became clear that things were going to be alright.

Long story short, tonight, images are running on the live news feed once again.
As usual, don't forget to click on the image to enlarge all three.
Fresh Honey

He is so good.His laugh is infectious.

Garlic Mike is also amazing!

Thursday, December 8, 2016

A City of 30,000 In The Heart of Dallas

I've known about this place for years and years. Image Creators know about places like this. Yet, while retaining the info in a back-room file in my brain, somehow, I just never got there. Until last week, that is to say. That place is Dallas' Oakland Cemetery.

Since childhood, I have played around and in old cemeteries. They do not frighten me like some. I've always respected them as a place of hallowed ground. Call that religious or call it what you will. To me, respecting the dead is still respect, which I find today is quickly becoming a lost art. Once in a while, I still see someone pull over to the side of the road when a funeral procession passes. Hats come off and all the old guard rules come into play. The younger generations today for the most part have not a clue what I am talking about. Yet, I respect their music, there body art, their piercings, their hair wear and I wonder why is it so lopsided?  There is an answer. That answer is well known. However, today, it has become a movement which started in the 1970s by a woman who's grandparents house I passed almost every day going to work for a number of years. Today, she runs a little magazine. Her most famous speech came in Philadelphia  when she proclaimed from the dais that "We Do Not Need Men" at the National Organization for Women (NOW) annual meeting.

Well, the tides are turning, sort of. Grand kids are talking to their grandparents once again about the wars that they served in as young me. And  yesterday, an article appeared in  a London newspaper that Japanese young men have proclaimed that they do not need women. Funny, because yesterday I had just posted that mom had always taught that everything in life is a trade off. And, she never payed much attention to people who rallied  women to action. Especially, the one behind the dais in Philly. She always told me that she was a traitor to her own sex. And, she was. She grew up around men who were bankers, lawyers, doctors, pharmacist, ball players, powerful men of the cloth and she fit in. I always found that funny because she was so ahead of her time in real time and as a woman. She could close a deal as well as any banker and they all knew it. They didn't tangle with her either. They respected her. So to her the Japanese young men make such a proclamation would have evoked from here that old,"see, I told you so" and I cracked out loud! And the movement is gaining steam. Paybacks can be a b***h.

Yet,  I am for equality in every arena. It's always been more about the person, not the event, nor the cause that ruffled my feathers. Or moms, for that matter. There are some pretty mean women out there today. A couple of years ago a woman wrote a book about power grabbers and those that want to hold the power. There is so much smoke still in the air from running their wheels against the pavement that the real cause that women fight for is obscured by the smoke generated from those bloats.

So while walking the 50 acres at Oakland, I stop to read headstones. These are the "Dead Sea Scrolls" of our past. One can get a meter reading of what it was like in a few short years here and there and when you put it all together, that cemetery is like a history book from the day it opened its first grave right up until it's last burial, which in this case is still going on today.

What struck me so is most of the headstones are 'average' there are a lot of the big 'ole monuments that I am accustom to seeing in places that have old and big and beautiful settings that are unusual, corporate founders and those that help powerful stations in life. Detroit, Chicago, Pittsburg,Louisville, Cincinnati, Toledo has two: Woodland and Forest, that are noted for their cemeteries. One Ohio cemetery has a stone pyramid. And I don't mean a little one. It's massive. I've been inside the private mausoleums of several industrial giants, too. Cars, automotive after markets, Attorneys of Corporations, Board of Directors, Sometimes, the list even surprises me.
Sometimes as guest. Sometimes by invitation.Every thing from 24-crypts to a single crypt in the floor and no wall crypts.
In the cemeteries greatness, they all held remain of Americans Movers and Shakers and a whole lot of  us common folk. These places are headlined in men's names and the women are beside their men, as the should. Cemeteries also practiced  this in burials, the old tradition of "as they stood in marriage". That meaning that there is a proper side for the woman to be buried next to her husband.  As They Stand In Marriage Forget about all the other garbage on the web. This is this most accurate explanation out there.

