Well, this morning, we were able to call the remodeling of the website complete and while we are still sweeping up a bit of dust and picking up a few scraps and leftovers here and there, our main website has been published and is up and running.
We found a bunch of things that really needed revamping where codes had become corrupt by hook, crook or default. We cleaned up the last one of those this morning. Been so busy, the second cup of coffee is still in the coffeepot!
We don't do encryption because when you link to the sites that handle ordering information, they are secure sites already. You can always tell by the little padlock and the http {S} If we sold directly from our site, "yes, by all means we would be encrypted" . We don't ask for your credit card info or your social security or anything like that. That is the main reason for encryption in the first place. The shadowy stuff, we want no part of anyway, so we keep the site open. It is prowled by a company that searches for our images that have been hijacked from our site. If they find one of our images that have not been licensed by us or by our agents, then they will be knocking to collect the license fee. If you use an image that we licensed through our agent or any of the stock houses we use, you already have that license and we know what image we have licensed. So..... subscribing to the the old theory, "keep it simple, stupid" we do!
We sincerely hope that you enjoy reading our blog and our little dry humor here and there. Yes, we will ruffle a feather or two now and then. Look at our latest image on the blog about the Love Birds--Hawk Style and even the hawks feathers were ruffled. Imagine being those hawks and having 100 photographers pointing a camera at you all day. By days end, you would have some ruffled feathers,too, and not just from the wind.
This month has been our best month for readership ever. We are pleased about that. We hope we have made a few smiles, provided you with a look at nature in the Dallas Metroplex as well as keeping up with some new buildings or sights or transportation changes. Since we started our site and reflecting back on old images, many of the things we photographed are not even there anymore. The biggest example is, of course, Texas Stadium, the previous home of the Cowboys. More subtle things have changed such as the relocation of the Union Pacific Big Boy to Frisco from Fair Park and Reunion Arena that was used to house those displaced by Hurricane Katrina. Time moves on and photography captures the past. It makes history visually which stirs emotions both good and bad. It enhances the mind and it quenches the human need and want for more.
So, until next year or the need to revamp the site again. You can revisit the navigation and learn how it can take you to our other sites if you want to expand you viewing pleasures. At the beginning of this year, we have over 3,000 images accessible from our main website. Our image totals per week are running right at 1,000 images. Obviously, not all of them make it to the web .Currently, that's about 0.07 percent after edits for one reason or another. Sometimes, we accidentally shot the ground if our bag hits the sh
346-1F119841 White Egrets |
346-1F119822 Cormorants |
utter button. Yes, that counts in the annual total of 51,078. But we have fun!! That's the main thing when you peers like David Bowie begin to appear in the daily obit columns. Of if you see us out and about and you think we are mad or grumpy or irritating.....perception on your part might be totally wrong. We certainly hope you can find both joy and enjoyment on our site. We do this for you, or readers!