So, Oakland is overgrown. It is old. There are not any good roads in there. However, if you want to see large old mausoleums like those of industry giants, or names of Dallas' City streets on headstones that actually were people before they were streets, or old architectural statuary that is nearly as old as the cemetery itself, with lichenometry, the age can be determined. Lichens live on air and only attach to trees, stone, or rock formations while it grows.

My first trip was interesting for the history. It was a walk back in time. It forms a closer connection to the people and ways of the past that enable one to grow as they live now and into the future. I will be going back again.
The Capital Element of Architecture

Lichens grow on air, they only attach to a place where they can get that air.

I love the art work of statuary.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Cute, If You Don't Have To Clean Up The Litter.

I love creative people. I love creative things. In fact, it's kind of like my catalytic converter. But, as mom taught me many,many, years ago. Everything in life is a trade-off! You make the mess, you clean it up. That's not being's being responsible. But, in today's world, that word got left in the parking lot on the ground where someone else has to clean it up--generally, over time by mother nature herself.

Several months ago, I started a project that focuses on  issues like this. It started around Earth Day a couple of years ago and got put on the back burner. Kinda. Sorta. May be so. But, it didn't take much time to have the project surface again and I went tearing through the deep plastic drawer where I jot down ideals.( I'm a back of the envelope kind of guy with a more modern approach. Jotting down on the back of an envelope envelope  wasn't enough room, so I pulled the trusty pair of scissors out of the pencil holder and cut along the sides and did a reverse fold to the envelope. Voila! now, I have two complete #10-size envelopes of white space. Perfect! You run out of space, just flip it over and start page two. Problem solved. Sorta. Kinda. May be.)
New signs like this are showing up at more and more weddings on the Rock.

This sign also had a partner with just a green arrow pointing-Two for the price of one! How thoughtful if you are not the one picking them up afterwards.

This lady made my day. Creative Mind at the max with good taste! Now that's a deal at half the price and I bet she even picks up afterwards, too. I like that most of all, especially when it relates to the project that I am working on currently.

The project has now grown and gotten much bigger than I had ever anticipated. In fact, some of it has become environmental posters that are getting a lot of action of late. One of the reasons why the project has grown is because of the material. The second reason is that I do not delete any images. Period. I keep the ones that my be out of focus a bit, a lot, or totally abstract. That's the creative side to me. I can use  anyone of the "Rule of Thirds" nine blocks to make product, clip art, or what ever else can be fitted into the new software that is amazing. Sure, it takes storage but the cloud is cheap. At the moment anyway.

So, with winter coming on (like today. It's cold. I had to turn on the heat for the first time this season yesterday. I was hoping to get another 10 days out of the month. It's a game TXU and I play each month. And for the record, on the energy dashboard, I'm on the left side of the see-saw teeter-totter. That's the side that is  most efficient of like residencies. I'm no where near the pivot point, much less on the right hand side.  Any who, what better time to start pulling out the old notes and organizing into some framework for the project. So, with the cardio plumber and the cardio electrician out of the way for another six to eight months, I won't be sitting behind the laptop all that much, but should we get lucky and have some really nice days, I'll still be able to get my cardio walks in. My test numbers were so good this visit, the doc said that he will cut back on a couple of my meds. I'm crossing my fingers.

Just so I'm not rambling all over the page here, here is some shots to bring home the winning run! Speaking of baseball... I met a woman about my age who has decorated her yard with Christmas ornaments hanging from her trees on string.  It's the most creative job that I've seen yet. She," played baseball in high school and college and still have a pretty good arm," she said. Who needs a Co2 charge to shoot a string up over tree branches with an arm like that! Obviously, she doesn't. She said they guys in the neighborhood affectionately call her, "the ball lady". She has been decorating for the past 18 years like this.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Birds Picnic At The Lake, Too!

These images come about more about knowing where to find them and when they like to eat more than anything else. Like us, they are also creatures of habit.
Don't forget to click on the image to open up the view 
Lunch Is Served.

The dark at the left is a fork in a tree. I shot between the forks. If they don't see you moving around, they are more likely to stay put and let you shoot more. There are a couple of squirrels below that has its attention at the moment.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

More Imagery

A little Yellow

A little Red

Equals a splash of orange for a blue sail boat!

More Color Shots

The past two days have been absolutely delightful. The comfort index when you add the humidity and the dew point together and the number is below 115, then you are in absolute delight territory. Yesterday, the total was 102. I went out yesterday because I thought that I had heard the weather service say rain today, but after checking again, the next two days will be good before the killing wind and cold rain take down a lot of the leaves this weekend.

So, probably, if I feel well enough to get out before my trip to the vampire on Thursday so that the cardio plumber can have his lab reports on time and the cardio electrician can check my battery while there, I just might go looking for some holiday decorations, too. The guys who hang lights have been working for a month or more already in the Park Cities and North Dallas. Personally, I'm happy with TXU telling me that I am 56% more economical than the average home of like characteristics. I have long known that Edison bills are a scam anyway. I carefully watch my useage and compete with TXU for prize money at the end of the month. The prize, a lower electric bill and I keep the money!!  It comes to mind that my billing cycle this December is for 34 days. Five days longer than the past two months. Why on earth do the electric utilities extend their billing cycle in the one month when people with families are trying to live, put food on the table and buy their kids Christmas gifts? It makes no logical sense at all. You cannot even justify that regardless of how you try. It's just plain greed and arrogance. The Public Utilities Commission will generally site with the utility in a case like that.

I recall in the primary elections someone asking me how I would vote this year. Frankly, I let them know that if you are an incumbent, you would not be getting my vote. Then, in early voting, I'm coming out of the polling place and a young candidate walks up to me right at the polling limit that is designed for separation of candidates and voters going into the polling place and says, "Hi, wanna take a picture with me?" I said, "NO". The young candidate then said, "Why not?"  I replied, "Because I don't like you." It must have been the first time that the guy ever got a direct answer to anything because it was obvious that my answer had shook him to the core. Quickly, he regained some equalizing sense long enough to put his foot in his mouth more solid by saying to me, "Don't you like my brown skin?" For him to go there with me was not only a validation of why I didn't like him, but a clear view of where his arrogance and center of perception was focused for me to not like him in the first place. Long ago, my parents taught me that when you make a little incision on the skin, we all look alike inside and the only thing that separates us generally, is what we do with our brains and how we treat our fellow humans and animals. It is really a simple thing to master. Hate is an evil tool and far to many people have used that tool in the past and are using that same tool today.

So, some of you are wondering how I went from comfort zone readings to utility scams to a young political candidate who immediately sees people by race rather than as human beings. It really is not that far off base. Weather comes and goes. It changes when seasons change because of the sun's angle on our planet and holidays are when the scam artist come out. The elections come spring and fall for the most part if some special election does not gets slid into the works along the way. But, all-in-all, we are like an old 8-track that just keeps playing over and over. I've come to realize that there is probably a few more dimensions in the universe than the know about and that a parallel universe is not so far fetched when you stop to really examine nature close up. Photography does that in a way. It allows you to see things, but it also allows you to see things differently in a different light (pardon the pun).

Thinking as I walk sometimes, I wonder how I got so old so fast. It seems like just yesterday that I was sitting in a senior history class in high school when the news started coming in over the PA system in the class rooms without comment about the JFK's death. That was 53 years ago last week.

 I  also remember Neville, the most exciting college professor that I ever had. He had made a career out of doing translations on the works of Shelley. When he went back to his London flat during the summers, he would write to me. He had the most amazing cards that he used. They were copies of actual paintings that hung in his families country estates. I had a collect of them that I cherished. They were lost to a divorce. But, most of all, they taught me, like my parents, about people and that made a very successful life for me. So in my mind when I am out creating imagery, there will be more than one vision going on in my head. Neville's cards, mom and dad, a more youthful me and then I spot an image that for me, will bring all those things together. There has actually been a more subtle change in my work this past year and overall, I am very happy with what has been produced.

Those who follow my work from a artist viewpoint notice. What more can I ever wish for than for someone to admire my imagery and actually "get it". Now, that is a WOW factor. Here are a few more WOW factors from yesterday and the day before.
Don't forget to click on the image to enlarge all three.
What must he be thinking?

Reminds me of a sandy beach along the Grand Strand.

Iraj is a photographer from Houston. I could not resist. We all had a good laugh later.

 There will be more posted yet, today.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Color Peaking Has Started

The colors in North Texas are beginning to peak, finally.

This guy is one of the old bird. He has a large metal band  on, but it's not 92 that comes year after year. This guy has a 4 but could not see the second number.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Serendipitous Finds in Wing Heaven

Many years ago, I met a man who owned an aircraft parts business. I was like a kid in a candy store when I got to walk through the facility. Anything aircraft is just one of those things that sends my nervous system into a WOW mode. Watching balloon's  envelopes being cold inflated does the same thing and when they are cold inflated enough to switch to the hot air being pumped into the envelope from the burners so that they can then stand up-right is where my spine shivering stops and I have to go to work taking pictures.

Old planes, old trains still have that WOW factor for me. While growing up, my dad knew a lot of WOW factor guys and we would go out along a country road or along the fence row of a field where crop duster pilots made there bi-wing planes do amazing things. Talk about guys that had ice running in their blood. When it came to fear and the crop dusters that I grew up watching, those guys were icy  boys.

This past weekend, trying to find the best area where planes going into Love Field put down their landing gears has been a challenge for sometime. Generally, there is about one area on the final where this happens. For Love, it's after they start their turn into their final. I'm getting close, but I'm not totally there yet to get the full sequence of a 737 from door opening to the wing strut gears beginning their fold-down. Of course, most of the 737s don't have doors covering those wheels, but the arms just comedown and lock. The front nose wheel is a double door. Never-the-less, I'm driving to the last place where I got close to getting the image that I need but I went a couple of streets over from where I was before. I pulled over and got my camera out of the bag and was changing lens when I glanced up to see that I wasn't in any one's way when that WOW factor kicked in and chills hit my neck nerve causing me to shiver with excitement. I had accidentally happened onto one of those out-of-the-way places that operate one of  those amazing businesses. After that find, I packed away the camera and headed for the home and barn as a happy camper! My day had been made complete. This is what I found.
Wing Heaven

I bet they know where to get a pair of wings! But the old crop duster that I grew up watching was also yellow.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

A Walk Around The Lake

Sometimes, when super energy power prevails  I undertake the three-hour walk around the lake. It's more enjoyable on the bike but not near as interesting nor do you find the things that you find when you walk. Before someone gets all macho and tries to toss out their ego-building attitude that they can walk the walk in a much shorter time, don't. When you get to be my age, there is more to life than just egos, for one;two, I stop with the camera and sometimes wait for the right light on partly cloudy days and on pure sunshine day, I might wait on a bird, or an animal, or a car, bike, or person crossing my path. And above all--I'm stopping to smell the flowers!!

Thursday, was just such a day when  the entire day was spent at the lake. From early sunrise to late afternoon. That evening when I sat down at the computer to upload the days work to begin editing, there were 291 images in the days work load. That's almost like what I was doing 10-years ago, but which had been cut down to around 50-60 dailies in the past few years after the surgery. It was amazing to see that volumn of work show up again.

Since we live in a love/hate world today, that was kind of  like the theme that I was looking for. The main reason I like White Rock so much is the divergent activity that can be found there. Over the past ten years, the many different things that I have observed there is absolutely astounding for one particular place. That does not include the increase in people traffic or on-lake activities. With wildlife in particular, sometimes, you just have to stop and look and watch and listen. When you do, you find that the wildlife will resume whatever that they were doing before  you appeared on the scene and they stopped to watch and wait and listen to see what you were going to do. It's the old reverse role syndrome, wait and see adage, man vs. animal/animal game or  just the downright fight or flight nervous system at work.

What I found out from the days work was that when I play with the camera's settings that I usually use, some of the shots that I would normally edit out become rather more interesting than others. There are two examples of that here and one that is as old almost as old as the world we live in. Enjoy.


HATE-or-FEAR but disturbing find non-the-less.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

A Change In HTTPS Settings

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Sunday, November 13, 2016

Seven Tower Cranes Says A Lots

Well, you have heard me talk about the massive amounts of construction going on in the Metroplex.  It is something that most places wish that they had going on in their areas. Add the roadwork going on to the building construction and it just freaks me out. I've seen a lot of construction projects. Some I was actually apart of at the time.  But never, have I seen this amount for this long and the signs show no sign of letting up any time in the future.

Today, was the first time that I have been out on my photo circuit for nearly a month, now ( Some of you might have noticed since I have not produced much post writing or picture posting). The reason for that is an old injury that flared up and had me pretty much sitting at the desk catching up on some detail work that had taken a back seat when I was out shooting so much of the time.

Yesterday, I went out for a couple of hours and treated myself to a sit down meal for a change. While driving that short distance, I ran across a Mc Donald's that was in a heap of rubble with a big back hoe still parked at the site. Today, the demolitions continued with a complete office complex  that had been leveled and already cleared off. Then, this afternoon, the next demolition was a major warehouse complex and a motel that were in various stages of rubble. Before the day was out, I had come across another four landmarks that were just totally gone. It was mind-boggling and I am asking myself, what was wrong with the buildings that were there in the first place?

Then, it was like a time warp and I started to see new construction projects and I'm not talking about little ones. A 300-500 villa complex in Las Colinas tucked away off Carpenter Freeway (SR114)  near the old Texas Stadium has already begun. That's when I hit the SR183 Airport Freeway road work that has completely revamped the south end  entrance to Dallas/Ft.Worth International Airport. Keeping in mind also, that the North End was just completed.

On the amusing side, while checking out my favorite train spot, I came across a lady who had run her SUV off the road into a ditch that had the SUV on a 45 degree angle and from the road level,the top of the SUV wasn't showing all that much. The lady already had help and I continued on to check out the trains. On the return, a guy in a bobcat had pulled the lady out of the ditch. There was thick heavy mud as high as the top of the wheels. I really don't want to know how she drove off the road into the ditch in the first place.

It was a perfect day to be out walking with the camera and just doing a bit of street photography which is just pure fun and usually turns up some good submissions in the editorial department. Here are some shots from the afternoon.
Should have gotten a shot while the car was still in the ditch.

This was a great shot from the hill overlooking the old Texas Stadium location.

From the Texas Stadium hill, there are 7-tower cranes working at Love Field. a couple for the parking garage and the rest are for the new training facility at Southwest Airlines Campus adjacent to their Headquarters  and the new Operations Center that was completed not all that long ago.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

A Perfect Fall Day

Sharing a log with the turtles.

Maybe a few berries before a fish dinner.

Hanging out to dry.

This area is called Cormorant Cove for obvious reasons. They are messy birds, however. The Parks Department will power wash the trails several times while they are here on their migration.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Ahead of it's Time

When I captured this image, it didn't have the meaning that it has today.

Much to my surprise, I found an envelope on the back seat of my car that had a 11 x 17 inch image that I had enlarged for framing. It's an abstract and can be used as editorial and it can also be used as a fine art print. It is this image.

I mentioned to a friend and editor that maybe I should go ahead and frame it and sell it as a one-of-a-kind print. She made a few calls and the results have shaken the thoughts that I had about this image. Before anyone gets the ideal to copy it and run with it. DON'T. It's marked and companies that watch the web for images being hijacked from blogs like this even though they are marked as copyrighted, or in my portfolio as intellectual property, the image is identifiable and those that watch for my images know how it is marked.

This image has turned out to be like a bottle of exceptional year wine. It took almost a decade for this image today to catch up with when it was taken and how it is viewed today.

It All Started in the wee hours of May 28th when 80 MPH winds was tossing everything against the side of my house.

 Those winds were substained for well over 40 minutes. The results were trees everywhere down or large branches broken off. One of my bus ro...